Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 790: 28 places

"Don't we say that we will encounter the biggest difficulties since we traveled west, how can we be a zhuangzi with no one? Are we afraid?"

Sun Wu, carrying a large black stick, said to Tang Luo.

After speaking, looking up at the sky, hair and clothes fluttered in the wind, a master lonely gesture.

It is now half a year after setting foot on the westbound road. In this half year, everyone went westward, beating and killing, beating and killing and beating and killing.

The rapid progress in strength is not small, medium and large, but progress at the medium, large and super large levels.

The big progress is Sun Wu and Tang Seng.

Ao Yu has made great progress, and Gao Cuilan and Bone Actuarial are progresses of medium meaning.

There are also two people who are in place, one is Zhu Bajie, and the other is cricket. Only when others attack him will Sha Wujing fight back.

Their situation is relatively special and cannot be generalized.

Most of Zhu Bajie's energy is used for recovery, and his strength is not weak.

Now everyone's position is Wuzhuangguan, the place where Zhenyuanzi is.

Tang Luo shot Sun Wu a shot in advance. The enemies here are very fierce!

Make Sun Wuyue want to try.

As a result, Wuzhuang Temple was tattered, no one, and no ginseng fruit trees.

Facing Sun Wukong's question, Tang Luo turned to look at Zhu Bajie and Ao Yu.

These two are here.

Pig Bajie said: "Last time we just passed by and knew the name of Zhen Yuanzi, but we did not enter the village."

"That's it." Tang Luo nodded, "Maybe Yunyou has gone. What's the matter, there will be more enemies hitting you later. Remember not to be proud and complacent."

"I don't want to be proud, but my stick doesn't agree."

Sun Wu is very smelly.

His stick was not a gold hoop, but a weapon taken from an unknown monster, which was directly used for his own use.

A demon is not a good demon, a stick is a good stick.

The monster was not the original difficulty of traveling west, but a mount of heaven who did not want to give his name.

The demon, monk with this identity will continue to appear in the future.

The well-known deities are not good at shooting, they dare to kill one when they come down to Tangluo.

So you can only send someone.

During this time, the heavenly gods accepted their disciples, and when they went out without hundreds of disciples, they were embarrassed to say hello.

Change a mount every day without taking a heavy sample for a month.

Eighty-one difficult?

No, just by going west, they can make 811 difficult.

Everyone almost killed every ten steps, and killed him hard, and Sun Wu's strength skyrocketed.

For more than half a month, no one dared to jump out and stop. No one can stop Sun Wu's three sticks.

Within three clubs, the enemy will be killed.

The sweetheart is getting more and more invincible. The bones look at Sun Wu's eyes, and the water color is getting stronger and thicker. It seems that he saw the Qitian Great Saint of the year.


Sun Wu, in an invincible position, was slapped to the ground by a slap.

"Be modest." Tang Luo said, "You are still far behind. When you were traveling west, you were one hundred intellectual deep, and now you are fifty intellectual deep. Actually, you know that you have regressed?"

"..." Sun Wu got up and muttered, "The monk is not a person who stands still and stays the same."

"Amitabha." The Tang monk with his hands folded next to him, "the little monk just happens to be meeting."

He was stupid, with empty hands, a bald head, a majestic body, and a fierce face.

At a glance, I know that it is not a good person.

Sun Wu got up and took a step.

As a 1.8-meter sportsman, he refused to stand with a two-meter-high macho like Tang Seng.

How does the Seventy-two change still have a height effect?

And why does this effect only appear on the monk?

Sun Wu is currently studying this, trying to grow taller a little bit.

I don't know why, there is always a sense of crisis in my heart, not just from where.

"No fight, let's go." Ao Yu, who swept Wuzhuangguan once, walked back and said.

To be honest, it is not Sun Wu, but Ao Yu who is the most violent and the fiercest one to kill the Jingjing team.

"Keep on the road, and walk more to understand what you really want." Tang Luo said, flew into the sky, disappeared without a trace.


Tang Seng clamored for the Buddha's horn, with a look of confusion.

At this time, how could he not know the "real identity" of Tang Luo's great demon.

I thought it was a real Buddha, but I didn't expect it to be a real demon.

The group around them is also the real demon monster. The purpose of going to Xitian is not to get the true scriptures, but to kill Xitian.

It is completely contrary to the original intention of Tang Seng.

But ... During this time, the Tang monk also saw some of the gods and Buddhas who were far away from the sky.

They are lofty, but not noble.

Guanyin Bodhisattva with great mercy and compassion?

But Tang Seng knew that the black bear essence that established Heifengzhai and harmed Baili was released by Guanyin!

The world is filthy. Where can Heaven and Lingshan get better?

The world is turbid.

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it so much." Sun Wu rarely walked over and slapped Tang Seng on the shoulder. "Look, I still don't know anything? But I am at least convinced that I am going to Xitian No one can stop me! "

Tang Seng: "Thank you."

