Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 201 Royal Court Guard Battle

Xu Dong wanted to test the limits of his telekinesis, so he moved his gaze away from the graves. After all, he was also the patriarch of the clan and the hero who had protected the dragons throughout their lives. He would not use their grave soil for experiments.

Facing the mangrove, Xu Dong stretched out his left hand towards a small tree about ten meters long. Compared with his nine-meter-long body, it can only be called a small tree.

Under the influence of Xu Dong's telepathy, this ten-meter-long mangrove tree was uprooted and floated in the air.

Is his telepathy so strong? More than 10 million years ago, Domo could only twist his claws and lift a few rocks. Now he had just awakened and completely destroyed Domo?

Yes, after all, he is considered a billion-year-old antique. After so many years, even if his mental power is like a snail, he can climb the entire earth countless times.

Xu Dong felt that his powers should be more than these, like the 3D mode of the old Xunlong. I don't know if he brought it with him.

Trying to use the 3D mode, the sounds of the mangroves soon began to quiet down, and the speed of leaves falling, insects crawling, and the lake water lapping on the tidal flats began to slow down.

Success? 3D mode is back?

But Xu Dong soon discovered that this was not the case. In the past, the 3D mode could adjust the speed at will like watching a video. However, in the current 3D mode, the speed cannot be adjusted freely, and at most it can only reach the previous speed of 0.5.

But what he got in exchange was extremely sensitive dynamic vision. In Xu Dong's eyes, whether it was a tree or an insect, as long as it was within sight, he could see through it.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are no troublesome side effects of 3D mode. In the past, he would faint for several days after using 3D mode for only a few minutes at most.

Now even if he lifts the tree, slowly observes the surroundings, and understands the movements of other creatures, he will feel slightly tired after five minutes of this, but it is not serious. It is equivalent to the feeling of playing in front of the computer for a day. .

When Xu Dong was immersed in the experiment of his super powers, the loud horn sound resounded throughout the countryside and even reached the ears of Xu Dong in the ancestral land of Xunlong.

Is this what happened?

He walked back, crossed the mangroves, crossed the food storage yard, and returned to the settlement of the velociraptors.

Approaching the coward, he learned about the current situation from his mouth.

The leader of the Velociraptor has decided to send troops to attack the golden baboons, and by the way, they will bring back the dead ones and bury them.

This action was supported by all velociraptors. If being buried is the obsession of all velociraptors, then becoming a hero is the dream of all velociraptors.

Now this mission perfectly complies with the values ​​of all Xunlongs. Whoever participates will definitely gain unimaginable prestige.

Especially the five velociraptors standing in front of the big leader now.

They are strong contenders to be the next leader of the Velociraptor. Because they are all very outstanding, they have not yet been able to choose the final successor.

As the leader of the next generation of the Velociraptor clan, the leader of the Velociraptors will not let them fight each other unless absolutely necessary.

If such an outstanding young dragon is killed or wounded in battle, it will be a loss to the Velociraptor clan.

Since the winner cannot be determined through battle, this crusade is an excellent opportunity.

The big leader will divide them into five groups, and each group will lead a thousand adult velociraptors. Whoever can bring back the head of the golden lion or the most velociraptor corpses will be the hero of the velociraptor tribe and will also become the hero of the velociraptor tribe. The next big boss.

Wait, Xu Dong wants to persuade the leader of the Swift Dragon not to be impulsive. The golden lion is following them and will come to attack the royal court at any time.

With the golden lion's tyrannical strength, only by concentrating our forces can we defeat it in one fell swoop and save the royal court.

But soon Xu Dong fell silent again. After arriving in this era, Xu Dong did not gain the leadership position as quickly as usual.

The reason is that the Velociraptor has begun to transition from ignorance and wildness to civilization. Even though this transitional stage is far from over, one thing has been revealed.

That is, one cannot directly become a leader by relying solely on combat effectiveness, and prestige has become one of the most important criteria.

Today, Xu Dong is just a humble refugee and coward. Although the dragons in the royal court accepted them, they still despise their cowardly behavior in their hearts.

Just like among the five thousand dragons currently on the expedition, there is not even a single fleeing dragon. They are being called to let them rest, but no Velociraptor Crown Prince is willing to take the fleeing dragons with him.

A Niu, who led them here, is physically strong, and his combat prowess ranks at the forefront even in a place like the Royal Court where there are so many strong men.

But there is no Velociraptor willing to accept it to join the battle. Even the guide, the Velociraptor Royal Court, has old dragons who are familiar with the direction, so there is no need for them.

When the prestige dropped to a negative number, an opportunity was needed, an opportunity to quickly accumulate prestige.

Xu Dong couldn't help but think of an animation he had seen in later generations.

In the animation, the child who had always been discriminated against and bullied by the villagers defeated the villain who invaded the village, turned the tide, and instantly boosted his reputation to full value.

Xu Dong is also facing such an opportunity now. In this case, why not take advantage of the situation, make mistakes, and maximize his reputation.

Efficiency was high in the prehistoric era. After clarifying their goals, the five Velociraptor Crown Princes immediately set off towards the south.

With nearly half of the clan members leaving, the Thunder Dragon Palace became empty.

At this time, the Xunlong Royal Court can be said to be weaker than ever before.

Half of the velociraptors who left were the elites of the clan, and most of the other half were young dragons and old dragons. There were only a thousand adult dragons left who could participate in the battle.

Normally, a thousand adult velociraptors would be safe and sound, and three North American gangsters would have nothing to do with them.

Especially in the lake's tidal flats, which are easy to defend and difficult to attack, a thousand Swift Dragons are enough to hold off tens of thousands of enemy troops. Perhaps it was for this reason that the leader of the Swift Dragons dared to send out so many elites.

It's just that this time is different from usual. There are not many enemies this time, only one, but this one is capable of defeating thousands of armies.

When the expeditionary velociraptor disappeared from sight, a huge baboon gradually walked out from the horizon.

It propped itself on all fours and walked like an ordinary baboon, slowly and leisurely walking towards the court of the Swift Dragon King.

The stationed Velociraptor discovered the traces of the golden lion, and immediately issued a warning, blowing a huge curved horn.

Xu Dong finally saw the thing that made the long sound just now. It turned out to be this big long horn.

This horn alone is four to five meters long. It's hard to imagine what kind of huge creature grew it. Giants like sauropods don't have horns.

As the warning sounded, all the adult velociraptors in the royal court jumped up and ran towards the playground in the middle of the habitat.

The leader of the velociraptor is already standing there. Although it is old, it is still tall. Now the enemy who has destroyed several velociraptor groups has actually come to the door. As the master of the royal court and the leader of all velociraptors, it Do your part!

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