Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 55: Skyrocketing up to less than a meter

What was it like flying for the first time?

In one word, cool!

Two words, so cool!

With its feather scale wings gently flapping, it can fly freely in the air, walking with the breeze, flying with the insects, reaching out to touch the clouds, and beneath it are trees and animals that have become smaller.

Like a bird, Xu Dong left the ground and reached a place where terrestrial creatures could not set foot. He saw the wonders unique to high altitudes. Looking down at this land with intertwined landforms, the familiar scene had changed.

The rays of the new sun shine on the mountains, reflecting a golden dome. The river divides into nine tributaries and rolls eastward with the sand. The forest dots reflect the river banks, forming ridges outside the yellow wasteland and light blue grassland. green.

There is no time more than now when I feel that the earth is round. The earth stretches to the end of the sky, and all living things are trampled underfoot. This is a vast and majestic place that cannot be described in words.

Countless vegetarian animals such as herbivorous dragons and lizards have begun to eat on their own, either stretching their necks to eat leaves on trees or chewing ferns on the ground, while predators are also quietly ambush in the darkness. , drooling and preparing for a surprise attack.

Xu Dong rode the wind and flew into the woods, landing right on a hidden carnivorous dragon. He stepped on its head and took advantage of its strength to fly again.

And the carnivorous dragon, which was startled by the sudden loss of its head, suddenly jumped out of the grass and scared away countless small and medium-sized vegetarian animals.

As for the huge vegetarian dragons and solid lizards, there was no carnivorous dragon like the bird at all, and they were still eating leaves and ferns on their own.

At the end of the Triassic, living things began to grow in size, especially those vegetarian animals. It was like a competition between giant eaters. One grew bigger than the other, so predators could only keep growing.

For example, Redondasuchus, Plateosaurus, Lisovistus and others, Eoraptor watched in silence, Liu's crocodile shed tears after watching it.

Of course, the overlord pseudocrocodile doesn't care, and even likes to see it. You are as big as you are, and I eat more meat.

In the past, you had to eat small meals frequently and go out hunting frequently. Now, an Elastosaurus can reach your stomach in one step. It is truly a prosperous dynasty and a happy family.

Yes, this can indeed be called the peak of pseudosuchia. Although it has experienced minor setbacks such as the Carnian-Norian minor extinction, it does not affect the continued greatness of pseudosuchia.

Crocodile crocodile Poposaurus is still the apex predator, Phytosaurus still dominates fresh water, herbivores dominate the world, and the lizard is the thief.

If this cannot be called a prosperous age, then what is a prosperous age?

Of course, they didn't know that millions of years later, the scum under their feet and around their mouths would counterattack, just like the dinosaurs didn't know that the remnants of the previous dynasty under their feet could actually start a second dynasty.

Xu Dong was flying among the branches of the trees, practicing his flying ability. Its wingspan was nearly 70 centimeters, which was approximately equivalent to the giant dragonfly 100 million years ago, and smaller than various pterosaurs today.

However, Xu Dong's body is not yet an adult. Like the loving red-scaled flying dragon that photographed him down the mountain, it is fifty centimeters long and has a wingspan of more than two meters.

Such a big guy doesn't have to worry about pterosaurs at all, because the current pterosaurs have not yet developed, and the largest one has a wingspan of just over one meter. How can it compare with the red-scaled flying dragon?

But Xu Dong also discovered the shortcoming of feather scale wings, which is that they cannot fly fast. These wings have very strong sensing capabilities and are suitable for flying in jungle areas and avoiding various obstacles.

However, the paradox is that with the size and wingspan of an adult red-scaled flying dragon, it is impossible to enter the jungle.

But in the open outside world, pterosaurs still fly faster with their leather wings.

After landing on a tree branch, Xu Dong felt a little hungry. Flying creatures of his current size, whether it was a pterosaur or a red-scaled flying dragon, would basically eat either bugs or fish.

How long has it been since Xu Dong ate bugs? Except when he was in the desert at the beginning, he basically ate meat since then. Now that he was asked to pick up bugs to eat again, he still felt a little bit unsatisfied.

People are like this. After eating delicious food, they naturally don’t want to eat food that only fills their stomachs.

Although the paleontological meat is not that delicious, it is still more delicious than the insects, and the blood tastes much better than the green-yellow pus of the insects.

In this case, then you should be a new meat eater, set a bad example for these flying creatures, and get off to a bad start.

Xu Dong is aiming at a small creature. Well, that's right, it's you, the ancestor who just ran out of the cave.

Mammalian form, Morganon!

Just by looking at the mammals above, you can tell how closely they are related to mammals. I have said before that the rough traceability relationships in the biological world are all based on a certain morphological class or a certain morphological class as the grandfather. .

Some type as a father.

After that, a certain type of me was born, and the same is true for mammals. From the mammalian morphotype to the mammal morphotype, they are the real mammals.

Xu Dong didn't care about his identity as a mammal in his previous life and killed his ancestors. He had no choice but to say that the current ancestors were the weakest and the easiest to bully. Anyway, they had strong fecundity and were not afraid of several deaths.

Xu Dong jumped lightly on the branch, trying to make his movements lighter and less noticeable.

But he still underestimated his ancestors. The Morgan beast became smaller and hid in the hole. Its vision naturally deteriorated, but its hearing and smell were strengthened.

Especially this hearing, which is an artifact that allowed our ancestors to survive under the feet of dinosaurs for more than 100 million years.

Xu Dong thought that his movements were very light and did not make much noise, but to Morganmon's ears, the sound of branches shaking and wings flapping was heard by it.

In just a moment, Morgan Beast quickly retracted into the hole without thinking, and Xu Dong had just jumped from the tree at this time, still five or six meters above the ground.

Xu Dong fell to the ground and looked helplessly at the deep cave. He now had long feathery scale wings on his back and couldn't get in at all.

I also discovered a shortcoming of the feather scale wings, which is that they cannot be folded. There are fourteen pillars inserted in the back so that Xu Dong cannot move freely in the narrow terrain. However, Xu Dong is still small now. When he grows up, the woods will be Can't get in. Sure enough, only practice is the first criterion for testing truth.

Xu Dong wanted to make the feather scale wings softer. Like what he said, they are usually soft but hard when used. Such wings are good wings.

Next time, go into the creature editor and see if you can change it into what Xu Dong imagined.

Now, since the ancestors can't eat it, let's try it for future generations.

Tens of meters away from here, among the green leaves of the trees in the forest, a group of red upright lizards were jumping quickly.

They are exactly the same as the little red dragons from 20 million years ago, even the length is about the same. What has evolved over the years will be discussed later when we come into contact with them.

Thanks to Xiao Huangbai for your seven-day reward.

Paleontology Theater: Morganodon, also known as Morganodon or Morganodon, was an early mammal that lived in the Triassic Period and first appeared 205 million years ago. Most of the fossils have been found in Wales, UK, but their fossils have also been found in Yunnan, China.

Synapsids—Therapsids—Eutherodonts—Cynodonts—Ciniguadontoid superfamily—Mammalian morphotypes—Mammalia type—Morganotheridae—Morganotheria

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