【 warn!】

【 The world of ghost stories is about to open, and one chosen person from each country will be drawn to enter and participate in the ghost story game!】

【 All the chosen ones drawn are bound to the country's national destiny. If the chosen ones die, the country's national destiny will decrease, and strange stories will randomly descend on a city in that country.! 】

【 If a country is completely occupied by ghost stories, or its national fortune reaches zero, the Chosen One will no longer be drawn, and the ghost stories in that country will exist forever!】

【Start extracting the ghost story copy.....Extraction successful!】

【 Ghost Story Copy----Bus No. 402】

【 Difficulty: One Star】

【 Randomly select participants to enter the strange story......Selection success!】

【 Welcome to the world of rule weirdness, chosen ones!】

【 Please stay calm and clear, your failure or victory will affect your country!】

" So, I was chosen?"

Jiang Fan looked at the light frequency in front of him, thinking.

A month ago, the sun hanging in the sky suddenly disappeared!

Just when people were surprised and shocked, a red moon appeared without any warning around the world! The whole sky was dyed dark red, like the end of the world!



A dazzling white light flashed.

With a sudden sound of breaking through the air, a huge screen appeared above the sky of various countries!

From then on, there was a survival game called Strange Talk on the blue planet, and the participants were.....Everyone!

The ghost story mechanism pulls participants into the world of ghost stories to play ghost story games.

If failed, not only will the Chosen One die, but the country where the Chosen One is located will also be invaded by ghost stories, causing deaths and countless property losses.

Countless panics and fears almost caused chaos around the world!

Gradually, people discovered that victory in this survival game called ghost stories can bring countless resources!

In 3023, global resources were almost exhausted.

There are few minerals, little water resources, low forest coverage, low air quality, and even the area of cultivable land is constantly polluted and close to wasteland!

And the game can not only restore these resources, but also increase human life expectancy, physique and money!

A month later.

Ghost story games have been held many times around the world.

Almost every country has been descended by ghost stories, and of course, it has also gained countless benefits.

【 The chosen one of the Asan Kingdom, Wakadi, dies, and the strange world randomly descends..........】

【 The chosen one of Monkey Kingdom, Shakai, dies, and the world of strange stories descends randomly..........】

【 The Chosen One of Sakura Country, Matsuda Motoko, dies, and the world of ghost stories randomly descends........】

【 John of the Ugly Country successfully clears the level, and his country's fortune is increased by 20w, and crops are increased by 10 harvests………Points +20!】


【 The chosen one of Daxia, Yang Jie, dies, and the strange world randomly descends……..South City! National luck -10w, temperature continues to drop by 20%.......】

Daxia Kingdom.

A trending search on Weibo suddenly appeared

【 Is there still hope for Daxia? 】

The people of Daxia looked at this trending search, and their mood became heavy again.

In a month, ten ghost story games were played every 72 hours.

In these ten games, they won a few games at the beginning, but lost all the games later!

They lost four games in a row!

In addition to the previous losses, the consequence is that the world of ghost stories has descended on seven cities, killing and injuring millions of people!

This makes countless people worry that the next city to be caught in the ghost story will be their own city!

After all. There are only two ways to stay away from ghost stories.

Transfer the city's population on a large scale to make the city where the ghost story descends uninhabited, so that no one will be caught in the ghost story and lose their lives.



However, even if the people are relocated and not corrupted by the weird, the other negative effects of the failure of the ghost game cannot be avoided.

The temperature drops, the life expectancy decreases, the food production decreases, etc.

Many industries are in turmoil, the economy plummets, and people are panicking!

Under the hot search, the comments are unprecedented

【 Alas, a strange story has come to Nancheng. Now the people of Nancheng have hurriedly evacuated. Nancheng is gone, and Daxia…….has hope!】

【 I also believe that Daxia has hope, but we have lost four games in a row! Adding the previous losses, we have lost 7 out of 10 games!】

【 Whether Daxia has hope or not is none of my business! I am on a flight tonight and have immigrated to the Ugly Country. Goodbye everyone!】

【 Get out of here! Get out of here as soon as possible. I believe in Daxia and I am willing to live and die with Daxia!】

【 Hehe, I wasn't going to live long anyway because of cancer, and it's great to have you guys go to hell with me!】

【 I want to immigrate too........】

The atmosphere in Daxia was extremely depressed.

