Stepmother Looking for Relatives: I Want to Donate Bone Marrow to Save Her Child at the Start

25 Helping my girlfriends to check, I was shocked by Jiang Ye! (Kneeling and begging for a flower ev

Because Jiang Ye's car is not suitable for three people, so this time I drove Liu Ziyuan's black Bentley.

Jiang Ye made an appointment and the three of them drove there.

Sitting in the back, Li Yuanyuan and Liu Ziyuan whispered whispers.

"Okay you!

No wonder I look down on my cousin, it turns out that your childhood sweetheart Jiang Ye is so handsome! !

Tall and handsome, I was greedy when I saw it. "

Hearing Li Yuanyuan praising Jiang Ye, Liu Ziyuan felt sweet, even happier than praising herself.


Brother Jiang Ye is really excellent, no matter who sees it, he can't help but praise him.

In this way, when I bring Jiang Ye home to see my father in the future, it should be easy for my father to accept it, right?

Thinking of this, Liu Ziyuan's face turned red again.

You are thinking too far now! !

Li Yuanyuan, who was on the side, was also a little stunned when she saw Liu Ziyuan's shy look.

She is very familiar with Liu Ziyuan, but she has rarely seen Liu Ziyuan's attitude as a little girl.

Sure enough, love can make a person's temperament change.

However, since he is Liu Ziyuan's good best friend, he must take good care of himself!

See how this Jiang Ye's character is!

If you're just handsome, you don't have a bad character.

According to Liu Ziyuan's previous description, Jiang Ye should be a child of an ordinary family.

So, the Porsche that Jiang Ye just drove should be bought for him by Liu Ziyuan?



On the way, Li Yuanyuan had a chat with Liu Ziyuan.

The two talked about their college days.

At this moment, Li Yuanyuan suddenly looked at Jiang Ye.

"By the way, Jiang Ye.

I still don't know which university you graduated from...

Would you mind revealing it? "

Li Yuanyuan and Liu Ziyuan both graduated from top foreign universities.

If the university Jiang Ye went to was just an ordinary school, there would definitely be a generation gap between the two in the future.

After all, different contacts, different understandings, naturally different concepts.

This is called "matching the door".


Hearing Li Yuanyuan's words, Jiang Ye didn't think much and answered directly,

"Graduated from Magic University."

Hearing this, Li Yuanyuan nodded.

Magic City University, not bad, is a 211 university.

Of course, Modu University is good in Daxia, but in the international arena, the ranking is relatively low.

Fifty people left.

However, it barely met the standard and was worthy of Liu Ziyuan.

After Jiang Ye finished speaking, Li Yuanyuan didn't speak yet, but Liu Ziyuan on the side spoke.

"Magic University?

Brother Jiang Ye, didn't you score 660 in the college entrance examination?

This score is not to say that Qingbei, but the top universities in the whole summer are all up to you to choose?

How did you go to Modu University? "

Indeed, with 660 points that year, Jiang Ye ranked in the top 100 in the city!

Although this kind of achievement cannot be said to be stable in Qingbei, it is really no problem to choose 985 in Daxia.

Why did you go to a magic university?

Of course, it's not that Modu University is not good, but Jiang Ye's score can go to a better institution! Get a better education.


After listening to Liu Ziyuan's words, Li Yuanyuan on the side was a little stunned.

Jiang Ye scored 660 in the college entrance examination? ?

You know, she worked hard for three years in high school, and in the end, she was only in the early 600s.

Jiang Ye is so powerful? ?

Facing Liu Ziyuan's inquiry, Jiang Ye felt a little melancholy.

"660 points could even go to Qingbei at that time.

However, my mother was ill and firstly needed a lot of money for treatment.

Second, I can't worry about her alone, I have to stay in the magic capital to take care of her.

So, I chose a school with more bonuses. It is Magic University. "

Saying that, Jiang Ye pretended to be relaxed and smiled.

As a human being, Jiang Ye naturally knew the importance of the college entrance examination, but for the sake of his mother, he still chose to give up the opportunity to go to Qingbei and stay in the magic capital to take care of his mother.

He has no regrets about these choices.


After listening to Jiang Ye's explanation, Liu Ziyuan and Li Yuanyuan did not speak.

At this time, Liu Ziyuan looked at Jiang Ye distressedly.

When she was abroad, if she knew this, Liu Ziyuan would definitely give up everything and come to Jiang Ye!

And when Li Yuanyuan looked at Jiang Ye, her eyes showed admiration.

People who are willing to give up Qingbei in order to take care of their mother.

How can the character be bad? ?

Give him her best friend, Li Yuanyuan can rest assured!


Soon, everyone came to the Caesar Hotel.

The majestic and resplendent Caesar Hotel also amazed Li Yuanyuan.

Sure enough, only when I came to the magic capital did I know that I was a turkey.

Although Longdu is also a first-tier city, Longdu is a political center, and there is naturally some gap between it and the economic center of Magic.

It is no exaggeration to say that Li Yuanyuan has never seen a star-rated hotel as luxurious as the Caesar Hotel in Longdu.

After the three entered, Li Yuanyuan opened her eyes even more.

The decoration inside, the layout inside, is no worse than the top hotels I saw when I was abroad!

Sure enough, the development of Daxia is getting better and better! !

After Jiang Ye came in, he took the three directly to the private room on the top floor.

Having eaten in this environment, Liu Ziyuan and Li Yuanyuan both felt much better.

On the way to dinner, Li Yuanyuan went to the toilet.

When I was outside the door, I met Zhao Jie, the lobby manager.

Li Yuanyuan turned her glasses, called the lobby manager, pointed to the private room where Jiang Ye was and asked,

"Hello. Let me ask, how much does this private room cost?"

Li Yuanyuan would like to know more about it, and she can invite friends to eat here in the future.


After Zhao Jie heard Li Yuanyuan's words, he immediately stopped and bowed,

"No money. You can eat."

"No money? Are you kidding me?"

Such a big hotel, such a luxurious private room, do you tell me that there is no money? ?

Are you kidding me? ?

Seeing Li Yuanyuan's puzzled expression, Zhao Jie was also a little stunned.

"Yes, yes, aren't you Jiang Dong's friend?

Director Jiang came to his hotel for dinner... What kind of money do you want? ? "



"What did you say???"

Li Yuanyuan almost jumped up.

"Who do you think this hotel belongs to?? Director Jiang?? What is Director Jiang?? Is it Jiang Ye?"

Looking at the shocked Li Yuanyuan, Zhao Jie nodded blankly,

"Yes, yes... Jiang Ye is our chairman."

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