Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1113: Pick disciples

Lou Qianxue joined the sect for the first time, and inexplicably felt that the hidden sect looked different from the sect she had imagined.

She was directly placed in the position of the elder of the Ninth Hall, and at the same time, Sect Master Yinzong specifically confessed that she added a chair next to her and let Tantaiyuan sit.

They are on the high platform, below the high platform, countless old and new hidden disciples, are paying attention to every move on the high platform.

The moment he saw Lou Qianxue and Tantaiyuan, there was a commotion in the crowd.

But soon the commotion subsided again.

After seeing Tan Taiyuan being arranged next to Lou Qianxue, a clear look faintly flashed across everyone's eyes.

"So it's like this..."

"No wonder the elder of the Second Hall invited Lou Qianxue to the Yinzong as the elder!"

"Actually, the elder of the Second Hall was fancying that frosty man, right?"

"It's just that man, who is too indifferent and cold, so he saves the country and invites Lou Qianxue. As long as Lou Qianxue is in the hidden sect, the man will come to the hidden sect... Even if Lou Qianxue doesn't understand anything, there is that man. , Yinzong is not a loss-making business."

Many people think that they are.


Everyone looked at Tantaiyuan's handsome and beautiful Wuzhu, with a frosty expression: "This person is afraid that he won't be able to teach others to practice..."

The old disciple rejoiced in his heart: "Fortunately, I entered the sect earlier, otherwise it would be miserable if Lou Qianxue was chosen by Lou Qianxue and worshipped under her door!"

And the new disciple who passed the assessment was even more nervous, a little frightened: "It's really unlucky, I encountered this kind of thing... I hope Lou Qianxue will not choose me..."

"..." Lou Qianxue was strong in spirit, and naturally received all movements in his ears.

Her red lips twitched slightly and a helpless smile appeared.

Why do many people disregard her every time...

She looks like she is so unreliable?

Or, she is so good-looking that everyone thinks she is a vase?

Soon, the hidden sect lord made a speech, specially introducing Lou Qianxue to the hidden sect.

Then he said something about welcoming Lou Qianxue and welcoming new disciples, and let the nine elders of Yinzong select disciples.

Elder Yinzong, the first hall elder has the highest cultivation level, and the eighth hall elder has the lowest cultivation level. Lou Qianxue, the ninth hall elder, theoretically has a lower cultivation level than the eighth hall elder, so the selection of disciples is also from the first hall Start.

Many disciples who are new to beginners have been favored by the elders during the assessment.

For example, Aman, who was the first in the assessment, had long been favored by the suzerain and directly accepted as an inner disciple.

The second place Fairy Jingyue was also appointed by the elder of the first hall.

The third Master Meng was appointed by the elder of the second hall. The elder of the second hall read the name of Master Meng, but found that Master Meng was not there. Someone whispered the previous thing in his ear, and his face sank instantly.

Lou Qianxue was invited by him, but Master Meng humiliated Lou Qianxue that way...

He turned to the image of Gongzi Meng abruptly, instead of looking for Gongzi Meng, he passed over him directly and clicked the names of other people.


The third hall, the fourth hall, the fifth hall...

All the elders have chosen disciples.

When the elder of the Eighth Hall, he snorted coldly, looked at Lou Qianxue beside him, and said coldly: "By this time in previous years, all the disciples who were not selected by the elders of the Seventh Hall will join our Eighth Hall. How about it?"


As soon as he finished speaking, Sect Master Yin frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Old Eighth, there is a Ninth Hall this year. You will pull all the disciples into the Eighth Hall, I'm afraid there is something wrong."

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