"Thank you, we are also comrades in arms." Sun Wu laughed and stepped away.

They all now fly, but it's just shame that they are taller than each other by flying.

How would Sun Wu do it?


"I won't go!" The Huangpao strangely changed his name, and the sound of Kui wood wolf in the twenty-eighth place was loud, with a depressed anger.

Sharpen according to the original "Eighty-One Hard".

It was almost his turn to show Sun Wukong a hard time.

Kui Timberwolves were very interested in this before, and they also formulated a detailed plan and invited friends of Pixiangdian together to plan to toss the group of learners.

When Sun Wukong was in trouble at the Tiangong Temple, Ershibaju also suffered a big loss.

Naturally, there is revenge and resentment.

Right now, things are different now.

Kui Mulang was worried that he would be pinched to death by the big demon without having to pinch a bug.

But the above task has been assigned to their twenty-eight places, this time must be started.

And to be a bit successful, the pressure suddenly came to the side of Kui Timber Wolf.

"Just go there, at least hurt someone, and make your Majesty happy." Wei Yueyan said, "Our names are on the gods list, and we won't really die."

Famous on the Fengshen list, you no longer have to worry about three disasters and five declines. You can rest assured that you are in the same life with the sun and the moon.

Even if killed, you can be resurrected.

At the time, Sun Wukong caused a lot of trouble in the heavenly palace, and many famous gods died in his hands. Later, he gradually resurrected through the Fengshen list.

Return to God.

Of course, the loss of strength is inevitable, and you must rely on yourself to recover, this can not help the list of Gods.

"Huh! That sounds good, should you try it?" Kui Mulang snorted coldly.

Fengshenbang is indeed a first-class treasure, which can save lives.

But that doesn't matter.

The big demon even killed Ru La Buddha, even if there is a blessing from the gods, who can guarantee that the other party cannot kill himself completely.

In addition, if the Fengshenbang is in front of the big demon, it is estimated that it can be completely torn apart.

Is the mystery of Fengshen list as powerful as it is?

"If you do your kung fu, the big demon may not be able to do it." Wei Yueyan said, "Several people were sent, but the demon monkey hair was not injured. Instead, he gave him training, and His Majesty was very angry . "

"It's not that we don't want to go. The big demon is here. Who dares to go!" Kui Mulang hated.

The famous and powerful gods did not dare to "lower the bounds", for fear that they might cause Da Tianmo to take the shot himself, and could only send various cannon fodder.

But cannon fodder is always cannon fodder and can only be trained for the other side.

On the surface, it seems stupid like a villain in the novel.

In fact, heaven knows bitterness.

After knowing this for so long, the anger of the Jade Emperor has also accumulated.

The twenty-eighth host was the first to suffer. In the twenty-eighth host, the Kui wood wolf with the original plan was under the most pressure.

Who called him the most active back then?

Twenty-eight places are not twenty-eight brothers and sisters. They can push Kui wood wolf to bear the pressure, and they will not relent.

It was noisy, the fire broke out, but it didn't come out.

There was a guard outside to report, too, Venus was here.

Twenty-eight places went out immediately to meet.

The star of Taibaijin was so calm that he did not wait for the 28th place to say anything, and directly declared: "His Majesty has a purpose, and the 28th place violates the rule of heaven, and his sin is unforgivable. From now on, the 28th place priest will be removed and degraded into the lower bound ..."

Quickly read out the "decree" of the Jade Emperor, without waiting for the 28th resistance, Taibai Venus waved his screen back and forth: "Dear everyone, be calm and calm."

Twenty-eight places where originally wanted to say, was stiffly depressed.

"That was just for outsiders." Taibai Venus sighed, "Your Majesty's wrath is beyond containment, you have to do it."

"Will the big demon shoot?" Kui Timber Wolf pointed directly at the point.

What the Jade Emperor meant, I knew very well that they had to do it at twenty-eight places.

To this end, he also abolished the twenty-eight places.

In this way, at least on the surface, the twenty-eight places are no longer related to heaven.

Not a named fairy.

According to the tacit understanding of the two sides, the big demon should not take the shot.

But from the other side ~ ~ Since it is no longer a person in heaven, what kind of tacit understanding does the big demon say, lone soul and ghost, what about killing?

"You are still on the gods list. Your Majesty has opened the treasure house and allowed you to choose a magic weapon. At least kill one of the scholars and Your Majesty will return you, not only to restore the official position, but also go further." Taibai Jinxing said.

It is not difficult to return to whitewashing, and it will be done once through reincarnation.

Reincarnation can be a punishment or a method of concealment and avoidance.

Twenty-eighth places smiled helplessly, and they are all here. What else can they do?

Don't forget, they are all famous "people" on the Fengshen list. Even if they don't agree now, the Jade Emperor holds a large swipe of the Fengshen list. They still obediently deal with the scholars.

There is no room for resistance.

At that time, there was no doubt about it.

Fengshenbang, this is a double-edged sword.

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