Stepmother Looking for Relatives: I Want to Donate Bone Marrow to Save Her Child at the Start

97 The tyranny of Zhang Liliang! I want you to die more than losing m1y! (Kneeling and begging to be

After Lu Chen saw Jiang Ye's eyes, Gu Shi's heart palpitated for a second.

Although the President Jiang in front of him is not very old, the aura on his body is really scary and scary.

At any rate, he is also a person who has been in the society and has been carrying the soil for several years.

But in front of Jiang Ye, he couldn't think of any resistance.

Maybe this is the aura of President Jiang,

Without waiting for Jiang Ye to speak, Lu Chen immediately knocked on the door:

He still has eyesight

Soon, the door opened and Zhang Liliang came out.

After seeing Lu Chen at the door, Zhang Liliang immediately showed a good smile,

"Isn't this President Lu?

why are you here? hurry hurry, please come in

You see that you are really here and don't tell me in advance. I knew you were coming, and I will go downstairs to pick you up.

Although Zhang Liliang doesn't know why Lu Chen came over suddenly, but Lu Chen is his immediate boss, a billionaire super boss!!

he came

After listening to Zhang Liliang's words, Lu Chen snorted coldly and ignored him.

If it wasn't for this Zhang Liliang, how could he be hated by Jiang Tu?

Fortunately, he provided Jiang Ye with a lot of clues in a timely manner,

Otherwise, after Jiang Ye kills Zhang Liliang, he will kill himself the second time!

Lu Chen ignored Zhang Liliang, but turned his head to Jiang Ye and Secretary Jiang Tu and said,

"Mr. Jiang, you are advanced."

After Jiang Ye and the secretary entered, Lu Chen finally entered the room

Zhang Liliang froze when he saw that Lu Chen was so respectful to Jiang Ye.

I'm afraid the richest man in Hukou City can't make Lu Chen so respectful, right?

Could it be that this young man is more powerful than the richest man?

However, why is this young man so familiar? He seems to have seen it before.

When Jiang Ye sent her mother into the operating room, she had just graduated from high school, and she still looked very young.

Six years later, Jiang Ye has changed a lot,

In addition, Zhang Liliang didn't pay much attention to Jiang Ye's mother and son, so he was not particularly impressed with Jiang Tu.

After Jiang spit into the room, he soon saw Zhang Liliang's family.

His parents, his wife, and his father-in-law,

The family lived in a mansion with many square meters and sat around the dining table, which seemed to be very happy.

On Er Ai's guest table, there are also two car keys.

A BMW to a Porsche

Live in a luxury house and drive a luxury car.

In the past six years, Zhang Liliang has lived a really nourishing life.

But what about my own mother:

Now, he is forever separated from himself, and he has suffered for so many years without enjoying the blessing of his son——

Zhang Liliang walked in front of Lu Chen and whispered to Lu Chen: Speaking of,

"Mr. Lu, this young brother is

Soon, Zhang Liliang's wife also came over with a smile on her face.

She thought her husband had another chance,

And Zhang Liliang's parents and parents-in-law even smiled and their eyes were full of relief.

Just when Zhang Liliang was laughing, Lu Chen suddenly slapped him over!


This slap made Zhang Liliang stunned.

But he didn't dare to attack at all!

Lu Chen is not only a billionaire but also a local snake character.

Even if he killed himself

After Zhang Liliang's wife and parents-in-law saw Zhang Liliang being beaten

In front of his family, he was slapped in public, although Zhang Liliang couldn't get off the stage

After all, Lu Chen can't afford to offend him.

At this time, Lu Chen spoke.


You also deserve to be called Brother Jiang?"

After listening to Lu Chen's words, Zhang Liliang opened his mouth,

He thought he had a good relationship with Lu Chen, so he secretly asked Lu Chen's as a joke.

But I didn't expect that Lu Chen would slap him directly.

Thinking of this, Zhang Liliang stood firm and bowed deeply towards Jiang Tu.

