Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 34: Little Things in the Cedar Forest (Testing the waters, please read more)

Xu Dong had been touching bivalves at the beach for so long, and had eaten as many as eight hundred clams and shellfish, but not a single prompt to obtain the components appeared.

The little red dragons on the other side spend their whole day climbing trees, mating, climbing trees, mating, which is called crawling and mating for short, but they got the female Aon Dicanodon pregnant.

Aweng's Dicanodon is also a lepidosaur lizard, but it is a rhinocele, and is a close relative of the squamous red dragon. There may not have been any reproduction between the two orders in the Triassic 200 million years ago. Isolate.

Of course, light reproduction does not mean that reproduction will continue. Donkeys and horses can also give birth to mules, and tigers and lions can give birth to ligers. However, due to different chromosomes, the reproduction ability of mules and ligers is very, very weak, and they are extremely prone to illness and disease. Died young.

The children born to Little Red Dragon and Aweng Dicantodon are likely to have such problems as well.

However, the natural world is amazing. The so-called reproductive isolation is just a definition proposed by the erect apes to distinguish species. It is not a real law of biology or physics.

And it is even more mixed with ecological isolation and geographical isolation.

In this case, natural organisms are certainly not obliged to obey this mechanism.

Arctic grizzly bears are produced by natural crosses between polar bears and brown bears; East African cichlids can easily get hybrid fertile offspring if they are mixed with other fish; fine-spotted dolphins are derived from the cross between long-beaked dolphins and striped dolphins; one large Turtles can interbreed at will, and cross-genus cross-breeding of turtles is not uncommon. As a result, many new species of turtles have emerged.

The same is true for birds. Ducks, geese, parrots, and peacocks are all famous hybridizers. We often see peacocks that are blue with green or green with blue, which are hybrid peacocks.

It is known that mallards can hybridize with 36 species of the duck family, accounting for one-fifth of the entire duck family. The domestic duck is just a domesticated descendant of it.

Of course, all the above are just cross-genus crosses. I don’t know if cross-order crosses are feasible now, and Xu Dong doesn’t understand things like chromosomes.

However, the Triassic squamates have just appeared now, and they are still relatively close to the rhinoceros, even closer to the lizards and snakes of later generations.

In addition, lizards can be said to be the master model of reptiles. The chromosomes and other things should be similar.

Wait, baby red dragons can basically reproduce in just 3 years. Now that the baby red dragons have established a firm foothold, it won't take more than a few years.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Xu Dong can explore the depths of the forest and continue to create his own murals. Of course, he cannot stop touching clams every day. Even if he knows that the chance is slim, he might be lucky enough to find one one day. Androgynous components.

Taking advantage of a rare sunny day, he found a large dry stone on the rocky beach on the coast and started his third prehistoric painting.

The last mural showed the arrival of mica in the sky. In the third picture, Xu Dong decided to paint the appearance of the little red dragon eight hundred thousand years later.

Different from the little red lizard, the little red lizard is smaller and still has two legs upright, so it has to be drawn like a dinosaur.

The stones on the coast have become very hard after years of seawater erosion. Even if Xu Dong's claws have been strengthened, it is still difficult to leave scratches on them.

However, the harder the stone, the more likely it is that the mural will be preserved. After several days of scratching and carving, Xu Dong finally carved out the image of the little red dragon.

With this first experience, his little red dragon is much better than the little red lizard in the first picture. The little red dragon can be seen with his hands stretched upward and two pairs of claws pointing straight into the sky, as if praying for something.

After Xudong, there will be a rainy background, a dry desert, and the Carnian rainstorm that lasted for two million years. How can we not commemorate it.

The clouds have been drawn before, and the rain is even easier. Just draw countless thin lines.

You're done!


As the painting was completed, the sky also burst into applause at the right time, but this applause was a bit loud and intensive.

Boom! Another thunder boom, followed by thunder and lightning lighting up the sky.

Perhaps because he was too involved in painting, Xu Dong didn't even know when dark clouds had filled the sky.

The wind was howling and the pouring rain was coming in an instant.

A heavy rainstorm has come again, a two-million-year Carnian flood event. Such heavy rains are commonplace, and you will get used to them after seeing them too many times.

The habitat of the little red dragons is only a few hundred meters away from the sea in a straight line. Fortunately, the terrain is higher and there are cedar trees as protection. The little red dragons managed to survive the night.

When Xu Dong climbed out of the hole the next day, he saw that many of the fir trees outside near the ocean had been uprooted. After all, they were all small trees, and it was normal for them not to be able to withstand the storm.

For safety reasons, Xu Dong deliberately moved the group of small red dragons several hundred meters deep into the woods, so that they would not be harmed when a storm struck.

The consequence of this move is that Xu Dong has to walk for a while to go to Shitan.

After the storm, Xu Dong came to the stone beach again, only to find that the big stone he used for carving was missing. Where is a stone as big as mine?

After looking around and at the deep sea water, Xu Dong decided to find some slates to continue his painting. After painting, he dug a hole in the cedar forest and buried it, so that his hard work would no longer be wasted in the East China Sea.

After searching for a while, he finally found a few suitable stone slabs and asked the little red dragons to move to the fir forest together. Xu Dong just sat at the junction of the woods and the stone beach and started painting.

This fourth painting is of course the heroic figure of Xu Dong standing on the body of a tuatara.

Hmm~ Why does this tuatara look more and more like the little red lizard in the first painting? Xu Dong scratched his head again. It is true that the image of a lizard is too ordinary, especially in the Triassic, which had just differentiated not long ago. The tuatara Apart from size and color, they look basically the same as the little red lizard.

But the murals carved on the stone slabs are difficult to change. We can only add some special features to distinguish them. The most special feature of the tuatara is of course the pineal gland on its forehead.

Xu Dong drew a vertical eye on its forehead, and Erlang Lizard appeared.

Next is the victor, the little red dragon, standing on the tuatara with both legs upright. The claws of his right limb are inserted directly into the tuatara's head and poked out from the other side.

Carve some more small dots around to represent the onlookers, and the fourth piece of work is completed.

Taking advantage of the drizzle, I called the little red dragons to dig a cave and bury the stone slabs. After this burial, I don't know when it will see the light of day again.

Maybe a thousand years? a thousand years? Or maybe two hundred and three thousand years?

Time is an extremely terrifying force. It is everywhere and traceless. It transcends the category of living things and even transcends the concept of nature.

Time can bury countless histories, but as long as you master the observation methods like the upright ape, ancient history will eventually reappear in the world. Xu Dong also hopes that this part of his history can be seen and known by future generations.

Paleontology Theater: The genus Dicynodon is a small wedge-toothed lizard, about 10 centimeters long. It has long and sharp claws to help it catch prey, and nail-like piercing teeth to help it eat insects. Currently, there are Numerous nearly complete specimens have been found, and it can be unequivocally classified as a rhinoceros.


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