Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 85 The oriole is behind (three updates today)

Standing in front of Fatherless is the leader among dinosaurs today, a member of the royal family Coelophysis, Newtonosaurus of Wales.

Yes, Newton's coffin finally couldn't hold it anymore, and he traveled to the Triassic in person to punish Xu Dong, a time traveler who didn't follow the laws of physics.

This one was a big guy, with a body length of 5 meters and a weight of 130 kilograms. It roared and bit into the upper body of the leading fatherless dragon, and swung it around in the air.

Now that the big guy took the bait, Xu Dong stopped chasing the sheep and flapped his wings quietly to wait for the good show.

This Newtonian dragon dealt with the fatherless dragon, which was only one meter old, like beating up a child. Basically, it killed one with one bite, knocked one down with one slap, and trampled one to death. It killed all six fatherless dragons in three strokes, five divided by two. .

Then, I don't know if it was out of habit, but this guy also raised his head and roared to the sky, swearing that he was powerful. You are a Newtonian dragon and not a Godzilla, so why are you shouting?

According to common sense, such an arrogant dinosaur will definitely not end well in the future. Godzillasaurus, the king of dinosaurs, who thought he was awesome before, started with great momentum, and then was punished by Fasola Crocodile before he could pretend for long.

The existence of pseudosuchians told the fledgling dinosaurs that on the Triassic continent, your father was your father after all. As long as pseudosuchians were still around, dinosaurs would have no chance of success.

This is no exception. Although the number of pseudosuchians is not as great as that of dinosaurs, they occupy the apex of each ecological chain and are the lords of each territory. No matter how big your dinosaur is, there are still pseudosuchians that are bigger than you.

A medium-sized Crocodile Rausi crawled out of the forest. It didn't even look at the corpses of Fatherlessosaurus around it. Instead, it grinned its huge teeth at Newtonosaurus. Looking at the posture of this six-meter-long Rausi's crocodile They are definitely here for Newton Dragon. Is it to kill the rebels?

Also, dinosaurs continue to grow in size, which is indeed a threat to pseudosuchians, which have not changed much for tens of millions of years. Even if Crocodile louisi itself is not aware of such a thing as an ecological niche, it can still feel that its interests are being violated. .

This forest is only so big, and large, medium and small creatures maintain the ecological balance, but the size of Newtonosaurus is destined to have a lot of food in its diet that should belong to Lowe's crocodile.

The two most important points for living things are survival and reproduction, and food is the most critical item for survival. Crocodile food is like killing the crocodile parents. Could this Crocodile crocodile not target Newtonosaurus?

The Crocodile Rausi and the Newtonosaurus faced off, with one standing and the other lying down, and the atmosphere in the middle was extremely solemn.

Xu Dong, who was on the branch at this time, was caught in a tangle. Should he help Crouchieri or Newtonosaurus? Or should he use the masseter muscles of Crouchierus or Phytosaurus?

If you help Newton's Crocodile kill Newton's Crocodile, you can immediately hold a lottery for crocodile corpses. What matters is speed. If you help Newton's Crocodile kill Newton's Crocodile, you can then lead it to fight with Phytosaurus. At that time, no matter whether Phytosaurus dies, Or Crocodile crocodile will die, the masseter muscle will twitch.

But in the end Xu Dong chose not to move because he saw something familiar, a few scaly dragons flying on the branches.

Logically speaking, shouldn't the long-scaled dragon be extinct long ago? Why can we still see these little guys here?

But soon Xu Dong had no time to take care of this little guy, because Crocodile leucosuchus and Newtonosaurus finally started to fight, oh, I can't say they did.

The Newtonosaurus originally didn't want to fight with the Crocodile Lowes. After all, the Crocodile Lowes was the lord of this territory and the most powerful creature. No matter whether he lost or won, the Newtonosaurus would not end well.

Dinosaurs never fight without profit.jpg

If it loses the fight, it will be eaten by this Crocodile Lowes. If it wins, it will definitely be seriously injured. It will be taken advantage of by other creatures. It will not do such a loss.

