Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1058: how can that be?

Jialan Country House.

Shiting in.

When the monarch Amaterasu, Ethereal Queen, Sixiang Monarch, Nandu Monarch and Qiandao Monarch came, Monarch Jialan was already sitting in the pavilion. ,

Sitting on his right hand side was inexplicably proud, but proudly joking at their sunset monarch.

The reunification of the Seven Kingdoms is a foregone conclusion. He first took refuge in Monarch Jialan, striving to live more comfortably than these rebels in the future.

"Are you here? Sit down!"

Monarch Jialan was uncharacteristically, and said kindly: "I don't know my previous proposal, how have you considered it?"

Amaterasu Yinghuang's face was cold and calm.

The Ethereal Queen glanced at him, her lips pursed.

The other monarchs also looked at each other. After a while, the monarch of the four elephants said: "The customs of the seven countries are different, and the geographical differences are extremely different. Even the reunification of the seven countries is a long process-at least, it is not suitable now. "

Monarch Jialan's eyes suddenly sank: "So, do you refuse?"

The monarch of the four elephants is silent.

"How about you?"

Monarch Jialan's threatening eyes fell on the ethereal queen.

The Ethereal Queen gave a cold voice, her beautiful eyes looked at him with a smile but a smile: "Some people don't want the reunification of the Seven Kingdoms, and I can't refuse that person's idea!"



It belongs to the tyrannical cultivation base of the mid-term Wujun, carrying domineering coercion, spreading around like a tide...

"!!!" Everyone gasped.

Monarch Jialan stays in place!

The sunset monarch opened his eyes in astonishment, and suddenly thought he was dreaming?

Other monarchs except Amaterasu Eagle also reacted after a moment of shock: "! The Ethereal Queen has become the mid-term Martial Lord! It is already able to compete with Monarch Jialan!"

And they are just the beginning of Wu Jun...


Since they themselves, and the Ethereal Queen have been found by the master...

Does that mean the same is true for all monarchs in the field?

The Sixiang monarch who had refused before, stamped the soles of his feet, the breath that belonged to the early stage of Wujun, quietly diffused!

next moment!




Except the Tianzhao Yinghuang, the other monarchs who were promoted by Lou Qianxue have shown their martial arts realm!

"!!!" Monarch Jialan's pupils suddenly shrank, and his eyes widened in disbelief. Suddenly, he thought he was dreaming!

"How is it possible?" The sunset army murmured in shock.

"Aren't they all in the Celestial Martial Realm? How come one afternoon... all of them became Martial Lords?"

"This must be fake!"

"I don't believe it! I don't believe it!!!"

In the past many years, among the Seven Kingdoms, there are only a handful of masters in the Heavenly Martial Realm!

Because of the boom in martial arts in recent years, there have been more masters in the Heavenly Martial Realm of various countries!

However, even so, there are only more masters in the Heavenly Martial Realm.

There are almost no masters above the Heavenly Martial Realm!

There are only one or two in the Jialan Kingdom, with the highest cultivation base, that is, the mid-term Wujun of the Jialan Kingdom!

From Heavenly Martial Realm to Martial Lord-an extremely difficult hurdle!

The monarchs of the other six kingdoms have not been promoted to Jun Wu after many years!

Monarch Jialan knew this very well!

It was also because he knew that the other six monarchs were incapable of resisting and rejecting him, so he dared to brazenly not negotiate with any monarch, and unilaterally put forward the idea of ​​unifying the seven nations!

I didn't expect it! ! ! !

He just proposed this idea, less than an afternoon...

These monarchs who had not been promoted in their cultivation bases for several years, all of them were like the balloons that were blown up, their cultivation bases inflated rapidly...

In the blink of an eye, they all became Wujun!

how can that be?

How did it do it?

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