Although the terrestrial ecology has recovered in the Early Jurassic, the diversity and prosperity of species are still not comparable to those at the end of the Triassic.

Nowadays, the dominance of the earth has transitioned from pseudosuchians to dinosaurs, and the hegemony within the dinosaurs has also transferred from the coelophysosaur superfamily to the Diplosauridae.

Compared with the previous pseudosuchians, this group of guys with a maximum length of 7 meters, and the subsequent Allosaurus and Barbarus in the second dynasty of dinosaurs, and the carcharodontosaur Spinosaurus in the third dynasty, they are all younger brothers.

But because of the empty ecological niche, it has become the king of land in the world today. As expected, the empty ecological niche can do whatever it wants.

The red-scaled flying dragon's bird-like dive attack eliminated the current Jurassic overlord, the king of land, and shared its flesh and blood.

Xiao Lufenglong, who was stunned at the side, immediately realized what he was doing and ran away shouting Sayazi.

Xu Dong didn't pay attention. It stood upright on its hind legs next to the dragon corpse and stared at the predators around it that were about to move.

It is a normal phenomenon to be surrounded by carnivores. No predator can resist the temptation of flesh and blood. However, if you want to grab food, it depends on your strength. Xu Dong does not mind feeding the flying dragons more meat.

But there are still some of these predators that make Xu Dong afraid, and it is those crocodile-shaped super-orders that are staring at this side.

These guys were dog-sized land creatures in the Triassic.

But after surviving the mass extinction, they evolved rapidly and occupied the territory where dragons once grew at an unimaginable speed.

The ones from this time period should be the new crocodiles Angrysuchidae.

They look almost the same as phytosaurs, and sometimes Xu Dong can't tell whether they are crocodiles or phytosaurs that have been inherited.

But whether they are plant dragons or crocodiles, these armored guys are a huge threat to the red scale flying dragon.

Fortunately, they are big brothers in the water, and become simpletons when they reach the shore, so they generally do not come ashore to grab food.

More than thirty red-scale flying dragons quickly carved up three piles of Chinese dragon corpses. If there was an attribute prompt at this time, Xu Dong should be able to receive a reverence +1 prompt. After all, this is the flesh and blood of the overlord that they have never tried.

Taking the two red-scaled flying dragons that died in the accident back to their habitat, Xu Dong once again started the ritual he had taught the little red dragons.

Digging a hole, clasping hands, bowing head in mourning.

The red-scale flying dragons had long lost this tradition. They tilted their heads and looked at Xu Dong's movements curiously. Some small flying dragons even followed Xu Dong's actions with great interest, but because they were not skilled, they couldn't do anything like it.

In fact, it's Xu Dong's fault. He went back to the mainland twice before and acted alone. He never taught the flying dragons this tradition. Naturally, the red-scaled flying dragons that had already flown into the sky would not take the initiative to remember it.

But it’s okay, Xu Dong is back, he can teach the little red dragon, and naturally he can also teach the red scale flying dragon. The tradition of the red dragon will not be lost, and the will of the red dragon will continue to be passed down.

In the next few days, Xu Dong led the red-scaled flying dragons across hundreds of miles and hunted many large prey that he had never dared to imagine. Xu Dong's prestige naturally increased, and the morale of the flying dragons continued to rise.

Finally, after flying over a group of mountains, they came to the territory of another group of red-scaled flying dragons. The group of red-scaled flying dragons here was larger than that of Xu Dong, with the number reaching more than fifty, which was very powerful.

If Xu Dong had only one, the ruler here would have included him into the clan, but now that he is leading a group here, the nature has changed and it has become a land grab.

It's okay to seize the territory. All the red-scaled flying dragons in this area are dispatched. Their red feather-scaled wings spread out for hundreds of meters, and they are heading towards Xu Dong in a mighty manner.

At first, the leader of the local flying dragons shouted a warning. It was always right to be polite before fighting. If they could scare away the invaders without fighting, that would be the best result.

In prehistoric times, if you can avoid getting hurt, don't get hurt, and if you can get away with it, don't suffer losses. Unless it is absolutely necessary, no one is willing to use his tribe to fight.

However, this new tribe was not unreasonable at all. The leader of the red-scaled flying dragon rushed straight into their dragon formation without saying a word. Even if the local flying dragon leader did not want to start a war, he had to leave.

Under the leadership of this invading flying dragon, more than 30 red-scaled flying dragons on the opposite side, young and old, all rushed over, shouting wow. The local dragon leader screamed and ordered the tribe to attack head-on.

Xu Dong Yilong took the lead and rushed into the pile of flying dragons. With a wave of his claws, he tore a large hole in the chest of the two red-scaled flying dragons. Then he pulled them apart from both sides, revealing the leader of the flying dragons behind them.

This guy seems to be an experienced person, and he actually knows how to put two human shields in front, but how can he stop Xu Dong?

It will eventually face the impact of the unparalleled admiral.

Both claws came out.


This flying dragon leader is not simple. He actually caught Xu Dong's claw strike head-on, with two pairs of claws crossed together. It even lowered its head and prepared to stab Xu Dong with the horn on its forehead.

Xu Dong flapped his wings in the opposite direction, causing his body to fall backwards, avoiding the poisonous dragon drill of the flying dragon leader. The strong hind limbs under his body kicked hard on its belly, and the momentum successfully separated the two dragons.

In the first round, Xu Dong made a small victory and injured the leader of the red-scale flying dragon with a kick, but it was not serious. It was still difficult to hurt the same flying unit with blunt blows in the air because he could retreat to relieve his force.

The best means of attack are sharp weapons like claws and beaks.

The second round started again. Xu Dong was going to use kiting tactics this time, trying not to confront the opponent's leader head-on to ensure that he would not be injured.

Its wings formed the shape of a butterfly, and it deftly avoided every claw attack of the flying dragon leader in the air. When its attack was stiff, Xu Dong struck instantly, leaving a series of wounds on its body.

Venom is rarely used in battles between members of the Crimson Dragon Clan. Most of them involve hand-to-hand combat. Using venom is cheating, and no one will be convinced.

So obviously he can quickly use venom to weaken the flying dragon leader, but Xu Dong still relies on grinding.

When the eighth wound appeared on the body of the flying dragon leader, it finally became afraid and stopped attacking Xu Dong. Instead, it turned around and ran away.

Xu Dong suddenly descended the mountain like a tiger, swooped on its back, and cut off the horn of the leader of the flying dragon with his sharp claws.

Cutting off the horn means that Xu Dong has won, and at the same time, he is not going to kill it, but will let it live. The leader of the flying dragon whined and gave up resistance, and accepted the defeat obediently.

The leader has failed, and its tribe has also lost its fighting spirit. They are all dejected. As the price of failure, they need to leave their original home and go to a strange area to start over.

How could Xu Dong let them leave? The Dragon Sea tactics had not yet been formed, and they needed to unite the power of all the red scale flying dragons.

After his strong dissuasion, more than forty red-scaled flying dragons finally stayed and joined Xu Dong's team, while the other flying dragons chose to find other places to develop.

At this point, Xu Dong has completed the initial racial expansion, and the number of the group has increased to more than 70. It is not easy to feed so many red-scaled flying dragons.

Get the materials nearby and paint over the stolen land first to let the creatures living here know.

Red Wings have arrived!

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