"I'm sorry that Jiang always made a mistake."

Zhang Liliang lowered his head, Jiedu was very humble

After all, this "President Jiang" is the boss that Lu Chen is flattering to, so he should bow his head to him.


Seeing her husband so humble to please a young man, Zhang Liliang's wife was very distressed.

She pulled Zhang Liliang's hair and made him stand up straight

But Jiang Ye didn't ask Zhang Liliang to stand up, does he dare to stand up?

Just like that, Zhang Liliang's waist was sore, but Jiang Tu still didn't mean to let him stand up.

After another minute or two, the beads on Zhang Liliang's face were dripping on the construction site.

He really can't stand it

He finally fell to the ground and knelt in front of Jiang Tu.

Not only the waist, but other places are too sore.

After kneeling in front of Jiang Ye, Zhang Liliang immediately bowed his head to admit his mistake,

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang

My legs are a little sore and I can't stand still

Zhang Liliang didn't know what Jiang Ye meant, but he didn't dare to make trouble at all.

Let him stand and he would never dare to sit.

In this way, Zhang Liliang showed his absolutely humble side.

Zhang Liliang's wife, as well as his parents-in-law and other distressed Pi Xing!——

Finally Jiang Ye gave Lu Chen two glances

After seeing Jiang Ye's eyes, Lu Chen immediately understood:

He walked up to Zhang Liliang and looked at him coldly

"Zhang Liliang, do you still remember the content of our contract?"

Hearing this, Zhang Liliang nodded immediately, "I remember, of course I remember."

"Remember the violation regulations?"

"Breach of Regulations

Speaking of this, Zhang Liliang's face changed.

Did Lu Chen know about his purchase of counterfeit medicines from foreign businessmen?

Sure enough, Lu Chen's icy voice came over,

"According to clause of the contract.

Using concealment, deception, etc. to deceive Party A to buy fake and shoddy medicines from a third party, and cause serious losses to the Chinese side.

Liquidated damages of 50 million yuan shall be paid;

Hearing this, Zhang Liliang was shocked.

He stood there dumbfounded. Brain buzzing:

He now finally understands why Lu Chen was looking for him in the middle of the night.

My own business has been exposed!

Thinking of this Zhang Liliang, his face was pale and his eyes were blank!

What I have done over the years has been very hidden, how could it be discovered by the above?

Liquidated damages of 50 million

How can I get it out of myself!

Although Zhang Liliang earns a lot these days, he spends more.

What's more, he only earns several million a year, so let him take out 10,000, isn't this going to ruin his family?!

Wu Renwan can't get so much money after selling himself.

At this time, Lu Chen looked at Zhang Liliang who was underground without the slightest sympathy in his eyes.

Even if Jiang Tu does not provide information about Zhang Liliang selling fake drugs

Play with yourself. I can play this Zhang Liliang to death,

Except for Zhang Liliang, his family was also stupid at this time.

The liquidated damages of 50,000 yuan are sky-high compensation!

How can your own family take it out.

It's all over:

Zhang Liliang saw that Lu Chen was unmoved, and Wang was kneeling in front of Jiang Ye.

"Mr. Jiang, you have pity on me, I was blinded by lard, Yi Xin!!

I definitely won't next time, I beg you. You help me beg President Lu for mercy!

Leave me alone this time!

Wuyuwan, I really can’t get it out.””

Please, please help me beg for mercy!"

Zhang Liliang wept bitterly and he pinned all his hopes on Jiang Tu.

He never imagined that the originally happy family dinner would turn out to be like this.

He really broke down.

Jiang Ye lowered his head slightly after hearing Zhang Liliang's words, and looked at the scum who was kneeling on the ground.

"You asked me to intercede for you and let you live?

You really don't remember me?

I don't just want you to lose money. "

Hearing Jiang Tu's words, Zhang Liliang was taken aback.

Does this President Jiang know him?

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Ye carefully again...

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