Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 236 Prehistoric Capitalists

The usefulness of pottery was quickly spread. No velociraptor could resist the temptation of fish soup. Every household yearned for a pottery pot of their own.

It's a pity that the production capacity is insufficient.

In order to speed up the production of pottery, Xu Dong specially selected eighty fast dragons with flexible hands to serve as potter apprentices.

He taught them step by step how to make mud, how to plasticize it, how to dry it, and how to bake it.

Since there are only three clay kilns, it is obviously not enough for eighty dragons to use them together. It often happens that a dozen dragons rush to use one kiln.

In order to avoid disputes and avoid wasting dragon power, Xu Dong gave full play to the shrewdness of capitalists and carried out two reforms with a wave of his hand.

One is to split the 80 velociraptors, and 15 of them are dedicated to making pottery, while the remaining 65 are divided into three shifts to make pottery at staggered times.

This leads to the original assembly line pottery making, which can avoid wasting time and dragon power, and the efficiency will be greatly improved.

It took two months to finally teach the pottery making process. The Xunlongs also changed from immature novices at the beginning to novices with some experience. Regardless of the success rate, they could at least complete the entire process. This is already a big improvement for them.

These two months were not only used to train the velociraptors, but also accomplished several commendable things.

First of all, the city wall of the Royal Court has been completed. The previously terrifying gap has been filled with earth and rocks again. Although there is still some color difference, at least there will no longer be air leakage.

The Xunlong living in the royal court can finally sleep peacefully.

During this period, Tietou also came back and brought more than 2,000 thunder dragon captives back to the royal court. Since the last time when a hundred thousand troops fled, the thunder dragons have never been able to gather together. They are basically in twos and threes. Team up.

It was very easy for Tietou to catch such a scattered small group of thunder dragons, but there was also a disadvantage, that is, they were too scattered and very troublesome to find. For this reason, it took so long to catch more than 2,000 of them.

This is already the limit that Tietou can control. Any more and mutiny will easily occur.

Xu Dong immediately sent out his manpower to receive these prisoners and placed them in the north of the plain in front of the royal court.

In order to prevent them from resisting and escaping, some necessary torture instruments are needed.

Handcuffs are definitely not possible. Although their hands are not as flexible as Velociraptors, they can still work. Their long and sharp claws are good for cutting trees and digging soil, so they can only be equipped with shackles.

The best shackles are naturally the ones in TV dramas that tie an iron ball with an iron chain. This method of only locking one foot is undoubtedly the best way to trap the enemy at the moment.

But the question is, where does the iron come from, and where does the dragon who can make iron chains come from?

Xu Dong can't make more than two thousand shackles by himself. Although it won't take long to soften the iron blocks with his mind and make them into iron chains and iron balls, the quantity is so high that it won't be completed in a while.

Since shackles cannot be popularized, the most primitive restraint method can only be used, using vines to wrap around the neck.

This method is the simplest and most convenient, but it is very easy to break free. Thunder Dragon is not an upright ape without sharp weapons. Their claws are like knives and can easily cut the rope.

The only solution for now is to tie the neck with vines during the day, with the surrounding dragons supervising, and put them in a cell at night, and wait for Xu Dong to slowly make the anklet when he has time.

These captured Thunder Dragons were not without resistance, and some even made a lot of noise, cutting down several Thunder Dragons in an attempt to escape.

Naturally, there was no suspense about the result. He was captured by the city defense army led by the big guy and chopped up in front of other thunder dragons as a warning to others.

Xunlong naturally doesn't have a good impression of Thunder Thunder Dragon, especially the tribes who escaped from the north. They have a deep hatred, especially the big guy. As long as this guy finds an excuse, he will directly stab him to death with a spear without any hesitation. It wished that all these thunder dragons had turned against them, so that it could kill them all.

If the leader is like this, other Thunder Dragons will naturally follow suit and treat these Thunder Thunder Dragons with the cruelest methods.

Xu Dong didn't have much to say about this, but he just warned the Xunlongs not to go too far. These labor forces were very valuable.

With Xu Dong's warning, the big guy can't be unscrupulous. It can only wait for Thunder Dragon to make a mistake on its own initiative, so that it can have a legitimate excuse to clean up.

There are fewer frequent beatings, but beatings and scoldings are definitely inevitable. There is no other way, and naturally, as the defeated, they can only bear it silently.

But perhaps it was also such cruel methods that gradually made the unruly Thunder Dragon fearful. Originally, these captured people were the cowards among the Thunder Dragons. The real brave warriors had long since died in the army and died in resistance. Under arrest.

The appearance of the shackles also completely eliminated the Thunder Dragon's ability to resist. It was difficult to drag an iron ball weighing one ton, and it still had the strength to resist.

When the last strong bones among these cowards died under the killings of the velociraptors, they turned into walking zombies, tireless work machines.

Now it is obviously unrealistic for the Velociraptors to accept Thunder Thunder Dragons and re-integrate them. Xu Dong can only let them start as slaves, give them a path to ascend, and finally merge with the Velociraptors.

After both pottery and thunder dragons have been arranged, Xu Dong is about to catch the dog that is crucial to the development of civilization.

Different from the semi-domesticated state of cats, dogs have truly chosen to be attached to Ape erectus, are loyal to Ape erectus, and have evolved and developed together with Ape erectus to this day.

To put it simply, the dog is the wife and the cat is the mistress. One is home and the other needs to be coaxed.

Is it possible for Jurassic to train Bladewolves into dogs?

Of course, no living thing can survive a life without having to worry about food and drink, and not having to fight to the death.

Just like the little dinosaurs that were captured more than two months ago, they have completely become obese people who only know how to eat and sleep. They have been raised fat and fat, and now they are not afraid of the velociraptor anymore.

The only thing that is more difficult to deal with is the problem of reproduction. Animals have their estrus period, and little dinosaurs that are not in estrus obviously have no desire to mate.

It's okay, Confucius also said that when all that is left in life is eating and sleeping, these boring little dinosaurs will naturally change their habits and mate constantly.

Finally, we can go find the Blade Wolf. Xu Dong has been curious about these prehistoric wolves for a long time. What is the reason why they came out of the underground so many years in advance and started the radiation evolution.

It was the fierce rats that descended from the sky during the Insect-Cutting War that year, leading the Zhilong Clan to rise just like the Redonda Dragon in the past.

When the zerg genes spread around the world, these little guys were also infected, trying to carve out a territory of their own above the ground.

Xu Dong prefers the first type. After all, before the Zerg genes spread, he had seen mammals in non-mouse forms.

Or both, the war against insects allowed mammals to set foot on land, and gene diffusion allowed the mammals to set foot on land to start the evolutionary process.

Later, I tried to add an extra story to the main text. The protagonist's main text develops in the normal timeline. The extra plot is the prehistory of the dragon people in later generations looking for the protagonist.

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