Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1148: But just hit the stone with the pebble!

Chapter 1185 Just hit the stone with the egg!


Bai Tingting is usually widowed, and she doesn’t know how Lou Qianxue is outside. She is a master at cultivation level. Now as soon as she walks out, she can hear all kinds of voices. Her gentle and beautiful face can't help but show a bit of anger. Want disciples to take punishment?"

"No need." Lou Qianxue was used to this situation a long time ago: "They will always know how stupid what they are saying now."

Tantaiyuan's sleeves fluttered slightly, falling down, looking at Lou Qianxue's cold and beautiful face, after all, he did not do anything.

The faces of brothers Shen Xiliang, Xu Taro, An Yuzhi, Li Wen and Li Wu were not pretty, and at the same time, their eyes instantly ignited a raging war!

They always use actions-tell them that their master is the best!

After they arrived and caused a commotion, the crowd's attention was attracted by other places.

"People from the Second Hall, they are here too!"

"In the battle for cultivation points, the first three halls occupy three training rooms by default... No other hall has ever challenged the first three halls. On weekdays, the disciples of the first three halls go directly to the cultivation room to practice... But today, the second hall Disciple, it turned out to be here!"

"I heard that the relationship between the elders of the Second Hall and Lou Qianxue is not trivial. Could it be that the Second Hall intends to press the Ninth Hall? Or is it an early move to help the Ninth Hall solve the Fourth Hall and the Eighth Hall?"

"Tsk! People who look beautiful are good! Even if they are just a vase, there are people who rush to please..."

The appearance of Bai Tingting and the elders and disciples of the Second Hall made other people feel aversion to Lou Qianxue from the bottom of their hearts!

Most people hate this kind of crooked ways and relying on others to show off their power! Besides, they are not optimistic about the Ninth Hall...

The elder of the fourth hall also saw the second elder, his complexion didn't look good for a moment, but he smiled and asked the second elder: "Why is the second elder here too? Isn't the second hall already having a training point?"

The second elder saw through his mind at a glance, and a hint of sarcasm flashed across his eyes: "Don't worry, the Second Hall will not make a move. I just let these little guys come and learn!"

Others may not believe it, but he has understood that Lin Tingfeng's advancement was indeed led by Lou Qianxue. In addition, Lou Qianxue was determined to win the Ninth Hall. He felt ridiculous at the same time, but his heart still couldn't help but raise some points. look forward to……

After all, he regards Lou Qianxue as seriously as the former head of the Ninth Hall!

Maybe she can really do miracles!

Lin Tingfeng’s calmness and tactics in the battle before are also worth learning. Today, he specially brought the second disciple here, hoping to see more things that are not easy to see in ordinary days...

The elder of the fourth hall breathed a sigh of relief: "The second elder is really humble, and the disciple of the second hall is so good, what else needs to be learned from us..."

The elder of the Second Hall ignored him.

The elder of the eighth hall rolled his eyes: "The first three halls do not participate in the battle for cultivation points. The remaining six halls of ours are the strongest in the fourth hall... Fourth elder, it seems that I want to congratulate you in advance."

The elder of the Fourth Hall glanced over Lou Qianxue's sneer, and said with a sneer: "How easy is it! Don't forget the Eighth Elder, some people say that we should make our disciples in the Fourth Hall look good in the battle..."

The elder of the Eighth Hall showed a trace of contempt on his face, and he sneered: "Does the Fourth Elder mean the ninth hall, which is full of rubbish? The weakest hall of the hidden sect...why? I want to deal with you? It's just a pebble hitting the stone!"

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