Stepmother Looking for Relatives: I Want to Donate Bone Marrow to Save Her Child at the Start

83 Jiang Tianhua project started! Start step by step and step into the abyss! (Kneeling and begging

Li Yan was controlled by the bailiff but still scolded the judge!

At this time, Li Yan's hair was messy, and her face was red and blue, no different from a mad woman!

Jiang Cheng is her life!

What's the point of Jiang Cheng being sentenced to being alive today?"

It's all to blame for Jiang Ye, the broom star!

It was this broom star who put his son in jail step by step

Thinking of this, Li Yan scolded Jiang Ye again, completely disregarding her image!

Li Yan usually cares about face the most, but she has long since left the so-called face behind because of her excessive grief!!

She just wants to vent now

Jiang Tianhua lowered his head in embarrassment.


It's so embarrassing.

Not only has the son been sentenced to become a criminal, but even the wife has made a riot in court like a mad woman!

Now Jiang Tianhua just wants to find a crack in the ground to get in!"

Li Yan came from a big family anyway, so why didn't he pay attention to his manners?

Splashing under the Taiting audience, what kind of manner is this?

If it spreads out in the future, others will definitely say that the Jiang family has no tutoring!

How can I go out to meet people then?

Li Yan's mother and son, it is considered that they have lost all their face!

Soon Li Yan was taken away, and she was still scolding when she left.

After retiring from the court, Jiang Tianhua's expression darkened, and he was just about to leave when Jiang Ye came over.

Looking at Jiang Ye. Jiang Tianhua felt extremely bitter in his heart.

It can be said that the current result is caused by a large part: part of it is because of myself!!

If he had been a little bit human, Jin Tian Jiang Ye would not have hated himself so much!!

Now Jiang Tianhua regrets it very much. When Jiang Ye's mother was so destitute that she sold vegetables for a living, she should lend a helping hand!

At least give Jiang Ye's mother and son some financial compensation.

But at the beginning, Li Yan forced Jiang Ye's mother and son to leave the house through the relationship of the old man of the Li family.

At that time, he didn't care because he didn't spit the life and death of his mother and son in Pingjiang. I don't even want to offend Li Yan and the Li family because of Jiang Ye's mother and son.

Thinking about it now, Jiang Tianhua can't wait to slap himself!!

If I had been tougher back then and had a little more conscience to help Jiang Ye's mother and son, maybe Jiang Ye would still recognize himself as a father now.

But no matter how much he regrets it now, Jiang Ye will never forgive himself.

Jiang Tu walked to Jiang Tianhua's side and gave him a slight side.

"You don't have to feel sorry for your son now. Jiang Cheng has been sentenced to 16 years, and you won't be able to see him even if he dies in prison."

Hearing this, Jiang Tianhua's lips twitched, he looked back at Jiang Ye, and growled,

"Jiang Ye!! This is your brother!

Do you have humanity?"

When Jiang said this, he also lacked confidence.

The two brothers had never met since they were young, and when Jiang Cheng first met Jiang Tu, he had one arm removed from him.

If it wasn't for his god-level fighting skills, Jiang Ye would be disabled now

Hearing Jiang Tianhua say this, Jiang Ye smiled.

He walked in front of Jiang Tianhua and said in a cold voice

"younger brother?

That little three-born child is also worthy of being my brother?_

The guy who wants to lose one of my arms before we meet is also my brother?

Are you ashamed when you say this?

Would you like a face?"

Jiang Tianhua was stunned and speechless:

Indeed, Jiang Tianhua admitted that his family really did not treat Jiang Tu.

Jiang Tianhua sighed, turned and left.

A son became an enemy of himself,

A son goes to jail

Are you a failure in your life?

On the other side is the Li family in Longdu!

In the Li Family Manor, Mrs. Li sat in the main seat of the hall, looking at the news on the computer with a gloomy expression!

Under Mrs. Li, stood Li Mei, Li Yuanbing, Li Yuannian, Li Yuanguo and other children.

After reading the news, Mrs. Li slowly closed the computer, his face was gloomy and water was dripping.

At this time, the hall was very quiet, and I didn't dare to say a word.

Li Mei and others even lowered their heads, not daring to breathe:

Finally, after a minute, Mrs. Li spoke up,

"Trash! A family's trash!

To be played like this by an abandoned child is simply a person who lost my Li family!

Tomorrow, it is estimated that the whole dragon will be spread all over my Li family, Li Yan, was ruined by an abandoned son Jiang Ye!!

