Still alive 200 million years ago

Chapter 18 Leaving the Grassland

The jaw-eating dragons have been starving these days. They were obviously the ones that did the most to deal with the Crocodile crocodile, but in the end they didn't get any benefits, and only one of them died.

After the war, the savannah was reshuffled without apex predators. There was only one injured Gnathognathosaurus left. How could it be that Eoraptor, Cynognathus, and Plains Dromaeosaurus were predators in groups? the opponent.

For the sake of its own life, the Jaw-eating Dragon wisely chose to avoid its sharp edges, and first withdrew from the grassland, hiding in the rocky beach and waiting for the group predators to finish fighting before coming out to hunt.

As a result, it stayed in hiding for ten days. During these ten days, it didn't eat any food, and it didn't dare to go back to the grassland. Just when it was hesitating whether to go back and have a look, it met Xu Dong and his party.

Speaking of which, Xu Dong was also unlucky. When he was about to leave the desert, he was chased by the death worm. When he was about to leave the grassland, he was chased by the jaw-eating dragon. He felt that he should be nicknamed Thunder, but he was stuck at 99% every time.

However, there is one thing to say. The name Thunder Red Dragon is quite handsome. It reminds me of the Thunder Flame Dragon when I watched the anime. Next time, why not just call it Thunder Flame Dragon? Then try to find an electric eel power generation component to give it the roar of a Thunder Flame Dragon. .

Xu Dong's old habit relapsed. He was alone in the Triassic. He liked to think wildly when encountering emergencies and had no consciousness of escaping.

As they chased and escaped, the surrounding stone pines and other plants became increasingly sparse, and the number of stones increased. The desolate scene once again appeared in front of Xu Dong, but this time it was not a vast desert, but stones. The densely covered mountainous area seems to be entering the mountainous area.

There was no way to keep being chased by the Jaw-eater. Xu Dong wanted to turn around and tear the Jaw-eater apart, but his strength did not allow it. The little red dragon was only twelve centimeters tall, and even he was only fifteen centimeters. Behind him The Jaw-eater that was chasing him was three meters long and two hundred kilograms big. Xu Dong's little claws probably couldn't even penetrate the Jaw-eater's bones.

The mountainous areas of the Triassic were not as lush as the mountain forests of later generations. Because of the arid climate and the difficulty of drilling through stones, spore plants could not grow here. Many mountainous areas were bare stone mountains, and because of the collision of Pangea's plates, the mountains here were They are all very tall and precipitous and difficult to climb over, so basically no creatures are willing to live here.

The jaw-eating dragon was also confused by the pursuit. His hungry eyes could only see the group of small red dragons in front of him, and could not tell that he had run out of the grassland.

While running, Xu Dong kept observing everywhere. Although the mountainous area was barren of grass and full of rocks, there were quite a few caves big enough to accommodate little guys like the Little Red Dragon.

Soon he discovered a pile of stones. A huge stone was pressed on top of the gravel. There was a cave of nearly twenty centimeters in the gap between the gravel.

Xu Dong gave the order and the little red dragons ran towards the cave.

How could the jaw-eating dragon tolerate the duck in its mouth flying away? It hurriedly squeezed out the last of its strength, speeding up and approaching quickly.

At this speed, the little red dragons would probably not be able to get into the hole with all their beards and tails.

Then Xu Donglai can only delay the time, at least until all the little red dragons get in.

Facing this menacing big guy is like facing an oncoming truck. It would be an absolute lie to say that you are not afraid.

Xu Dong couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, and secretly added another ten points to his agility, reaching the speed limit that the little red dragon's body could carry.

To deal with a big monster like the Jaw-Eating Dragon, strength is not very effective, and raising it to the limit is not enough for others to defeat. The most important thing is agility, the life-saving attribute of small creatures.

Xu Dong's agility itself was already as fast as an afterimage, and after adding ten more points, you could barely see its figure if you weren't paying attention.

