Ed said with his arms akimbo, "Cole, didn't you just say that there are no other methods?"

"Have I said that?"


The Warrens looked at each other.

"For God's sake, you wouldn't really want to blow Caroline's head with a shot?"

Cole has a cigarette butt in his mouth, frowns uses his hands Hold down the dishonest Caroline, and say, "I am a demon-hunter, Ed, not a pastor who believes in God in the church.

To be honest, when I saw her almost stabbed that with scissors The youngest girl, her name is Apple, right? I almost failed to control my hand, Roger, you seem to be holding something and preparing something. Ed and I can just watch it here.

By the way, let Drew gather the children together to prevent anyone from taking orders."

The entire basement.

Everyone was very frightened.

The Warrens' clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and they looked excited.

Roger watched his wife's torture, his face was anxious, but he couldn't help it.

Only Cole.

Like a regular customer who hangs around in a western bar, with a hard guy on his waist, a cigarette in his mouth, browses slightly wrinkle, it seems that he is not a devil possessed by him, and can easily Overturned three brawny terrifying women, but a pack of thin Texas hold'em poker cards.

At least.

Roger and the Warren couple did not see any nervous or fearful expressions on his faces.

It's just the worst situation right now.

Just like his always unlucky card luck, only the last glass of wine is left in his losing pocket.

Seeing that Roger was a bit not knowing what to do, Cole patted him on the shoulder and said seriously, "Hey! You can't place an order. This is very important, understand?"

"Oh...oh! There is a big basin that Apple used to take a bath in the bathroom..." name.

His eyes fell on the Warrens who looked at each other in blank dismay, waiting for Ed to come over and help him hold Caroline down.

Cole jokingly said, "Man, everyone wants to have a passionate marriage and love, but please consider my feelings as a bachelor."

Every Both couples like others to praise each other's feelings, and the Warren family is no exception.

Cole's words also eased the tense atmosphere in the basement.

Lorraine smiled, pulled away the sweat-soaked hair on her forehead, put her hands together and said, "The one who can tell cold jokes when fighting devil, except you, Cole , I’m afraid there is no second person.

Actually, I’m curious, how did you stay so calm when facing devil?"

Cole said calmly, "Oh, You mean this, the slaughterhouse workers need to kill a thousand cows every day, do they spend every day in panic and panic?

A poor and pathetic Level 1 devil only, she I think that serving Satan can get the powerful Power of Darkness of hell and become a real devil.

tsk tsk, but in the eyes of those powerful existences, she is a clown with overestimate one's capabilities.

Am I right? Bathsheba."

The Warrens heard the conversation between Cole and Bathsheba, which once again refreshed their inherent perception.

Shock is not enough to describe their current emotions.

Let’s not talk about it, just call devil’s real name, such a shocking thing.

They have never seen anyone dare to taunt a devil with evil power in this way, just like taunting a poor bug who overestimate one's capabilities.

And...Level 1 devil? powerful existence?

Ed and Lorraine both saw incredible in each other's eyes.

What has this guy seen, so much so that he dare not call those things by their real names.

Cole's voice fell.

Caroline, who had been struggling and howling, gradually stopped.

The local lower room returned to quiet again, and the sound of the wind roaring outside could be vaguely heard, as well as the crows' infiltrating calls.

Perceive the mutation happening outside.

Cole eyes slightly narrowed.

If analyzed from The Conjuring's world view, the crow symbolizes death and the messenger of Satan.

In other words, some guys standing at the top of hell are hiding in the dark and watching them.

The heart is coldly snorted.

Evil Spirit or devil, they are all voyeurism.


A crow smashed through the flat window above the basement, fell on the ground with flapping wings, and seemed to be unable to survive if it broke its neck.

The Warrens were taken aback by the crow that crashed into.

Caroline...or Bathsheba also laughed hoarsely at this time.

"he he he...cough cough! vomit..."

She sprayed large swaths of blood on the white cloth.

At this time, a face full of wrinkles, blood vessels bursting, and the skin like a corpse, gradually emerged behind the white cloth.

Lorraine backed away after seeing this.

Ed also complexion greatly changed.

Usually, they will be forced to show up only when the exorcism ceremony is held to the second half and the devil is forced to show his true body.

And this process is extremely dangerous.

Because devil takes the initiative to show their true body, it is when they are most vulnerable to attack and also the most vulnerable.

Not only the person hosting the ceremony may die suddenly, the possessed person will also be considered a broken container and may be killed at any time.


They haven't held any exorcism ceremony, just because of Cole's mockery, the devil hiding in Caroline's body unexpectedly showed its true form!


Lorraine retreated to the pillar before stopping, covering her mouth in horror, "no no no..."

In their opinion, that guy will definitely kill Caroline, as revenge against Cole!

Cole spit out his cigarette butt on the ground, looked directly at Bathsheba’s eyes, and said, "You won’t break the defense, will you? Bathsheba.

hehe, if you dare to kill With her, I promise that there are many ways that are more interesting than blasting your head with a shot."

On the surface, Cole was not panicked at all, even provocative.

In fact, his heart is flustered!

Fuck, it doesn't matter if this bastard doesn't want to live anymore, if Caroline is killed by her and vents her anger, wouldn't all of these things he did get rid of it?

Fortunately, Cole overestimated Bathsheba's crazy brain circuits.

She turned her head to look at Cole, and the laughter was like two pieces of sandpaper rubbing together, unpleasant and harsh.

"hehe, she is going to die, everyone must die..."


A shotgun thrown in the corner was aimed at Cole and suddenly loaded.

The crisp sound of'ka-cha' made his and Ed complexion greatly changed!

"Cole, run away!"

Hearing the sound of the shotgun being loaded, Cole's complexion sank and broke!

If you want to remember all the plots and details of a nearly two-hour movie, it is as difficult as having him hold a Chinese textbook, memorize and recite twenty modern texts, one word The kind that can't be bad.

The previous tossing, which required all my strength to subdue Caroline, and the cryptanalysis of spells, distracted him too much.


Before the gunshot.

Ed successfully threw him to the ground and escaped.

But also because the two of them let go of their restraints, Caroline stretched out the hemp rope that was enough to lift four or five tons of heavy objects, picked up a rusty kitchen knife from the basket in the corner of the basement, Rushed upstairs.

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