Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 208 Challenge and Three Fires

More than a month has passed since the flames were ignited. Crown Prince Tie Ya, who had not returned from the previous war, returned with the bones of the dead Velociraptor.

But when it came back, it found that the royal court was no longer the same. The Swift Dragon Clan had a new leader, but this leader was not Iron Head, Fury, Whorl, or Long Face, but a Swift Dragon that he didn’t recognize at all. dragon.

Why? How can this velociraptor be so good? How could Tie Ya be convinced?

On the day it came back, it invited Xu Dong to fight for the leader.

The battle for the leader cannot be refused. Refusal is a sign of weakness or cowardice. There is no humility here, but only respect for the strong.

The hunting for more than a month has improved Xu Dong's physical fitness a lot, and he can use his iron teeth to test his current hand-to-hand fighting power.

Located in the center of Wangting's residential area, Xu Dong and Tie Ya were on separate sides of the large playground, and they were almost the same in size.

Tie Ya is one of the largest velociraptors in the royal court, and one of the largest hunters in the Jurassic. With a body length of nearly twelve meters, he is a proper apex predator.

Xu Dong was originally only nine meters tall, but after a month of devouring it, his size reached eleven meters.

Two 11-meter terrifying giant dragons clashed. Iron Fang had a sharp fang, which was a variant of Judas' ability.

It is precisely because of this iron fang that Tie Ya does not like to use hand-held weapons.

Xu Dong is different. The soul of Ape erectus makes him very good at using tools.

This time he took a wooden spear. Using a steel knife to deal with Tie Ya was a bit too bullying, but the wooden spear was better and could not kill the dragon.

When the battle began, Tie Ya rushed over first, opening his bloody mouth, and his jet black fangs with a metallic luster reflected the sunlight.

Tie Ya was merciless. He opened his mouth and was about to bite Xu Dong's neck.

Xu Dong turned sideways and swung his wooden spear, and hit Tie Ya on the nose with a stick, causing it to burst into tears.

Then there was a round of Xu family's marksmanship. The spears and spears were all pierced into Tie Ya's body, leaving countless small holes. Although the bloody holes were not big, they looked quite numb when there were more of them.

Seeing that he was so passive, Tie Ya became furious and forcefully took Xu Dong's spear, then bit Xu Dong's neck with his big mouth.

Still the same place, still the same dead hand, Tie Ya never thought of showing mercy.

Xu Dong couldn't help but feel angry about this, and decided not to hold back anymore, letting this guy see clearly how much he weighed.

Just when Tie Ya was about to bite Xu Dong's neck, he unexpectedly twisted his neck flexibly, allowing Tie Ya to bite the bullet.

Instead, because he was too close, his neck actually came to Xu Dong's mouth.

Since it was delivered to the door, Xu Dong was naturally not polite and quickly bit Tie Ya's neck. The sharp ichthyosaur dagger teeth penetrated into the flesh, and Tie Ya could not help but moan.

Xu Dong seized the opportunity and raised his head without mercy. He actually lifted Tie Ya into the air, shook his head left and right, and used the inertia of the swing to throw the fifth crown prince out.

The eleven-meter, nearly four-ton large predator was actually thrown to the ground. Its huge body was an absolute advantage when hunting, but it was more easily injured than other dinosaurs when it fell.

Tie Ya broke several ribs in this fall. What was even more unfortunate was that his right ankle hit a hard stone, causing both sides to suffer injuries.

The stone was broken and its ankle was cracked. It would be inconvenient to walk in the future, let alone run and hunt again.

Tie Ya fell to the ground and screamed in pain. Xu Dong came to it and stepped on its body with one foot, making a sharp roar.

Surrender or death?

Tie Ya struggled for a long time and found that he couldn't move away. In the end, he had no choice but to lie on the ground and stop moving, which was regarded as acquiescence to Xu Dong's status as the leader.

Xu Dong snorted and let Tie Ya go, and left straight away. The surrounding velociraptors also dispersed, leaving only Tie Ya lying there in tears, no one paying attention.

Anyway, it's not dead. Everyone has their own things to do, so whoever wants to care about it won't take it away until Tie Ya's spouse comes over.

With the help of his spouse, Tie Ya limped back to his small circle.

Its injuries seem serious, but they are not hopeless. The regeneration cells inherited from the little red dragon allow most of their injuries to be healed, but it only takes a short time.

As long as Tiejia is given a few years and enough meat, it can still stand up again.

Lying down on the ground, Tieya's mate began to light a fire and roast food.

Xu Dong has not been idle for more than a month. Since the flames were lit during the first batch of burials, he has been popularizing the methods and methods of lighting flames in this month.

Xu Dong tried several methods of making fire in prehistoric times, such as drilling wood to make fire, but he couldn't figure it out.

It is easy to focus and ignite the chip, but where do you get the crystal these days? Even if there is one, Xu Dong has never seen it.

So I could only use the clumsiest method of breaking stones to make fire. Fortunately, the steel sword was sharp enough and it really made the flames come out.

The next step is to process iron stone. After all, although the steel sword is sharp, there is only one, but iron stone is much easier to process.

After more than ten days of testing, the shape of the iron stone that is easiest to catch fire was finally shaped into a small piece.

Use flints that can be found everywhere to knock out pieces of iron, and sparks will ignite the pine wood chips below, and fire will appear successfully.

At first, everyone didn't dare to use the flame, but after Xu Dong showed the three major effects of the flame, everyone became really excited.

First, keep warm.

Although Velociraptor comes from the family of ectothermic scale dragons, it has developed into a warm-blooded animal.

Of course, both endothermic and ectothermic animals need to maintain their body temperature. Although Velociraptor has specialized warm-keeping scales like hair scales, many of them freeze to death in the cold winter or at night.

Generally those who live in caves are fine, but for people like them who live in the open air, the cold is like maggots attached to their bones, unable to escape.

But it's different when the flame appears. Light a fire in the center of your home and keep yourself warm all night. Don't enjoy it too much.

Of course, there are also situations where you may be burned due to improper use.

In this regard, Xu Dong also used the things prepared for the second use of flame, which was cooked food.

There are no iron pots and other things now. Xu Dong worked hard to get the burning iron pieces he made before, but he still hasn't made them popular in everyone, let alone something as big and complicated as a pot.

We'll talk about cooking later. Xu Dong taught them barbecue first.

You don’t necessarily need a barbecue grill to have a barbecue, but you must have a pit. Having a pit is safe and makes it easier to gather a fire for barbecue.

First dig a small pit in the ground, pile stones on the edge of the pit, and let the flames burn in the pit. The velociraptors sit on the edge and poke food with wooden spears to barbecue. It is safe, warm, and edible.

Of course, there is a third point, which is the problem of night lighting. It is inevitable that the dragon will have to walk at night when it wakes up.

If it's a night with stars all over the sky and the moon is bright enough, it's fine. If it's a night with darkness and you can't see anything, accidents may happen.

What's more, sometimes you have to go out at night, just like the small tribe Xu Dong stayed in before. The leader led a team to find the bodies of the tribesmen. At that time, if there were flames to illuminate the journey, the journey would be much easier.

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