Newtonosaurus spat out the fatherless dragon from its mouth and stared at the Crocodile Lowes before slowly backing away. It was showing weakness to the Crocodile Lowes, showing that it would always be its subordinate, and of course the food should be enjoyed by the lord.

Nature knows how to assess the situation and give up the food in its mouth, which shows that this Newtonian dragon is already somewhat intelligent. However, this time the goal of Crocodile Rausi is not food at all, but the big dinosaur that threatens the dominance of Crocodile Rausi.

Newtonosaurus took one step back, Lowe's crocodile took one step closer, Newton's dragon took two steps back, and Lowe's crocodile took two steps forward. Newtonsaurus was already tens of meters away from the bodies of the fatherless dragons, but Low's crocodile didn't even look at the fatherless bodies. , but stared at it closely and continued to pursue it.

The somewhat intelligent Newtonosaurus knew that it could not be kind. He lowered his head, grinned, and let out a low hiss, warning Crocodile Rausi to show that it was not easy to mess with and should not engage in meaningless fights.

But Crocodile Rouis ignored it and continued to twist its body and run towards it. Now there are only two choices in front of Newtonosaurus.

1. Run away and be a coward for the rest of your life.

2. Take the challenge and be a real dinosaur for half an hour.

If it were you, would you choose to be a real dinosaur for half an hour or a coward for the rest of your life? Of course Newtonosaurus would choose one. How can running away in the animal world be called an escape? This is called a tactical retreat.

As long as you don't get hurt, face is of no use at all.

Xu Dong flapped his wings and followed the dragon and crocodile, and behind it was the small scaly dragon. It screamed all the way as it flew, as if it was expressing something.

Soon the cry of the long-scaled dragon came from in front of the Newton dragon. What on earth were they communicating with? Could it be that there is a monster coming from ahead and the tribesmen should run away quickly?

Not only have these little guys not become extinct, but have they become so smart?

Then a cry completely different from that of the long-scaled dragon came from the front. Xu Dong suddenly fell into a trance when he heard the familiar voice. He didn't pay attention to the road while driving and almost hit the big tree in front of him.

After he successfully dodged and found a branch as a foothold, he discovered that the Newtonosaurus running in front of him had actually fallen into a large pit, and the Crocodile louisi chasing behind it failed to stop the car for a moment and fell down with it.

This is a not very big hole, mainly because it is relatively deep. Unless Crocodile Rausi stands up on the back of Newtonosaurus, it will be impossible to get out.

Of course, if they can climb mountains, they can actually get out, but obviously, Crocodile Lowes cannot.

Huh? Why not ask Newtonian Dragon?

Because at this time Newtonosaurus had been crushed half to death by the heavy Crocodile Lowes.

After all, the weight of the Sensinosaurus cannot be compared with that of the Bloody Crocodile. Under the huge weight of the Crocodile Lowes, this dinosaur was seriously injured even if it was not dead, and it would soon become the food of the Crocodile Lowes.

At this time, a large group of small red dinosaurs appeared in the ferns, on the trees, and deep in the dense forest. There were probably no less than a hundred densely packed dinosaurs. They were jumping around the potholes, whining and screaming, looking very excited.

This is, Little Red Dragon?

Why is it different from what I encountered before? The little red dragons here are larger and more numerous. The most important thing is that they can actually use traps.

It seems that 20 million years were not in vain, and all of them are added to intelligence.

Three updates today, and there is another chapter to come.

Paleontology Mini Theater: Newtonosaurus is a genus of dinosaurs from the Late Triassic that lived in Britain at that time. Newtonosaurus may belong to the order Ceratosaurus. Since it has not been formally described or named, it is an informal name.

The type species is Newtonosaurus gombrosa, which was originally named a species of Theracodon, but was later classified as a species of Megalosaurus because it could not be related to Theracodon. Its fossil is a set of teeth found in the Rhaetian rock formations of Wales.

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