Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 205 Deep Water Sneak Killing

The large iron needle that was originally three to four meters long was quickly condensed to one meter under the constant beating of Xu Dong's mental power. The original oval needle shape also became a flat sword shape, and the thickness was forged to only one centimeter.

A blunt steel sword without a hilt appeared in Xu Dong's hand, and the only thing left was Kai Feng.

But he had no time to attack. The golden lion had already broken the iron blocks that bound its hands and feet.

The ferocious beast once again stepped on the ground, leaned forward, and struck Xu Dong with its fist as big as an iron pot.

Xu Dong had no choice but to swing his newly made iron sword and hit it with his fist.

A punch and a sword collided together, making a loud snap sound, and the iron sword flew out.

After all, Xu Dong was not as powerful as the Golden Lion. Even with the help of telekinesis, he was still shaken by the huge force and flew backwards together with the unopened iron sword.

How could the furious golden lion let go of such an opportunity? He stamped on the ground and chased Xu Dong.

Xu Dong quickly maintained his balance in the air and flew towards the big lake with the help of the power of the golden lion and the power of his mind.

The golden lion was also chasing after him. The furious baboon did not wonder why Xu Dong could fly so far. It just wanted to tear Xu Dong to pieces.

Therefore, anger makes people lose their minds, and fighting also depends on IQ. Xu Dong is about to change the battlefield now.

The golden lion on the ground is too powerful to deal with, but in the water, there is no way to use its strength. The giant baboon's 100% combat power is less than 50%, so why not do it.

With the speed of Xu Dong and Golden Lion, they quickly arrived at the lake. In order to avoid hurting the dragon and destroying the royal court, Xu Dong deliberately headed south and flew to a place where even the dragon could not see it before landing. Enter the lake.

The golden lion didn't think too much and jumped into the lake together, but as soon as it entered the lake, it felt something was wrong.

The lake where the King of Thunder Dragons is located is very large, much larger than Lake Superior, the largest freshwater lake in North America in later generations. It covers an area of ​​at least over 100,000 square kilometers, which is comparable to the entire Zhejiang Province.

It is precisely such a big lake that can accommodate an island as big as Wangting.

After the golden lion fell into the lake, it felt like something grabbed its feet and led it to fall deeper into the lake.

The creatures in the lake do not pose a threat to it. Even if these brainless guys smell the smell of blood and dig into its wounds, it is still not a threat. The real threat is suffocation.

No matter how strong the golden lion's body is, as an animal, it is natural to breathe. What Xu Dong is doing now is to drown it!

At first, the giant baboon could still fight the water flow controlled by Xu Dong in the lake, but as the oxygen gradually depleted, it had to swim desperately toward the lake surface.

But how could Xu Dong give him a chance to escape?

The deepest point of this large lake is at least 500 meters. The pressure under 500 meters of water is 51 times the normal atmospheric pressure. The pressure endured by almost every inch of the surface reaches hundreds of tons, not to mention the impact on the nerves, breathing, and psychology. Influence in all aspects.

As Xu Dong continued to pull the golden lion downward, the force of resistance he received became smaller and smaller, because the water pressure was his right-hand man and could help him suppress the brute force of the golden lion.

Xu Dong, who was short of oxygen, soon floated to the surface of the lake. He was floating on the water, but his mind was still controlling the lake water to squeeze, restrain and drag the big baboon.

One minute, three minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, half an hour, one hour...

The limit for human beings to hold their breath is 22 minutes. Xu Dong didn't know how long this big baboon could hold his breath, so he should try to trap it for as long as possible. Anyway, he was already at the bottom of the lake, so he didn't need to use much telekinesis. Just cooperate with water pressure monitoring.

The sky darkened, and another night came. Xu Dong had held the golden lion under water for an hour. Half an hour ago, the big guy was still struggling, but after half an hour, it became much quieter. Ten minutes later, it was barely moving.

Xu Dong will not take it lightly. He knows how cunning this big baboon is, so he will not let go of his telekinesis monitoring and always pay attention to this guy's movements.

Most of his mental power has been withdrawn, and the only consumption is to monitor the movement of the golden lion at all times. The free mental power is used by him to open the edge of the steel sword.

It doesn't require much mental power, as long as you control the steel sword and keep polishing it on the stone, you can quickly sharpen the edge.

Suddenly, Xu Dong's telepathy was hit by a black shadow, and it just dissipated. What was it?

Xu Dong suddenly opened his eyes and observed the movement around him. The lake was still calm, with only the rustling sound of the breeze blowing through his body scales.

It has been more than an hour. The big baboon must be dead, right? Xu Dong couldn't be sure.

At this time, a black shadow suddenly appeared under the water, and then the black shadow became larger and larger. The lake exploded with a bang, and a 9-meter-long pliosaur jumped out of the water.

Pliosaur Feng, also known as Predator Coming?

As Pliosaurus Feng jumped out, its short tail fin actually had a big hand attached to it. This hand was wet, but extremely familiar.


Xu Dong wanted to curse, but he finally pressed it down, but it was destroyed by the dragon.

The huge and ugly baboon's head just emerged from the water. The golden hair was no longer as soft as usual and stuck to the face. The originally black face had turned purple. It was obvious that the suffocation and pressure at the bottom of the lake was extremely painful. , but this big guy managed to survive.

Worthy of being a pseudo-legend, worthy of being an extraordinary species, his vitality is really tenacious.

After resurrecting with the help of Pliosaurus, the Golden Lion did not even think about saving his life. He just tore Feng's Pliosaurus into two halves and then swallowed it in two mouthfuls.

After eating a large piece of meat and absorbing some energy, the golden lion cheered up again, stretched out his hands and swam towards Xu Dong fiercely.

Xu Dong no longer fought with it in close combat. He used his mind power to float in the air and controlled the water flow to wrap around the big baboon again, trying to push it into the water again.

The golden lion also gained wisdom after every experience. He lowered his head and dived directly into the water, and just dived down, getting rid of Xu Dong's telekinesis.


Xu Dong glanced around with his mind, but found no trace of the golden lion. Where would it go?

Soon Xu Dong thought of a possibility and turned around to look. Sure enough, the big baboon had climbed onto the shore and ran towards the royal court.

After experiencing the fear in the water, the golden lion no longer wanted to fight in the water, and land was more suitable for its performance.

It took two long legs and ran towards the north. The damage caused by underwater suffocation and pressure was too great. The flesh and blood of the Feng's pliosaur just now was not enough for it to recover. It wanted more, more!

In the north, there are countless velociraptors there, and they want to eat a lot!

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