Stepmother Looking for Relatives: I Want to Donate Bone Marrow to Save Her Child at the Start

56 After another bad news, Jiang Tianhua and Li Yan are desperate! ! (Late night, the code is kneeli

Jiang Ye didn't take it to heart after hanging up the phone,

I will go to Liu Ziyuan's house to see my father-in-law later:

Where is the time to deal with this uncle?

However, before going to see my father-in-law, I have to go to "send gifts" to Jiang Tianhua

After all, his good son Jiang Cheng caused him a lot of trouble.

It's Jiang Tianhua's birthday today

Then give him a surprise.

the other side,

In Huazhou King Court:

After Jiang Tianhua listened to the discussion of the audience

He's so heartbroken!

The purpose of holding this birthday party today is to make a face in front of everyone! Improve the prestige that has been lost recently.

He even wanted to stand out in the Li family and gain the approval of everyone in the Li family.

But what??

Before the youth road skyrocketed,

Not to mention this kind of operation to increase his prestige, it is estimated that he will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the future.

Jiang Tianhua regrets it!

So sorry!

Why did you sell Youth Road in the first place?

Aren't you sick??

After a long time, Jiang Tianhua forbeared the grievance and unwillingness in his heart, and showed a reluctant smile to everyone,

"Don't look at your phone now, let's eat first

Wait a minute, I have something to announce

Jiang Tianhua wanted to quickly skip the shameful trace of Youth Road,

Today, he held this birthday party to a large extent to announce that he has invested in the new energy project of Tiansheng Real Estate!

Now the above is vigorously supporting new energy sources. This is a vent!

Standing on the wind, you will be able to fly

After the guests heard Jiang Tianhua's words, they stopped talking about the Youth Road.

After all, in other people's homes, you have to give them some face, right?


They are also very interested in what Jiang Tianhua will announce next.

I heard it was a good project

Wan Er Jiang Tianhua also let himself vote a little to drink soup?

So now you should give him some face.

No one mentioned the matter of Qingnian Road again, Jiang Tianhua finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, his heart is still bleeding!

The land worth more than 6 billion yuan was sold by his own two Yilong: price

Jiang Tianhua can't wait to kill himself

Fortunately, I still have a new energy item from Zhao Wenxuan and

Jiaguo's project is no worse than Youth Road,

Moreover, it can even go far beyond the land of Qingnian Road:

You must know that the market value of the largest foreign new energy company has exceeded one trillion US dollars.

It is one of the most valuable listed companies in the world!

If you do Zhao Wenxuan's new energy project yourself!

, Not to mention that the market value has exceeded one trillion US dollars.

At least there must be a market value of 500 billion soft sister coins, right?

In this way, his status in Daxi has risen. In the magic capital, he has become one of the top entrepreneurs!!

At that time, who will be dissatisfied with himself in the entire Demon City??

Thinking of this, Jiang Tianhua's mood calmed down a lot,——

Jiang Tianhua was a little impatient.

He looked at his watch and looked at the gate of the villa.

Why hasn't this Zhao Wenxuan come yet?

Yesterday, I agreed with him that I will attend my birthday party today, and the two will introduce Tiansheng Real Estate's new energy project together.

Why is the banquet over now, and Zhao Wenxuan still hasn't come after half an hour?

And the phone has been unable to get through, and the text messages have not been returned.

what is the problem?

After the guests finished eating, they chatted with each other.

But they still did not leave the venue.

After all, they still have to wait for Jiang Tianhua to announce the matter.


Li Mei of the Li family is even more exaggerated. She kept pulling Li Yan and said with a smile,

"Good sister. You tell my sister what Jiang Tianhua is selling?

Our family is all relatives, hurry up and announce, I can't wait."

After Li Yan put aside her sister, she came to Jiang Tianhua's side.

"Tianhua, why hasn't your friend come yet?

The family can't wait _.

If you want to, let's announce it first? When Zhao Wenxuan arrives, let him introduce it in detail?


Jiang Tianhua was silent for a moment

Now the emotions of the Tai family have been mobilized. If it is not announced, many people will be dissatisfied.

Under the auspices of Li Yan, Jiang Tianhua came to the terrace prepared in advance.

All the guests looked at Jiang Tianhua on the stage with a look of hope in their eyes.

Soon, Jiang Tianhua said everything Zhao Wenxuan said to him.

