"59 points, this should be it!"

" If you don’t get on now, what if there is no bus later?"

" This bus, according to the time when it left, is also 12 o'clock!"

This time, almost half of the Chosen Ones got on the No. 402 bus.

Including some of the Chosen Ones holding clocks!

Asanguo, Rock.

Rock looked at the newly arrived No. 402 bus and hesitated.

" If I remember correctly, the rules say 12 o'clock sharp. It's 59 minutes now. When I close the door and leave, it's almost 12 o'clock sharp."

" Or, wait a little longer........."

" If only there was a divine cow, it could help me decide!"

Rock hesitated and slowed down his pace to get on the bus.

Suddenly, he saw that almost all the people at the station had boarded the No. 402 bus.

The platform became empty in an instant.

It was as if everyone in the city had disappeared, leaving only Rock.

The cold wind blowing from the end of the road made Rock's back feel cold, and he couldn't help shivering.

Make a decision right away

" Oh, it must be this bus! If I don’t get on, I’ll be the only one left at the station!"

""Sacred Bull, bless me!"

Then, Rock no longer hesitated and boarded bus No. 402.

There were many chosen ones who made similar choices to Rock.

Most of them hesitated for a while, and then watched everyone get on bus No. 402, and followed the crowd.

This situation made the countries outside a little confused.

Should we get on bus No. 402, or wait a little longer?

Jiang Fan also saw bus No. 402 coming in 59 minutes.

According to the departure time of the bus, it is 12 o'clock.

But the rules only say that there is a bus at 12 o'clock, and it does not say whether it is the arrival time or the departure time.

Both arrival and departure belong to 12 o'clock. Ordinary people may hesitate.

But Jiang Fan doesn't need to.

Just now, he signed in at the station again.

Get a reminder opportunity.

Together with the previous rewards, there are a total of four reminder opportunities.

Jiang Fan said that he would take the safest way and take advantage of the reminder opportunity.

The normal-looking bus showed a blood-red reminder.

【 Get on this bus and enjoy the kidney cutting service immediately, it's painless~】

" ………"

Jiang Fan waved his hand, took a step back, and moved away from the bus.

Cutting the kidney?

Damn, if I give you the kidney, how can I have sex seven times a night?

Even for the sake of a man's dignity, I can't get on this bus!

" Sure enough, buses are all dirty, no matter what kind, they are all eyeing my waist!"

The bus door slowly closed.

The platform was empty with only Jiang Fan left.

Not far away, another bus No. 402 appeared. The

No. 402 bus in front of him also started slowly.

The arrival and departure time of the two buses, one in front and one behind, was just stuck at 12 o'clock.

Countless people, including the chosen ones who had already boarded the bus but had not yet boarded, were holding their breath.

Is it right to choose to board the bus, or is it right to stay?

Choosing the wrong side means death!

The result soon appeared.



In the remaining 238 live broadcast rooms, more than half of the screens went black at almost the same time!

These black screens were the chosen ones who had just boarded the previous bus.

At this moment, they were all dead, without exception.

They didn't even have the chance to try and make mistakes, or be contaminated by the weird!

Monkey Country Dongdu.

The bustling streets were crowded with people. As the largest economic center of Monkey Country, Dongdu gathered tens of thousands of people.

People were dressed fashionably, some were casual, and some were busy elites.

The strange projection suspended in the sky suddenly went out, and it was pitch black like a huge skeleton.

An emotionless voice rang in the ears of all the monkey people.

【 The chosen one of Monkey Kingdom, Tiny, dies, strange stories randomly appear.......Dongdu......】

The next second, several No. 402 buses appeared out of nowhere in various parts of Dongdu!

Screams rang out, and people in Dongdu fled in panic!

The bustling streets were instantly deserted!

【 The Chosen One of Kangaroo Country, Long Kai, dies, and strange stories randomly appear.......Hao City…...Lifespan reduced by 10%.....】

Kangaroo Country

" Quick, Mr. Dais has no heartbeat!!"

" Dad, Dad! Wake up!"

" Son, you're back.…….."Son? What's wrong with you? Don't scare mom! Help!!"

Panic was everywhere, and countless pedestrians on the road suddenly fell to the ground and stopped breathing!

The population dropped by millions in an instant!

【 The Grape Country's Chosen One, Inkiel, Dies, Strange Stories Occur Randomly........Food production decreased by 15%....】

【 Sally, the Chosen One of the River Kingdom, dies, and strange stories randomly appear........Mineral resources are decreasing....】

【 ……… 】

Countless tragedies were caused simply by choosing to get on the wrong bus.

At this moment, the country where the Chosen One died quickly issued orders and hastily arranged for the people to evacuate the city where the ghost story had descended.

However, the sudden drop in national resources was still unavoidable!

The surviving countries were thankful that their Chosen Ones were smart enough.

The lucky ones stayed and did not get on the wrong bus!

This gave the country a better chance of survival.

Many news stories around the world were almost all related to this demise.

【 Azerbaijan became the first country to fall victim to the ghost story, and all its cities have fallen!】

【 The richest man in Kangaroo Country, Dai Si, died after failed rescue efforts due to punishment for strange stories!】

【 The Monkey Kingdom’s economy has plummeted, and millions of people may lose their jobs!】

【 Grain prices in the country have increased tenfold, and high-priced grain imports have caused global grain prices to rise again!】

【 The largest iron ore company in the country of He declared bankruptcy, saying that it no longer has any iron ore to mine!】

【 …………. 】

Countries around the world are silent.

Watching this shocking news broadcast, one can't help feeling sad.

241 countries, one has already fallen.

Will they be the next country to fall?

Can humans survive?

There was the first case where the country of Azerbaijan fell completely and lost its qualification to participate in the ghost story.

Some small countries have cut off their arms to seek survival.

Most of them are countries with only three or four cities.

Integrate the remaining small countries to ensure that the cities are not completely conquered and retain hope.

Big countries did not do this.

The cities have a large population, and they will never hand over the lives of their people to outsiders.

However, small conflicts between countries have been resolved, except for a small number of radical elements.

After all.

The survival of this world is at stake.

Why are we still consuming each other?!

Because of the lack of resources, the tense atmosphere and friction disappeared, and the world has become much more peaceful.

People from many countries ran into the country that lost the ghost story game this time and left messages one after another

【 Daxia, Li Ranran, let us encourage each other!】

【 Pakistan, Badan, let’s cheer together!】

【 Come on, Peters, from the country of big bread!】


Inside the World of Ghost Stories

" This is the bus!"

Jiang Fan said affirmatively, walking towards bus No. 402.

The wrong options have been eliminated, and the remaining one is the correct answer!

The scene of the original busy traffic on the lane is gone.

The whole road is empty and silent, and any sound disappears without a trace.

This bus is different from other buses.

The slightly rusty appearance looks like a long-scrapped vehicle, which makes everyone in the live broadcast room feel uncomfortable.

Even with the screen, you can feel a chill.

The bus slowly stopped.

Open the door, and there is no one inside.

The automatic cash register on the bus also appears.

The mottled red font is faintly visible.

Two yuan/person.

The people of Daxia who always pay attention to the live broadcast of ghost stories are instantly panicked when they see the two yuan bus!

If I remember correctly.

Jiang Fan........

It seemed that just now, the ten yuan for the bus fare was used up.

Jiang Fan, no more money for the bus!

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