Strongest Eccentric Consort

Chapter 1056: Bless Amaterasu!

When working on the King Eagle, Lou Qianxue made every move, especially hard!

Different from other monarchs!

Before overdrawing the potential of the King Eagle, Lou Qianxue used golden needles to **** acupuncture points to restore other hidden wounds on the King Eagle, protecting his meridians and various parts of his body...

After doing a lot of preparations, I took a deep breath: "Foster father, I am about to start, it may be a little itchy, so bear with it."

"it is good!"

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

A series of golden needles flew to Zilou Qianxue's fingertips to form out of thin air, slammed at the Eagle Emperor, and pierced into the Eagle Emperor with incomparable accuracy to learn!

The golden needle formed by the artistic conception has pure power and is in harmony with Lou Qianxue. Even if Lou Qianxue closes his eyes, he can accurately find the acupuncture points!

As the golden needle entered the acupuncture point, King Eagle's body shook suddenly!

Lou Qianxue moved his finger slightly, and pierced the golden needle that he got in school, shaking quickly with a strange frequency...

Time goes slowly...

After half an hour!


In the Eagle Emperor's body, it was as if the shackles were broken!

A violent roar suddenly sounded!

The big beads of sweat dripped from the emperor's forehead, and the tyrannical aura gradually spread from the emperor's body!

In the early days of Wujun...

In the middle of Wujun...

The late Wujun...

Wujun peak!

boom! boom!

The bones in the eagle emperor's body also made various sounds, as if all the muscles were rearranged and combined...

The Eagle King suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes radiant!

He has the illusion of being full of power!

He couldn't wait to roar immediately, vent the excitement in his heart and the surging power in his body!

However, his temperament was tough, thinking about the situation at this time, he endured it again!

The golden needles melted away at a speed visible to the naked eye. Lou Qianxue touched the sweat on his forehead and breathed a sigh of relief: "You have reached the peak of Wujun! The potential of the foster father is really not to be underestimated!"

Monarch Jialan, previously used the mid-term cultivation of Jun Wu to shock the other six nations!

And now!

But more than an hour!

Lou Qianxue ‘made’ five martial masters!

Among them, there is even a mid-term Martial Lord, and a peak Martial Lord!

The Eagle Emperor at the peak of Jun Wu can already crush Monarch Jialan with his bare hands!

"I didn't expect my potential to be so good."

Lou Qianxue nodded: "Such a good potential should not be wasted, foster father, rest assured, I will help you find the elixir to restore the potential!"

"Okay!" Yinghuang smiled and said, "In the future, the foster father will rely on Qianxue for you!"

After speaking, he noticed a fine sweat stain on Lou Qianxue's forehead, and couldn't help but say: "Improve the cultivation base for five people. You are also tired, go and rest first!"

Lou Qianxue nodded and left.

Another hour passed.

The ethereal queen, who was more delicate and gorgeous than usual, walked into the place where the Eagle Emperor lived: "I don't know the Eagle Emperor, have you changed your mind?"

The King Eagle raised his eyebrows: "Naturally not, has the queen changed it?"

"It's really changed-I will never surrender to Jialan Country-Eagle King, how about we discuss it?"


"You, being my imperial husband, I will promise you to protect the Amaterasu Dynasty from the covetedness of the Jialan Kingdom. What do you think?"

"..." The Eagle Emperor's expression was slightly stagnant.

After slowing down, he looked at the Ethereal Queen with a weird expression: "You? Protect Amaterasu Dynasty?"

The Ethereal Queen lifted her chin slightly, and a triumphant smile appeared on her face: "That's right-you can tell, King Eagle, I am no longer the same I used to be! I am now the same as King Jialan-Wu Jun mid-term master!!!"

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