And talked about the impact of new energy on the future!

This new energy company invested by Jiang Tianhua. It is very likely that it will be able to compete with top new energy companies such as Tesla in the future!

After listening to Jiang Tianhua's description, the whole scene was in high spirits

They all know about new energy subsidies.

But unfortunately there are no good companies to invest in.

But after listening to Jiang Tianhua's description, Tiansheng Real Estate transformed into new energy. Whether it is technology, talent, or system are advanced and first-class.

This company is worth investing in!

And Ting Jiang: He has invested 4 billion in initial capital!

It accounts for 188 shares and is currently the largest shareholder.

If this new energy company goes public in the future, Jiang Tianhua will earn tens of billions or even hundreds of billions!!

At this time, everyone complimented Jiang Tianhua on the stage!

Just to get a piece of the pie

Now this new energy company is really just getting started, but there are various subsidies. Support Policies.

Maybe it can really become a giant company in the future, _ If you don't invest now, you will have no chance!!

Li Mei of the Li family in the audience was the most excited.

She arrives towards the river;

"It's still my brother-in-law.

What is a sharp eye? This is the sharp eye in the investment world! Two!

Such a good project brother-in-law, you must let me into a stock!

I'm begging you, my sister!"

Shen Ming, not to be outdone, did I help you when you were in trouble?

Now that there is a good project, can you give your brother a cup?

If I want more, I'll just drink some soup!__2"

Seeing that Li Mei and Shen Ming both spoke, everyone hurriedly complimented them.

An investment genius like you should often hold birthday parties with you. I can learn knowledge!

"Mr. Jiang doesn't say anything else, your investment mind is the most powerful and the most prosperous I have ever seen. I really admire you!

"I don't think the matter of President Jiang's Youth Road has anything to do with your judgment at all. If the entire magic capital of the land quickly dislikes Jiang Tu, it's probably just a piece of shit luck. If you really invest, you should also look at you, President Jiang. !

Hearing everyone's compliments, Jiang Tianhua was a little overwhelmed.

The embarrassment of the youth road just now is completely invisible. Instead, ___ shares of strong self-confidence!!

This project is really done and it's time to compliment myself. But it's not just these people.

Jiang Tianhua showed a proud look on his face:


I know that everyone is very interested in this project,

So I called Wenxuan and asked him to come over.

I don't know why this guy's phone is so hard to get through.

I will try again now. "

Jiang Zhu carried the phone to Zhao Wenxuan again,

No accident, still on the call.

Jiang Tianhua put down his phone and said to everyone

"Don't worry, everyone, I will give Wenxuan's company a call and I know their chairman."

Hearing this, everyone raised their ears again and looked at Jiang Tianhua on the stage——

After a while, the phone of the chairman of Tiansheng Real Estate was connected.

The chairman of Tiansheng Real Estate, surnamed Jia, is a man in his 50s.

After the call was connected, the chairman's voice was very impatient;

"Who?? Tell me if you have something!"

Jiang Tianhua smiled awkwardly

"Jia Dong is me, Jiang Tianhua,

I want to ask. Is Zhao Wenxuan, the general manager of your company, there?

I can't get through to him

Before Jiang Tianhua finished speaking, Chairman Jia on the other end of the phone suddenly got angry!!

Roaring at Jiang Tianhua,

"Don't mention Zhao Wenxuan to Laozi!

If he is found by Laozi, I will kill him!"


Hearing this, Jiang Tianhua was a little puzzled and Li Yan, who was beside him, was even more stunned.

After inquiring, the chairman of Tiansheng Real Estate said the reason.

"This kid stole 300 million from public funds and lost everything in gambling.

Before I found out, he used the funds to handle the business of the new energy company yesterday.

Damn, now the others are gone! The second referee is investigating, and he went to the Chinese people overnight!

ran away all my money 1

I have called the police!

Gotta find this damn guy!

When Jiang Tianhua heard this, the smile on his face was gone.

And there was a look of extreme collapse and extreme despair in his eyes,

Under the puzzled eyes of everyone in the audience, Jiang Tianhua fell to the ground with a "thump", with a thick look of despair on his face.

own money:

The 400 million I just made up are gone—

At this time, Li Yan was not much better than Jiang Tianhua. Her limbs were cold, her legs were trembling, and her lips were constantly shaking!!

Now she really wants to cry

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