Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 31 The wolf is coming (please follow up)

Naturally, when these two medium-sized predators come, there will be nothing to do with Skerosaurus and Little Red Dragon. As small creatures, we must have the awareness of small creatures. When the big ones are eating, just stay in a safe place and watch, and wait. It's their turn to eat after the boss eats.

There are many animals in the biological world that bully the weak and fear the strong. The Skerero dragon was still fighting to death because of the killing of its tribe members and the little red dragon.

Now medium-sized predators come to eat the carcass of Skererosaurus, and they don't even dare to fart.

Malasuchus and Leaposaurus left here satisfied after eating. It was only then that the Screrosaurus dared to climb down the tree.

Seeing the corpses of the same kind with only scattered bits of flesh remaining, they did not dare to cause trouble with the medium-sized predators, so they could only blame the little red dragon.

But now they have nothing to do with the little red dragon. If they want to besiege the little red dragon and starve it to death, they have to arrange a sufficient number of people outside the cave to stay.

But when the number of people left behind increases, it becomes more difficult to prey on them, and there is also a very serious problem, that is, this cedar area cannot support too many Skerosaurus.

The previous small tribe of more than 40 Skerosaurus was already the limit of this outer jungle. If you want to have enough food, you have to keep walking farther and farther to hunt.

Once it goes far away, the remaining Skererosaurus may be in danger.

What a dilemma.

After all, the leader of the Skrero dragon was experienced, so he immediately made a decision. He neighed and ordered all the dozen or so Skrero dragons left behind to climb up the tree, rather than engage in a direct fight with the little red dragon.

If the little red dragon comes out of the cave, the Skerero dragons in the tree only need to notify other tribesmen to come back for help, and then follow the little red dragon to keep them out of sight.

In this way, the little red dragon has nothing to do with the Skerosaurus.

This scene on the branch was clearly seen by Xu Dong in the gap between the corpses. Although he could not understand the cry of Skerosaurus, he could actually guess it just by looking at the movements.

Want to use this method to deal with him? Xu Dong just wanted to say that you are still too young to actually want to play tricks with the terrifying Ape erectus.

Although these guys are the ancestors of the ancestors in terms of time, in the eyes of the people, the terrifying erect ape is the species on earth that is best at this.

After eating for more than ten days, Xu Dong finally cleaned up the Skerero dragon carcass blocking the entrance of the cave. Then Xu Dong was about to start his own plan to destroy Luo.

The idea of ​​​​the leader of the Skerero dragons is actually very good, but it ignores one situation, that is, it overestimates the independent judgment ability of the Skerero dragons.

When Xu Dong rushed out of the cave alone, the Screrosaurus guarding on the branch was dumbfounded. He looked at the running Xu Dong for a while and then looked at the cave. It was neither chasing him nor chasing him.

In the end, they didn't have enough brains and didn't think about it anymore. They howled and followed Xu Dong.

What Xu Dong wanted was to lure these Skeleros away, so after leading these fools around in a circle, Xu Dong went back into the cave again, leaving only a group of silly dragons with big eyes and small eyes on the branches.

When the leader of the Skerero dragon rushed back with a large force, he found that nothing happened at all, and he suddenly became very angry.

The laborers went out to hunt hard. After hearing the summons, they immediately put down the food in their mouths and rushed back without stopping. However, they told me that nothing happened. The burrow was still the same, and there was no movement at all.

The next day, the leader of the Skerero dragon, who was still hunting, heard the howls of the left-behind tribesmen again, and immediately ran back again, but nothing happened.

On the third day, it was still the same. The leader of the Skerero dragon was completely angry and bit a Skerero dragon on the back, causing it to bleed profusely and scream in agony.

Xu Dong was very happy watching it in the cave. He said that it was teaching the prehistoric creatures the story of Wolf is Coming.

On the fourth day, when Xu Dong left the cave grandly again, the Screrosaurus on the branches looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them dared to scream.

When Xu Dong saw it, he said, Hey, you've learned well. Then he called Long Jiu out of the cave again.

The Screro dragon on the tree tilted its head and didn't know what to do. The initial instruction was for the little red dragons to howl loudly as a warning when they came out.

The lesson learned later is that a little red dragon cannot bark, otherwise he will be beaten by the boss.

So the question is, can we bark when two little red dragons come out?

Xu Dong almost laughed out loud when he looked at the confused Screrosaurus on the branch. You kid, you still want to play tricks with him and see how I can kill you.

Xu Dong barked at Long Jiu, instructing it to run north, while Xu Dong ran east.

This split action made the Skerero dragons even more confused. In the end, they no longer thought about it and chased Xu Dong and Long Jiu separately. However, each of them closed their mouths tightly to prevent themselves from making a sound.

The Screrosaurus jumping on the branches chased Xu Dong for a while and then was stunned again, because Xu Dong was running in the direction of the sea. He quickly ran out of the forest belt and stood on the pile of rocks and looked at the Screrosaurus provocatively. them.

After all, they are prehistoric creatures, and their brains are not very bright. The previous duels could not make them fearful, so these six Skerosaurus simply jumped out of the tree and prepared to fight Xu Dong.

However, the reality is cruel. Only six Skererosaurus were like paper under Xu Dong's sharp claws. Basically, if he slashed them, they would be cut in two, and he could easily eliminate them all.

Xu Dong dragged the Screros back to his cave one by one, sprinkled their blood on the fir trees where they usually stood, and then waited for the fish to take the bait.

Xu Dong sprinkled the blood of Skerosaurus on the trees around the cave, successfully dyeing the brown tree trunks red.

Soon Long Jiu came back with the remaining five Skerero dragons. When they saw Xu Dong dragging the dragon corpse into the cave, they suddenly shouted for help in panic.

The Skerero dragon leader who was hunting not far away was startled when he heard such a miserable cry.

Animal sounds are different, but only the same group itself knows the meaning of different sounds.

Just like the screams of Skererosaurus in the previous three days were mainly for warning, but the current screams are enemy attacks! Rescue!

It directly put down the insect in its mouth, and with a command, all the tribesmen rushed back to the cave.

When it approached the place where it was stationed, it smelled a pungent smell of blood. The leader of the Skerosaurus felt his heart sink and immediately accelerated his speed.

But when I actually returned there, I found that there were not many dead Skerosaurus, but blood was smeared everywhere, the ground was full of blood on the trees, and six Skerosaurus were howling nervously on the branches.

Before it could appease the clansmen, a sound came from the side. When the experienced Skrero dragon leader heard the sound, he knew that a medium to large predator was coming. Small predators could not make such a loud noise. sound.

It hurriedly asked the tribesmen to climb up the tree one after another. As long as they stood on the tree, no matter how many predators were in the middle and upper layers, they would not be hurt.

Thanks for the tip of My Favorite White Pear.

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