Jiang Cheng was imprisoned, Li Yan was detained

It's just too rubbish, the person who threw me away""

Mrs. Li's real name is Li Ruilong, and in the entire Dragon Capital,

When some entrepreneurs worth 100 billion see Li Ruilong, they want to bend over.

All the industries that the Li family has developed for many years together may have assets ranging from nearly 900 billion to trillions of dollars.

Because Daxia's rich list is only for the personal rich, if you don't rank the family, the Li family will definitely be in the top three of the family list!!

However, it is such a behemoth that Li Ruilong's daughter was actually carried by an abandoned son!

You must know that after Li Yan succeeded in forcing the palace, in order to make Jiang Ye's mother and son unable to live, he even asked Mr. Li to move.

And Mr. Li's direct words made no one dare to accept Jiang Ye's mother and son.

Mr. Li Ruilong even made Jiang Ye's mother and son go out of the house by virtue of their relationship, and they couldn't get a penny of compensation!

Although Li Ruilong didn't like Jiang Tianhua, he was more able to tolerate the existence of Jiang Ye's mother and son.

Otherwise, her daughter will be pointed at by Jiang Ye's mother and son: the backbone; the bone will be called "Little San".

If it is not strictly controlled for fear of being investigated, it is estimated that Jiang Shi's mother and son will not even survive for a few days!

What Li Ruilong didn't expect was that he helped his daughter so much and pushed Jiang Tu's mother and son into the bottom of the society, but he still made Jiang Ye rise!

Moreover, Li Yan was also carried by Jiang Tu one after another!

How could he endure this?

At this time, Li Ruilong was already thinking about countermeasures_.

Talk about magic!

A day later, Li Yan was released.

After being detained for a day, Li Yan was groggy.”

She has been spoiled since she was a child, and she has never been detained!

There's no bed there, just a hard bench! There's no one to take care of you the whole time.

Mobile wallet, wait for everything to be collected, and let Li Yan sit there for 24 hours

I can't even sleep well at night!

She is really about to collapse!

When he got home, Jiang Tianhua ignored her - he was busy with the sand and gravel mine.

All the equipment has arrived today, and the construction can be officially started.

Jiang Tianhua made an appointment with Chen Wen and went to the placer address together.

Looking at the equipment, labor and so on, the two big stones in Qi Jiang Tianhua's heart finally fell to the ground!

Jiang Tianhua patted Chen Wen's shoulder with a smile on his face!

"Brother! Thanks to you this time!

This kind of good project can think of me, I really don't know how to thank you!

Thank you so much!"

Jiang Tianhua's words came from the bottom of his heart

If it wasn't for Chen Wenla himself, he would still be in a daze.

If not for Chen Wenla himself!_How could I have encountered such a good project!!

This Chen Wen not only introduced himself to the project but also introduced himself to the buyer!!

Now in Jiang Tianhua's eyes. Chen Wen is his savior,

It's his benefactor!

If Jiang Ye heard Jiang Tianhua's words here at this time, he probably wouldn't be able to stop laughing.

Jiang Tianhua was really sold, and he counted the money for others.

Three days left!

Three days later, the above down policy

Total ban on mining!

At that time, Jiang Tianhua will not only lose 6.8 billion in loans, but also pay Qian Hui's huge compensation!

At that time, will Jiang Tianhua still laugh?

Soon all the placer mines in Jiang Tianhua were started.

He said hello to the locals, and the locals had no opinion, anyway, they could still earn a tax.

In this way, Jiang Tianhua's sand mine started construction

Fifteen factories can mine 220,000 tons a day!

In this way, the mines around Jiangtianhua are proceeding in an orderly manner.

The first batch of goods produced was also passed to Qian Hui_s

Qian Hui couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw the quality of this batch of goods.

Even interested in renewing the contract!_!

Hearing this news, Jiang Tianhua was very happy!

Looks like I can turn around

Three days later!

In the past three days, Jiang Tianhua has delivered a lot of goods to Qian Hui.

In just three days, the turnover of tens of millions was sold, and the net profit was six or seven million.

It's not a problem to return to the book after a year like this!!

In order to thank Chen Wen, Jiang Tianhua specially set up a banquet at Tianning Hotel to entertain Chen Wen.

Jiang Tianhua and Li Yan attended in full costumes. This time he not only invited Chen Wen, but also invited some friends who have a good relationship with him in Modu.

Everyone was drinking and chatting at the wine table, all with smiles on their faces.

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