Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1092: Dig her corner?

"!!!" Everyone opened their eyes in disbelief!

real or fake?

Are they dreaming?

That is the heart of a **** **** that everyone rushes to grab!

Not just a flower or a piece of grass, this man...

I even gave it away! ! !

"Is his head broken?"

"Is this crazy? Or... he has been fascinated by the beauty of that woman?" Everyone looked at the handsome, cold, and honorable man with incredible faces!

Lou Qianxue took a look and said, "This is the heart of Shenmu? It's pretty."


The eyes of everyone were greedy, longing, and possessive staring at the green heart in Lou Qianxue's hand.

Countless restlessness passed from the bottom of their hearts!

That man is very powerful, the heart of the **** tree is in his hands, they can do nothing...

But now!

The heart of Shenmu reached the hands of a woman who had no cultivation base!

Everyone is a little bit ready to move!

Isn't it easy to grab something from a woman who has no cultivation base?


Everyone's jealous eyes moved back to Tantaiyuan again.

With this man, they can't do it easily, they have to find a good time!

Coming from outside the territory, the extremely powerful princess Bi flashed in her mind, and suddenly she had another idea!

She narrowed her eyes slightly, her expression was arrogant and cold, and she walked towards Lou Qianxue and Tantaiyuan proudly.

Her previously revealed skill made everyone retreat to make way for her.

She stood beside Lou Qianxue and Tantaiyuan, staring at the flawless profile of Tantaiyuan, completely not paying attention to Lou Qianxue.

People like Lou Qianxue don't deserve her to remember!

The more she looked at Tan Taiyuan's cold and cold profile, the more satisfied she was in her heart, and she couldn't help but nodded slightly, saying: "You are not a tree spirit, and I am your master. It is indeed inappropriate."

Just as she ignored Lou Qianxue, Tan Taiyuan completely ignored her.

It's been a long time since he hasn't seen the little thing. He is itchy and unpleasant that everyone is present. If there is no one in private at this time, he can put the little thing in his arms and have a good love...

The ruthless and ruthless Tantai clan, who seem to have no human emotions, are just because they are too ruthless, so the only and all the emotions will be poured into the companion!

Once that kind of feeling aging and breaking out, it will be thrilling, so extreme that many people cannot bear it!

Princess Bi wrinkled her brows slightly, and a trace of displeasure flashed across her face, but after thinking about it, this man was so powerful and qualified to be proud, so she endured it, and said: "However, if you can't be your master, I can do it. Your woman."

Between her eyebrows and eyes, with the pride of contemplating the world, after passing Lou Qianxue with disdain, she said to Tantaiyuan in a charity-like tone: "Although I am not as beautiful as her, but regardless of identity, cultivation, and talent , I still have contacts and status, I am far from her! What I can give you, she can't give you! You want her to be a maid, a concubine, I don’t care, but as your main room, I hope to win your respect! For example...for such a precious thing as the Heart of Shenmu, she is a cheap maid, no blessing, you should give it to me!"


There was instant silence in the room!

Lou Qianxue frowned for a moment, and then stretched out again, but her beautiful eyes looked at Princess Bi with unspeakable anger...

Is this woman digging her corner?

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