Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1117: Old things.

Lou Qianxue nodded without dispensation: "Okay."

Anyway, we must choose three disciples.

Since none of these people are pleasing to the eye, it doesn't matter who it is.

"it is good!"

Sect Master Yin smiled slightly: "That person is not here now, but don't worry, her talent and cultivation are very good, the only bad thing..."

There was a trace of worry across his face, and his voice fell a bit low: "The only bad thing is that she is a little weak and may not be able to practice for too long every day."


Before Lou Qianxue could react, there was a gasping sound in the room!

"The cultivation base is very talented, but the body is weak? Not even present now... Could it be that Sect Master said that Senior Sister Bai Tingting?

Everyone's complexion changed suddenly, and they cried out in incredible exclamation.

"Sister Bai Tingting? No way!!!"

"That's the granddaughter of the lord!"

"Sect Master believed this Lou Qianxue so much? Even his own granddaughter was sent to Lou Qianxue's gate!"

"Senior Sister Bai Tingting's talent and cultivation level are more than good? Well, obviously, few people can match it!"


The elders of the other halls reacted, and their faces couldn't help changing slightly, revealing a look of consternation.

"It's okay, I have decided. Tingting's child has not many friends since childhood. I think Jiuyatou is good, and they are similar in age. It is very suitable for Jiuyato to teach her to practice."

Sect Master Yinzong said so, and everyone's faces were suddenly enlightened.

"Oh... So the lord is looking for playmates for Senior Sister Tingting!"

"In this way, Lou Qianxue is indeed suitable. Both of them are very beautiful and look a bit cold. Standing together should be very seductive."

"But...Senior Sister Tingting was the first beauty of the Yinzong before, now Fairy Jingyue and Lou Qianxue are here, and she may not be able to keep her position as the first beauty."

Lou Qianxue was interested.

This is the first time she has accepted female disciples!

Everyone likes beautiful things, and she is no exception. After confirming that the third disciple will not disgust her, she nodded: "Okay, thank you Sect Master."

In the end, there were five people who were not selected, and finally entered the eighth hall to practice as usual.

in this way.

The selection of disciples in each hall came to an end.

"In three months, the disciples who are new to the Yin Sect will participate in a selection meeting for distinguished disciples. I hope you can practice with the elders of the temples when you go back. You will shine in the selection meeting three months later."

After the Sect Master Yin made a brief concluding remark, he let the disciples of the temple go down to practice.

Lou Qianxue sat firmly in the position of the elder of the Ninth Hall, and did not move.

After a while, the elder of the Second Hall came and said: "Qianxue, I will take you to the Ninth Hall."

Lou Qianxue nodded.

Everyone in Amaterasu, Qiuyang and Lin Tingfeng, who were newly harvested by Lou Qianxue, stayed in the martial arts ground to practice. Only Tantaiyuan and Lou Qianxue went to the Ninth Hall.

"Why has the elder of the Ninth Hall been vacant for so long?" Lou Qianxue was a little curious: "With the power of the hidden sect, it is not difficult to select an elder."

At the very least, if you have a romantic cultivation base, you are qualified to be an elder.


A complex color flashed across the face of the elder of the Second Hall, and he sighed: "The Ninth Hall...The situation in the hidden sect is somewhat subtle. Speaking of which, those new disciples who are not willing to worship into the Ninth Hall may I don’t trust you, but those old disciples don’t want to, but it’s because of some old things."

"What's the old thing?" Lou Qianxue asked.

"Never mind." The elder of the Second Hall looked melancholy, and slowly said: "Since you have succeeded the elder of the Ninth Hall, you should know this."

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