"Cole ·Walker?"

The tall young man is very thin, with prominent cheekbones and deep sunken eye sockets.

Cole holding the wine glass, said, "It's me."

The two looked at each other, and the tall young man extended the hand said, "Ron, Ron Carver, he is me. My younger brother Kane."

Kane, who is shorter, has a decayed face, chapped lips, and the distinctive dark circles seem to say that he hasn't had a good night's sleep for many days.

"It’s not convenient to talk to another place."

Cole thought they were youngsters who were finding fault with the Finley family, but seeing the Carver brother’s face of kidney deficiency, it might be Because of other things.

Follow the two to the stairwell.

Ron took out a box of Red Lion cigarettes, handed over one, browse tightly frowns, lighted the cigarette with a match, and said, "I heard you are a psychic."

"Say something straight."

Kane rubbed his face vigorously and said, "Walker, you know the rules of the Demon Hunting squad, we are not allowed to take private work, but..."

Ron took a sip of his cigarette, and his brows suddenly wrinkled deeper.

"We need money to treat little Ethan, so we received a private commission through an intermediary a week ago to solve the devil that entangled Li Ang, a businessman in Winterberg.

But we Underestimated its level, not only the Merrills family, we are also entangled by it."

Cole held a cigarette in his hand, indifferently said, "Why didn't this kind of thing let him go through official channels? Apply to the Demon Hunter for assistance?"

Kane looked embarrassed and said with a smile, "Mr. Merrills has some strange hobbies. He bought it by chance from an antique dealer five years ago. A strange ancient book, and then..."

Cole took a puff of cigarette.

Said for a moment of silence, "Then he was overwhelmed with curiosity and read the words and incantion that shouldn't be read, and got into trouble."

Crush the smoke out and throw it down the stairs. In the trash can, turned and walked towards the hall.

Ron hurriedly stopped on the road and said, "Mr. Merrills is willing to pay two thousand pounds for this! Do you really not think about it?" The expression said, "I am not short of money. You can find someone else to settle this matter."

"But Mr. Merrills still has three children!"

"Go and hunt Let's talk about the magic group."

In this World.

Ordinary person’s private collection of banned book cults, according to the law, will not only be sentenced to at least three years’ imprisonment, but three generations of direct descendants are not allowed to enter state power departments and hunting squads.

It's not hard to imagine.

Why the big businessman would rather pay a huge remuneration of two thousand pounds than daring to poke the matter to the official demon hunting group.

Accepting this kind of unclean private work, it is very likely that the money did not get, but the life was taken in.

Even if it is successfully completed in the end, it will leave others with a handle.

Cole rejected them. In addition to these reasons and his lack of money at all, there is another intriguing thing.

How did they know that they would come to Celia · Finley's wedding?

If there is no other intention, the Carver brother is absolutely impossible to find him.

Think of this.

Cole couldn't help taking a different look at the way the Finley family dealt with him.

If he fails to agree, he will surely be grasped by them without accident.

His heart is sinister.

Go to the corner of the hall, leaning on the windowsill, bowing his head, and lighting a cigarette.

Then I saw an old gentleman with a straight face, holding a wine glass, and walking in front of him.

"Mr. Cole Walker."

Cole held a cigarette in his hand, with smoke in his mouth and nose, and looked up at the person. Indifferently said, "Chaz·Morgan Director, what kind of wind Bring you to me?"

"The old Barber was full of praise for your handling of the Saint Williams vampire incident at the regular meeting this morning."


The old gentleman took off his leather gloves and said with a smile, "I have no intentions, Mr. Cole, I have a niece who joined the Intelligence Analysis Department last year, but she has always hated the office Work here.

Black Snake Battallion was established not long ago, so I want her to go to your place."

"My team does not need to be burdensome."

Maybe it's asking for someone.

This time, Chaz Morgan did not change his face because of Cole's unkind attitude. Instead, he generously said with a smile, "Vera was taught by me. You can rest assured of this."

Cole smokes and frowns, thinks about it for a while and says, "Let her go to the office to find me at three in the afternoon."

"I will tell her."

Two There was a weird silence in the world, and Chaz took a deep breath and said, "Forgive me for not being with me."

After smoking the second cigarette.

The protagonist of the wedding finally appeared on the red carpet in the living room.

Celia, who wears a wedding dress, red light across the whole face, and a groom who has an upset face, just jumps up and scolds his mother.

Traditional wedding celebrations are organized one after another under the auspices of the emcee.

Cole was standing at the back of the crowd with a wine glass.

When the newcomers on the stage exchange rings with each other, a middle-aged man who is well dressed and looks similar to Celia has several points of walks to the side.

"How did you consider my proposal?"

The eyes of both of them fell on the stage.

Cole holding a goblet, indifferently said, "I don't like being threatened."

"This is not a threat, it is a joint, Mr. Walker.

Join me, you can go to a higher position in the hunting group, not a normal action Captain.

And Celia's distant cousin is very beautiful and likes you very much."

"Should I refuse?"

Janssen · Finley.

Head of the Equipment Support Division of the Logistic Support Group of the Demon Hunter, father of Celia.

A handsome man with a gentleman's beard, flowers in his jacket pockets, and a good-looking man with a straight suit.

He turned his head and glanced at Cole, gently said with a smile, "Even if Celia and Trev want you to die, you shouldn’t let them lose their job in the Demon Hunter and be imprisoned by the trial court. "

At this time, the wedding ceremony is over.

He put down the wine glass, walked out of the hall with many friends, sent off Celia and her husband, and completed the first trip after the wedding.

Cole stood there, lit a cigarette in the weird eyes of the guests, took a deep breath, then put his hands in his coat pockets and walked out.

In other words.

Is his life not as valuable as the future of Celia and Trev?

tsk tsk, things are getting more and more interesting.

Perhaps in old Finley's decadent thoughts.

The bureaucrats of the Demon Hunter have power in their hands and can freely manipulate Captain like him within the framework of the rules.

Unfortunately, he forgot that there is more than one bureaucrat with real power in the Demon Hunter.


Being in a high position for too long has caused him to ignore the essence of demon-hunter.

Strong personal strength.

It's like a magnet.

All power and wealth will always unconsciously flow to the more powerful individuals.

Just like Chaz Morgan, a permanent member of the Intelligence Unit Surveillance Committee, who is also in a high position, will also be forced to put down his position and negotiate with Cole because of his love for his niece and worry about her safety.

At the grassroots level of the hunting group.

Captain's strength and experience are the guarantee of all safety and efficiency.

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