Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1143: Bai Tingting

Time is passing slowly!

There are not many disciples in the Ninth Hall, except for the newly joined Qiuyang, Lin Tingfeng, and Bai Tingting, who has never shown up, but also Shen Xiliang, Xu Taro, An Yuzhi, and Li Wenli brought by Lou Qianxue from Amaterasu. Brother Wu!

The people of Amaterasu have been practicing with Lou Qianxue for a long time. Lou Qianxue knows them quite well, and when he instructs them to exercise restraint and restrain other disciples, it is extremely easy...

Lin Tingfeng directly gave it to Shen Xiliang for training!

The elder of the Fifth Hall had promised to find the medicine Qiuyang needed to restore his cultivation base within a month. Lou Qianxue only let Qiuyang read the book first...

Suddenly, everyone in the Ninth Hall fell into assiduous cultivation...

Especially the people who came from Amaterasu, who were originally the pride of the heavens, when they arrive here, they have become the bottom, and they are still dragging their feet...

This makes them a little unbearable...

When I start practicing, I work harder...

Lou Qianxue was very pleased to see it.

Naturally, she is the busiest. In addition to instructing everyone to practice, she is also seizing the time to read some of the hidden techniques...

If you want to earn spirit stones and teach public classes, you must talk about the things that the hidden disciples are interested in...

Therefore, she intends to understand and sort out all the techniques of the hidden sect favored by the disciples of the hidden sect, so that there will be a public class...

Time is fleeting...

In two days, blinking past...

"Only the last day left!" The disciples of the Ninth Hall were slightly nervous: "Master said, tomorrow our Ninth Hall must grab a training point...but...our enemies are not easy... "

Lou Qianxue calculated the various plans from the bottom of his heart, and after determining the battle plan, he sought out Qiuyang.

"You go to Bai Tingting's place and ask her if she will participate in the battle for cultivation sites tomorrow."

Most of her plans are based on knowing the strong in the temples, and specifically find the weaknesses of their exercises for the people of Amaterasu to practice...

After all, there are only three days. Apart from this method, there is no other way to defeat more powerful opponents in a short time...


If you don't need any tactics, it's not impossible to win with absolute power!

Now, in the Ninth Hall, Shen Xiliang and Lin Tingfeng are all numbered people. Even in the entire Yin Sect, there are not a few people who can suppress them...

The battle for cultivation points requires three people.

If there is another person with extremely high cultivation talent and cultivation base, the winning rate will also increase...

Coincidentally, in the Ninth Hall, there really is a person with a very good cultivation talent and cultivation base!

It is Bai Tingting who has never shown up!

"Senior Sister Bai Tingting is the granddaughter of the sect master. She was very talented since she was a child. The sect master taught herself... But I don't know when she started, her body is getting worse and worse. Although her cultivation is growing fast, her body is not good... ...So I became an ice beauty..."

Among the hidden sects, all sighed at the fate of this senior.

Lou Qianxue had heard of it, and she had doubts in her heart, but before seeing Bai Tingting, it was useless to say anything!

Qiu Yang also knew about Lin Tingfeng's improvement in cultivation, he had a lot of confidence in Lou Qianxue inexplicably!

Coupled with the fact that his meridians cannot be practiced even now, he is very rigorously carrying out the task assigned to him by Lou Qianxue!


He went to the courtyard where the hidden sect master and Bai Tingting's family lived, and after reporting the name and reason, the servants of the Bai family looked embarrassed: "I can't wait for this matter to be the master, Lord Qiuyang should see my lady in person!"

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