Jiang Fan chose to sit at the rear window of the bus, where the temperature seemed less hot.

Rule 1: Refuse to give up your seat

" I am sitting here. If someone comes all the way to ask me to give up my seat, it proves that this rule is correct."

" It can also be avoided that the passengers sitting outside need to move their seats and let the passengers sit inside."

Rule three, pat the shoulder and turn around to talk.

Sitting at the back of the bus, there is naturally no seat and no passengers behind.

Pat the shoulder again.

In this world of weird stories, what else can there be besides weirdness?

After Jiang Fan sat down, the bus started immediately.

The speed was very slow, just like a vehicle that had been scrapped for decades, shaking from time to time.

Jiang Fan looked at the front seat quietly, and started to sign in in his heart.

【 Ding, sign in successfully on the bus, get weird protection*1】

【 Weird Protection: If the pollution or attack exceeds 50%, it will automatically eliminate all pollution and restore itself to consciousness. After waking up, it will be immune to all pollution within ten minutes.】

" This time it was not bad. Buses are indeed the most polluted places. If used well, they can save lives at critical moments and decide victory or defeat!"

" One time is equivalent to ten minutes of invincibility!"

Jiang Fan was overjoyed, not afraid of the weird atmosphere on the bus. He was even a little excited.

Ten minutes of invincibility is a drop in the bucket in the bus's continuous several hours of travel.

The more serious the pollution, the better the reward.

This indirectly proves that the weirdness on the bus is average!........

It can be seen that sitting at the rear of the bus can resist Rule 3.

After John memorized the rule, he ran to the end of the bus as soon as possible.

" If someone taps my shoulder, then it proves that Rule 3 is wrong! Because there is no one behind me!"

John was proud.

However, he did not sit by the window, but chose a seat outside.

" Since you are not sitting by the window, there is no such thing as pulling the curtain, reaching out your hand, etc., which violates Rule 7!"

Everyone's choice of seat is different, but most people choose the rear of the car.

A small number of people also choose seats close to the rear door to avoid missing grandma's house and looking at the station sign outside the door for a second reminder.

Different choices made by different chosen ones also caused people from various countries to quarrel.

【 Jiang Fan was so smart that he realized at a glance that sitting at the rear of the car could solve the problem of rule three!】

【 Smart? Most of the chosen ones were at the rear of the car, and Jiang Fan was closer to the window, which was really stupid!】

【 Our country’s choice is the most correct, sitting at the car door!】

【 You will be the first to die at the car door!】

【 Tsk, just don’t turn around and talk to me when the time comes, how could I die!】

【 ………….. 】

Not only people are arguing, but also top leaders of various countries are discussing it.

" Professor John is indeed very wise and can see several wrong rule options at a glance!"

" Sitting on the side can not only prevent you from doing dangerous things like opening the car curtain, but you can also change seats and escape as soon as danger comes!"

" This time, we're going to win again"

" ……….."

Cherry Blossom Country

" Look where the chosen one of Daxia Kingdom sits?"

" The rear of the car? Fortunately, our chosen one was sitting in a single seat near the aisle!"

" Haha, everyone knows that Daxia has lost three times in a row. If you make the same choice as Daxia, you will surely perish!"

" ……….."


" Jiang Fan's choice of position is very good. Apart from anything else, at least it can avoid Rule 3, which is similar to the positions chosen by the Chosen Ones of various countries!"

Wang Jie praised, feeling very happy.

" That's right, why do you have to sit by the window? It will be troublesome to open the car curtains at that time!"

Wei Jian frowned and couldn't help but speak.

He carefully watched the live broadcast of the ghost talk, not missing a single detail.

After a pause, he said

" Moreover, this position can be said to be surrounded"

" If you encounter danger, you will be surrounded by enemies and it will be difficult to escape in the first place!"

Wei Jian looked at the quiet boy in the live broadcast with concern, and kept blessing him in his heart, hoping that Jiang Fan's choice of location was right and he could survive this strange talk safely!.....

The bus started moving slowly.

After an unknown amount of time, the bus stopped and opened the front and rear doors.

At the same time, a flat voice sounded from inside the bus.

Perhaps the equipment was a bit old, causing the broadcast to sound a bit harsh.

【 Dear passengers, we have arrived at the West Station. Please get off the train in an orderly manner.……..Please obey the bus rules and pay the coin when getting on the bus……..】

Some passengers got on the bus one after another and chose their seats to sit down.

The empty carriage suddenly became lively, dispelling the weird atmosphere.

Some passengers also arrived in front of the seat where Jiang Fan sat.

They had smiling faces, some carried backpacks, some stared at their phones, and some were students, looking no different from passengers in the real world.

Jiang Fan lowered his eyes and tried not to make eye contact with the passengers.

The windows of the bus were closed by curtains, and the sunlight only penetrated the curtains and disappeared.

In the dim environment, it seemed extremely lively, and there was a damp and musty smell floating in the air.

It was hot and humid, which reminded Jiang Fan of a sauna.

The passengers talked to each other, and their voices became louder and louder, as if echoing in their ears.

The bus drove slowly, and a creaking sound was heard.

Suddenly, a few passengers sitting by the window pulled open the closed curtains.

" Why are these curtains sealed? There is no air at all. It would be much better if some air came in."

The sun shone into the dim carriage.

The Chosen Ones were startled and remembered the rules.

During the ride, they were not allowed to open the curtains and stick various parts of their bodies out of the window.

Now that the passengers opened the windows, it was very likely that they wanted to confuse them!

Suddenly, they were nervous!

After waiting for a long time, they slowly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that there was no discomfort.

This window can be opened?

Could it be that Rule Six is wrong?

Some bold Chosen Ones also used the windows opened by the passengers to see the busy streets outside.

The bus stopped and started, passing several stops.

Jiang Fan kept an eye on the time.

It had been an hour since twelve o'clock.

There was an electronic display screen in the middle of the bus, which played a video. Some midday news.

Obviously, it is to entertain the passengers.

And below the news, the time is displayed.

Many people noticed the time on the electronic screen on the bus, and when they saw that the time displayed was the same as the time on the clock they brought with them, they immediately guessed that the time on the screen was available.

Another hour passed.

The bus rarely stops.

After two hours of riding, the hearts of the Chosen Ones relaxed.

The passengers getting on and off, as well as the lively scenes outside the window, made many Chosen Ones feel that as long as they abide by the rules and stay in their seats, they can arrive at their grandmother's house safely.

Not only the Chosen Ones.

The outside world.

The netizens who watched the live broadcast also had some leisure time.

The pop-up screen in the live broadcast room is far less lively than at the beginning.

【 This ghost story game is really simple. So far, only a few chosen ones died in the wrong car.】

【 Most of the Chosen Ones died. However, except for one Chosen One who reached out of the window to commit suicide, no other deaths occurred.】

【 If I were in his place, I would be able to pass the level too. Jiang Fan is so lucky!】

【 If you publish a ghost story, you can get 5 million in ghost story funds and become rich overnight!】

【 …….. 】

The top leaders of various countries also breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps, they could win this time and get countless resources!

Just when everyone was relaxed.

In the world of ghost stories, the bus arrived at another stop.

A hospital.

Jiang Fan saw the full name of the hospital through the windows opened by the passengers.

Yongsheng Hospital.

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