Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 98 The Legendary Battle (released)

Having the mutated pronucleus is indeed different. Most of the discomfort in my body has subsided, and flying in this magma rock area has become smoother.

After flying south for several days, it stands to reason that with his speed, he would be able to find traces of the little red dragon. Even at night, Xu Dong's night vision eyes could see clearly.

But, no, apart from a few dead little red dragons, there were no more migrating little red dragons.

what happened? Is the direction wrong?

The little red dragons are very smart. In such a terrible natural disaster, they will never run inland again. That is the road to death.

So as long as you look in two directions along the coast, you can always find them. Now that you can't find them in the south, you can only go to the northeast.

At this moment, a horrifying roar almost shook Xu Dong. Following the sound, he saw a ferocious beast with fur, which emerged from nowhere. It looked a bit like the Permian Overlord Orgidon.

If it weren't for its iconic long canine teeth, Xu Dong wouldn't have recognized this big, fluffy guy. After all, the Orgydons in the restored pictures were all hairless.

The huge legendary lily tooth roared towards the south, and then another legendary creature also roared, it was a legendary wolf lizard beast.

Then one giant beast after another appeared in Xu Dong's field of vision. Good guy, there were eight legendary beasts in total, such as Orgydon, Wolf Lizard, Water Dragon, Salamander and so on.

Some of them are Permian creatures, and some are Triassic creatures, and they appear with no apparent pattern at all.

When did legends become so worthless that so many of them appeared together?

At this time, another giant beast came. It emerged from the ground. It was a bright red giant millipede. This guy blocked the crater with his body and was still alive?

The nine legendary creatures stared at the mountains in the south with alert expressions, as if something terrifying would arrive at the next moment.

Not long after, Xu Dong, who was flying in the air, discovered something strange in the south.

A huge amount of magma is spreading from the south!

If it's just magma, it's nothing. Xu Dong has seen it a lot and is used to it. This magma is the most abundant in this igneous rock province.

But, have you ever seen magma like a tsunami?

Xu Donggang was also stunned when he saw it, completely overturning his impression of magma.

The raging lava flow roared in, crossing the mountains and engulfing the forest with a drastic force, turning everything in sight into ashes.

No creature can survive this terrifying magma tsunami. Wherever it passes, it leaves behind a pitch black, which is the color of death.

When the magma sea surged through the mountains and spread towards the plain below Xudong, the nine legendary beasts also moved. They moved their limbs and ran towards the magma sea.

Each legendary beast can cause a small earthquake when it steps on the ground. Now that nine of them are running together, it is a scene like the sky is shattering and the earth is shattering.

On one side are the horrific natural disasters of nature, and on the other side are the miracles and legendary behemoths of life. This is a game between nature and life. Is it hard to violate destiny, or is man determined to defeat nature?

This may be the best moment to witness the answer.

Finally, the legendary group collided with the tsunami lava. Without any suspense, the nine legendary beasts were overwhelmed by the lava sea. How could mere ants resist nature?

Xu Dong sighed, the final result is still irreversible. 76% of species will be wiped out by nature in this catastrophe. The lives will be reduced to ashes, withered bones everywhere, and finally they will all be buried in the long river of time.

But once life begins, it has a resilience that surpasses any force. No matter whether it is a frozen planet or a lava hell, they can always survive and grow stronger again.

This is especially true for legendary creatures. Even if they are washed away by the magma sea and swallowed by the magma, they are still alive. As long as they are not dead, they will fight for all life in the world.

The Orgydon leapt out of the magma sea, and all the hair on its body had been burned clean, turning it into the bare-skinned image in later restorations.

These legendary creatures may be very strong, very strong, and tens of thousands of ordinary creatures can't do anything to them, but in the end, they still have too little means to deal with the invincible nature and terrifying natural disasters.

At this moment, the sea surface in the east began to churn, and the waves hit the coast higher and higher. Xu Dong could see several huge figures in the ocean.

Big fish in the starry sky and fear in the deep sea are prominently listed.

The giant ocean beast stirred up the sea and set off huge waves that hit the land.

When the scorching magma encountered a huge amount of sea water, it immediately turned into volcanic rock. The water vapor evaporated and thick fog filled the air, shrouding the entire land in mist.

But the magma sea is too big. Even if the legends in the sea continue to stir up waves, they can only stop a corner of the coast. This magma sea goes hundreds of miles deep into the land, and other places continue to flow forward as before.

The fog was thick and it was difficult to see the specific situation. Xu Dong turned his head and looked to the northeast, where a long black strip seemed to appear.

The night vision eyes worked, and a green light lit up in the dark night, scanning the long black strip like a searchlight.

This is a long ravine. The other end extends into the darkness and Xu Dong cannot see clearly. The end near the sea is only a few hundred meters long from the sea.

What is this used for? Why didn't I notice it when I came here before?

Soon Xu Dong knew the purpose of this tunnel.

Contain the magma sea!

The huge flow of magma stagnated in the tunnel, and it would be impossible to pass through it unless the pit was filled.

At this time, Xu Dong discovered that the tunnel was moving again. It was not the one filled by the lava sea, but a tunnel passing from the sea.

A distance of hundreds of meters was penetrated in just a few breaths, and the magma sea suddenly had a pouring opening, and all of it poured into the sea along the tunnel.

The person who dug the hole was definitely a legendary creature. Otherwise, how could such a long hole be dug out so quickly?

After all, there is too much magma sea, and this tunnel alone cannot drain it all. After the tunnel is filled, the lava sea will advance to the north again.

Then they encountered a second tunnel.

The legend underground worked desperately to dig, drawing ravines one after another in front of the lava sea. If one can't be filled, there will be two, and if two can't be filled, there will be three. There will always be one that can drain all the magma into the sea.

The legendary creatures in the sky also began to disperse the volcanic ash and toxic gases flying in the air. With the mobilization of the sea, land and air, they finally suppressed this wave of natural disaster attacks.

But the mass extinction is far from over. Volcanic activity will continue for 600,000 years, and lava seas may form again.

The sun will no longer appear for a long time and will be unable to project energy to the earth and oceans. Continuous eruptions of volcanoes will turn the earth into a high-temperature furnace. Oxygen deficiency and acid rain will continue until the earth recovers.

How tenacious do creatures have to be to survive such a long period of time?


I have seen the thousand-legged worm thrown into the eye of fire;

I have also seen the white clouds covering the sea spreading dew and sweet rain.

I have seen the starry fish strike its head against the land;

I have also seen the blue conch shell making huge waves.

I have seen those colorful wings of light dispersing the dust and haze;

I also saw the giant beast with two fangs stepping into the Red Sea.

They are legends of the past, saviors of all living beings.

Plant a seed today and a tree full of life will grow in the future!

——[Red Dragon Epic Volume 2 Old Legend]

Thank you Gou Wu for fishing, my bald head, Yanlong Zhanhuang, a gentleman in the world for your rewards.

Change the rules, let’s do three updates at noon and two in the evening.

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