Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 203 Now, it’s my turn to take action

As the leader of the Velociraptor Clan and the proud king of North America for decades, the leader naturally has his own special abilities.

But what Xu Dong didn't expect was that the big leader's superpower didn't come from Thomas, but from Judah.

When the baboon and the dragon approached 500 meters away, the golden lion jumped up from the ground, raising his hands high to knock the big leader down.

It's just that the big leader is not an ordinary velociraptor that can be kneaded by it. With a wave of his right hand, a huge iron pillar sprang out from the ground and directly hit the falling golden lion's chest with a hammer.

The golden lion screamed in pain and was knocked backwards by the heavy hammer, directly crushing a large piece of earth and stone.

The leader of the Velociraptor did not give the golden lion a chance to relax at all. Countless iron pieces emerged from the ground and piled on the big baboon.

The big baboon is not easy to mess with. He punched away the big iron block that was about to fall on him. He put his left hand on the ground and stood up. He used both hands and feet to knock away the iron blocks that were about to fall on him. Iron block.

Under the control of the leader of the Velociraptor, countless iron stones emerged from the ground and hit the golden lion like raindrops. After all, it only had one pair of hands and one foot, so it could not defend them all.

However, its body is too hard, and it is difficult for ordinary rocks to damage it, but even hitting it with so many stones will make it miserable.

The reason why Thomas and Judas chose this place as their habitat was firstly because the geographical location of the Great Lakes tidal flat was so advantageous, and secondly because the underground iron and stone production was extremely abundant, which was enough for Judas to exert his one hundred and twenty strength.

As the saying goes, the predecessors planted trees for future generations to enjoy the shade. Judah did not use the iron ore in the royal court, but it was a benefit to these descendants.

With the blessing of endless iron and stone, as a descendant of Judah, the leader of the Velociraptor who has also awakened the power of magnets is invincible in this area.

Behind the crazy smashing of countless iron rocks, the leader of the Swift Dragon was still planning a big move.

It knew that the giant baboon's body was extremely strong and it was difficult to break through the defense with ordinary attacks, so it specially prepared a slender enough iron gun.

The big leader stretched his right hand back, and at the entrance of the royal court, a slender iron spear suddenly emerged from the ground.

There is something wrong with saying an iron gun. It should be said that it is an iron needle magnified countless times, rising out of thin air and floating in the air.


Using the adsorption principle of the magnet, the iron needle shot toward the golden lion at an unimaginable speed.

Because the speed was too fast, the big iron needle made a whoosh sound all the way through the air.

The big baboon, which was being continuously bombarded by iron stones, moved its ears, apparently hearing this strange sound.

But its vision is shrouded in iron stone and it cannot see ahead, and its intelligence is not enough to detect specific threats without intelligence.

The only thing it has is the creature's own ability to sense danger.



Sure enough, although the body of the giant baboon is hard, it will still be mercilessly pierced by such a high-speed moving sharp weapon.

It's just that when the iron needle was about to pierce the heart, this big guy turned his body slightly to avoid the fatal point.

Although he was not killed in one blow, the golden lion was still severely injured. It just fell to the ground with its head up, breathing heavily.

The leader of the Swift Dragon opened his hand, and countless iron stones floated into the air. Then he waved again, and the iron stones fell on the golden lion one after another.

These iron stones were spliced ​​and fused together like building blocks, until the golden lion was completely wrapped, forming a not too tall iron mountain.

The leader of the Velociraptor coughed a few times. It was already very old. Using its powers like this consumes a lot of energy. If it were a young opponent like a golden lion, it could hit ten opponents!

Stepping onto the Iron Mountain, it roared up to the sky, allowing all the surrounding velociraptors to see its tall figure. With its backbone, the velociraptors who were frightened by the golden lion could quickly calm down.

In the distance, an army of velociraptors is also running towards here quickly. This is another crown prince, thread.

Long Face sent people to notify the other four armies before returning. Although it also wanted to take all the credit, the scene in the premonition was too terrifying. Even the big leader fell, so how could it not be frightened.

There are indeed some bugs in predicting this ability. Just imagine what would happen if the long face came back and fought the golden lion first, and the big boss was the first to fight?

Because I only knew some unclear information from the mouth of the fleeing dragon, there was a high possibility that the big leader would be taken away by a reckless man like Golden Lion.

After all, even if it is a magnet, it will take time to attract it, and if the golden lion is close, there is no time to use the superpower.

It was the long face that allowed the big leader to see the terrifying fighting power of the golden lion with his own eyes, so he spared no effort and went all out to directly suppress this terrifying big baboon.


A big hand stretched out from the iron mountain and grabbed the big leader's right foot.

The big leader was happily looking at the whorls in the distance, never expecting that the big baboon underneath could actually break through the iron stone.


The iron mountain collapsed, and the big baboon appeared again. He firmly grasped the leader of the Velociraptor with his right hand and stuffed it into his mouth.



Even though the big boss reacted quickly and quickly attached iron stones to his body, it was still too late.

The big baboon with endless rage just bit the iron stone into pieces and swallowed the big leader's flesh and blood together.

The surrounding velociraptors were frightened by this sudden scene and were in panic.

And the thread that was approaching quickly was even more eye-opening, because the big leader was not only the leader of the Velociraptor clan, but also its father!

Carrying the monstrous wrath, the threaded supernatural power surged, and the body exuded strange energy, which actually had a special reaction with the surrounding iron and stone.

Not attraction, but magnetic levitation.

The thread was getting faster and faster, so fast that it was out of sight in the blink of an eye.

Before the big baboon could react, the thread hit its belly.

The reason why threads are called threads is because of the natural spiral texture on the corners of their heads, hence the name.

But now the sharp horn with spiral stripes crashed into the golden lion's body, but it did not penetrate. Instead, the threaded head was also stuck in the big baboon's belly.

The angry baboon grabbed the stuck thread, raised it to his head, and pulled it into two pieces with a strong force.

He threw the two dragon corpses into his mouth and chewed them fiercely to vent his anger.

Today's golden lion has two bloody holes in front of it and a spear stuck in the back door. It can be said that it is full of scars. However, with the power of killing the big leader and the two crown princes, the surrounding dragons are all silent and trembling.

Wherever the golden lion's red eyes glanced, they closed their eyes and did not dare to look. They were frightened out of their wits.

Even A Niu, who was carrying a blood feud, wanted to rush forward and fight for his life countless times, but his body could not move.

It had to sadly admit that it was scared and its body was numb with fear.

But in this extremely quiet place, an ordinary velociraptor just walked out of the group of dragons.

It seems it's my turn to take action.

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