Some people tried their best to move forward, while others lay low.

Until a new round of Chosen Ones was announced.

The Chosen Ones who participated in the Ghost Talk Game will be broadcast live to the outside world. Countless Daxia people looked up and looked at the big screen in the sky that had been reopened.

They hoped that there would be good Chosen Ones who would bring them hope.


The big screen in the sky was divided into 241 pieces, representing 241 countries.

People cast their eyes on the screen belonging to their own country.

They were elated when they saw familiar celebrities. They were confident when they saw wise scholars.

Only a few countries, such as Daxia, were disheartened.

The Chosen Ones of this round also appeared on the screen belonging to Daxia.

A handsome and slightly childish face.

At the same time, Daxia officials updated the information of the Chosen Ones of this Ghost Talk Game.

【 Name: Jiang Fan, Age: 18, Studying in Yucheng No. 10 Middle School, Grade 30.........】

Eighteen years old? Still in high school?

The light of hope that people brought with them gradually extinguished.

With a pale face, he sighed and fell silent in his heart.

Daxia is over! Get ready for the fifth round of consecutive losses, and the ghost story will come!


【 In one minute, you will enter the world of ghost stories. Please be prepared, chosen ones! 】

In the dark world,

Jiang Fan stared blankly at the screen that appeared in front of him.

" The difficulty of the ghost story copy has been raised to one star. It used to be sporadic. It seems that the chosen ones will suffer heavy casualties this time."

Jiang Fan sighed. He was not afraid of death when the difficulty of the ghost story copy increased.

He was a time traveler.

This was the eighteenth year since he traveled to this world.

At the beginning, he got the system like a time traveler!

The sign-in system!

Signing in at different places can get different rewards!

Low-level food and basic daily necessities.

Higher-level ones, luck, physical fitness, intelligence, even life span, magic weapons, etc.!

I thought I would fly all the way and live a great life.

Who knew that this system would suddenly shut down.

In these eighteen years, no matter how he called or tried, there was no movement.

For eighteen years, Jiang Fan had forgotten the existence of the system.

Just now, after he was selected to enter the rule ghost story world, the system voice suddenly rang again!

Sign in, he signed in in the ghost story world!

Jiang Fan's eyes showed a hint of eagerness to try. I wonder what he can get by signing in in the ghost story world?

【 There are ten seconds left before entering the world of ghost stories, the countdown begins!】

【 9 】

【 8 】

【 7 】


【 0】

The countdown ends.

Jiang Fan's eyes darken and a voice rings in his ears.

【 Welcome to the world of weird stories!】...............

【 Notes on reading this book 】

【 1. For the best viewing experience, please read this book after midnight and turn on the horror music.】

【 2. When reading a book, no matter what happens or what you hear, do not leave the reading area of the book. If you leave, please come back within five minutes and continue reading the book as if nothing happened.】

【 3. It is best not to read this book for less than three hours, otherwise it will see you】

【 4. If you stay up all night reading this book, you need to go to bed before 6:00 in the morning. If you go to bed after 6:00, please make up for it during the day and sleep for 8 hours. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk.! 】

【5. If you feel depressed and distressed, you must be polluted. Please continue to follow this book for more than ten days, it will reduce your pollution.】

【6. The author of this book updates frequently. If you see less than three updates per day, that is your illusion! Just click the yellow button at the end of the chapter to restore it to its original state.】

【 7. Free gifts can reduce pollution】

【8. If you feel uncomfortable during viewing, please give a one-star rating to alleviate your discomfort.】

【 Finally, I sincerely wish that all readers who read this book can become rich overnight, have smooth sailing, have a happy marriage, and live in peace.! 】

【 Oh, the most important thing is to be happy!】

【 Koi respectfully presents. 】

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