The speed at which the Jaw-eating Dragon was running seemed to slow down in Xu Dong's eyes. He easily jumped onto the surrounding big rocks and used the stone as a stepping stone to jump onto the Jaw-eating Dragon's back.

At this time, the big guy didn't care about anything. With an empty stomach, it just wanted to eat the meat in front of it, and didn't even notice that there was a little guy on its back.

But it soon felt it, because Xu Dong directly inserted the sharp claws into the back of the jaw-eating dragon. The pain made the jaw-eating dragon fall into a trance and instantly regain its sanity.

The jaw-eating dragon regained its senses and suddenly became discouraged, and its speed slowed down directly. Running quickly turned into jogging, jogging turned into walking, and finally even stopped on the spot and gasped for air.

Xu Dong's goal has been achieved, and the stopped Jaw-Eating Dragon can no longer catch the Little Red Dragon.

Having lost its food, the Jaw-eater roared angrily and swung its body wildly, trying to throw Xu Dong off and eat him.

The violent shaking made Xu Dong unable to remain standing. With the help of its hook claws, it lay firmly on the back of the jaw-eating dragon.

Not only did the Jaw-Eating Dragon fail to throw Xu Dong off after a long swing, but the more it threw, the more painful it became. Xu Dong's hook claws pulled out two long holes on its back under the force of the Jaw-Eating Dragon's swing.

Knowing that this move was useless for the little guy on its back, the Jaw-Eating Dragon simply changed its method. It brought its back close to the big stone and rubbed it hard.

This move was so powerful that Xu Dong could only leave the jaw-eating dragon's back. Fortunately, the purpose of delaying time had been achieved. Now the little red dragons should be safe in the cave, so he could rest assured.

Crack! As soon as Xu Dong landed, the jaw-eating dragon's not-so-big head suddenly fell down, and its jagged yellow teeth closed together.

Xu Dong, who had reached the limit of his agility, had already run far away the moment the jaw-eating dragon closed its upper and lower jaws. The jaw-eating dragon could only bite some air.

This guy actually didn't give up and wanted to chase Xu Dong, so he just happened to be walking around with him.

The speed is faster than that of the jaw-eating dragon, and the food is full when leaving the grassland. Compared with running, who will consume the other?

The Jaw-eating Dragon could still run at a normal speed at first, but soon it ran slower and slower due to hunger and lack of physical strength.

Xu Dong also showed signs of exhaustion from time to time, refusing to get rid of the Jaw-Eating Dragon.

Just like this, I ran with the Jaw-eater all the way to the foot of the mountain range, and the road ahead was uphill.

Xu Dong didn't care. Anyway, he was small and light. As long as it wasn't a vertical cliff, he could walk on flat ground.

It's inconvenient for a jaw-eating dragon to be so big. It's already very tired from running, but if it goes uphill now, wouldn't it kill it?

The jaw-eating dragon is just hungry and crazy, but it is not stupid, and naturally it will not do this kind of behavior to seek death.

In the end, I could only leave with a shriveled stomach. I wasted most of the day running from the grassland to the mountains. I didn't even see a few insects along the way. I didn't know if this big guy could return to the grassland alive.

Xu Dong was not worried about it, he just felt that it would be a pity for a jaw-eating dragon with so much essence and so many excellent components to die on the road. Instead of wasting it on the road, it would be cheaper for Xu Dong to die here.

Seeing the Jaw-Eating Dragon out of sight, Xu Dong called out his younger brothers. They were migrating on a flat surface throughout the journey, crossing deserts, crossing rivers, and crossing grasslands.

But now, they have to move three-dimensionally and cross this mountain range.

I have been too busy recently due to epidemic prevention, so I often miss the update time. I would like to thank readers for their collections, recommendation tickets and monthly tickets, as well as Zhouxingxing^_^, Fingertips around Quicksand, Blue|Essence|Ling for their rewards. Thank you very much.

This book is very niche, and I am quite stubborn. I always write some niche articles. If readers like it, it is the biggest encouragement to me.

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