Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1109: The first three assessments.

There was a commotion in the crowd, and the scene fell silent.

Many people looked up at the sky, and Lou Qianxue and others also looked at the sky.

I saw a well-dressed young man standing on top of a falcon, slowly flying towards here.

"It's Master Meng! Master Meng in the top three assessments!"

"I really envy him. I heard that he performed extremely well in the assessment, and the elder of the Second Hall specified him on the spot!"

"I envy him."

In the Nine Halls of the Yinzong, the master's cultivation base, from high to low.

The second hall elder is the most powerful person besides the first hall elder and suzerain, that is, the third master of the hidden sect!

The people who spoke were all people from Crescent City living on the edge of the valley. They were the guardians of the outermost gate of the Yinzong. The Yinzong was the holy land in their hearts. They were very envious of the disciples who could enter the Yinzong.

Everyone was talking...



A light wind bell came from far and near, and from far away in the sky.

"It's Baihe!"

Standing on the white crane was a green woman with a bell ring on her feet, and her face was beautiful. Although she was not as good as Qianxue upstairs, she was also a great country.

She has a soft and compassionate expression, and a quiet breath lingers all over her body.

"Fairy Jingyue of Linxian City, she was the second in the assessment. I heard that the elder of the fourth hall wanted to appoint her internally, but was finally robbed by the elder of the first hall!"

"We can't even get in, she was scrambled, it's really amazing!"

Later, a few more young people who shined in the assessment came, and the crowd may have been surprised by the first two, but gradually calmed down.

The crowd began to flow again.

Lou Qianxue and his group have good looks and extraordinary temperament, attracting many people's attention.

"Who are they?"

"I don't remember there were so many people in the assessment..."

Lou Qianxue and his group consisted of a total of seven people, all of them young people. They were born and walked straight along the Baiyu Arch Bridge into the hidden sect... How do they look like people watching the excitement?

In the eyes of everyone with uncertainty, Lou Qianxue and others walked to the water island, in front of the gate of the Yinzong, just like the people who had arrived before, standing still and waiting for the door of the Yinzong to open.

Lou Qianxue is beautiful and cold, Tantaiyuan is handsome and has no cast, and she seems to have no emotions, and her noble temperament is like an immortal.

Shen Xiliang is secretive, An Yuzhi is as gentle as jade, Xu Taro is calm, and Li Wen and Li Wu are handsome and similar...

They are the focal point wherever they go!

Even Master Meng and Fairy Jingyue who stood at the front of the gate couldn't help but glance at them, and then moved away quickly.

Time passed slowly.

After a while...


The water surface next to the arch bridge suddenly blew up into the sky!

Everyone exclaimed in exclamation.

Lou Qianxue's spirit of knowing the sea jumped quickly, spreading towards the water...

Soon, I found a man running wildly on the water.

The man is burly, with a carved face and muscular body. At first glance, he looks like a giant.

He was extremely fast, but in the blink of an eye, he stepped on the surface of the water and flew over the island!


When he landed, he made a very loud sound, and even the ground trembled slightly.

"The strength is great!" Lou Qianxue's beautiful eyes flashed a strange light: "It's a bit like the legendary giants."

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The burly man walked towards the door like a **** of war, with a killing spirit.

There was silence in the room, and everyone gave way to wherever the man went, all looking at him in awe.

at last!

He stopped at the door.

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