Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 512: In case of indecision, come first

Howling dog shouted.

The rat's head shrank into the hole immediately, and after a few "squeaks", he immediately ran away.

"Master, there are mice, so big mice." Ao Yulie rushed over and described to Tang Luo the mice he saw.

Under the sketch, it was bigger than what Tang Luo saw.

"Squeak, squeak!"

Before Tang Luo said anything, the sound came from all directions, more from his feet, and became dull through the ground.

"Mice are social animals. It seems that 'natural disasters' have only changed their size." Tang Luo said, "they have not changed their habits."

"If there are so many mice, what do they eat?" Ao Yulie asked.

"So it's abandoned here," Tang Luo said. "It looks like you've ridden the rat house."

The "creak" sound became louder and louder, and the ground beneath him was faintly vibrating.

The ground not far away suddenly collapsed downwards, forming a one-meter-diameter pit, the size of a domestic cat, and a part of a larger rat drilling out of it.

It is densely packed and instantly covers the surroundings.

After the rats got out of the cave, they moved around like headless flies, and some even started killing each other.

Once a mouse bleeds blood, the surrounding mice will swarm up and bite their own like crazy.

Very skilled.

In less than thirty seconds, a lot of bones were added, and the scene was crazy and chaotic.

"It really hit the rat's nest," Tang Luo said.

The roar of Xiaotian Dog made these big mice run out of the ground, and the desire to eat drove them.

But the creature's instincts also felt the fear brought by predators on the upper food chain, and the appetite-the instinct for survival could not be overpowered for a while.

Tang Luo left a little space around them.

Some mice fight each other, this is the current situation.

This situation obviously will not last long, and soon, with a harsh "squeak", the rats swooped on them.

A picture of a flying charm was shot on his body, and Tang Luo hugged and snarled, but was no longer in the threatening Skyhound, and lifted up into the air.

"It's really wasteland in the last days." Ao Yuliefei said beside Tang Luo.

Such a rat population threatens more than any zombies.

Not only them, look at it, more and more rats are coming out of the ground, this abandoned building group is gradually occupied by rats.

Once, this was the place where humans lived, and now this is the nest of these giant rats.

The most traveled group of four has come to the top of a barely complete building.

Under the feet are more and more rats.

"What to do, what to do?" The red-haired man, who is also Sha Wujing's life, said "Tamura Wujing", he is a man with no brains, and he likes to use violence and yells of unknown meaning to solve problems. .

But the mice under their feet are no longer something that can be solved by violence and yelling.


The "military division" role in the foursome is instead the short man with the life style of Sun Wukong, call him Fuyuan Wukong, he yelled.

Right now, the rats are not completely converged, they are located near the edge of the building, and they have a chance to rush out.

"How do you rush?"

"One for two!"

Fukuhara Goku took out a runaway motorcycle, and the golden retriever Tomita Xuanzhang also learned everything.

Nakahara Bajie and Tamura Wujing got into the car respectively.

With the roar of the engines, two motorcycles rushed straight from the roof, and four began their escape journey.

"Ola Ola!"

Tamura Wujing held a chain of equipment in her hand, waving wildly, beating the mice that came in front and beside.

In the palm of the Central Plains, a light golden air mass appeared in the palm of his hand. After being thrown out by him, he burst silently in the rats, and his power surpassed the grenade.

But it is pure impact injury, and there is no flame high-temperature injury.

Flesh flew.

The other two focused on the car and rushed outside.

"what is this?"

On the other side, Ao Yulie looked at the mice under his feet and made a sound of doubt.

These mice spontaneously gathered and superimposed to form a rat pile, and the height kept rising, approaching Tang Luo where they were.

"There seems to be a conductor," said Tang Luo, "is the rat king?"

"It's disgusting." The rats were originally densely packed, and now they are constantly creeping. Ao Yulie couldn't help but reach out.

A flash of lightning passed, and a thunder fell into the rat heap.

The smell of coke was permeated in the air, and most of the mice in the rat pile were turned into a small coke.

The thunder and lightning fell on the ground and spread out in all directions.

The group of four people over there felt that many mice ran in the direction behind them, and suddenly the pressure was greatly reduced. They seized the opportunity, successfully rushed out, and kept away from the rat nest.

The mouse did not chase for too long behind him, and after a little chase, it retreated on its own.

Did not leave the nest too far.

A few people didn't stop, they continued to race for more than half an hour before they stopped.

"Ahhhh! We did it!"

"Victory escape!"

A few people roared loudly despite their injuries.

The high-altitude pig Bajie looked speechless for a while, these guys' occupations in this world will not be actors?

The Sakurajima gods and devil I met before did not walk as much as they exaggerated. Is it the end of the second disease?

After the vent celebration, the four began to deal with the wounds on their bodies.

Some people were more seriously injured, and a large piece of flesh was missing from the thigh, which seriously affected the operation.

Tomita Xuanzang suddenly asked, "Yes, masters?"

"How could they be in danger."

"Maybe hunting rats! Terminator!" Someone started to nickname.

"Well, I mean, can we run away?" Tomita Genji carefully said.

Staying beside Tang Luo, the pressure was too great, especially for him, the same life-style holder.

Others are relatively small-they don't know that the two around Tang Luo are the holders of the "Bailongma" and "Pig Bajie".

If you know, the Central Plains Eight Commandments will also join him, and together form a shivering duo.

"The master seems to have decided that we are a group of four, which means that we can leave." Fukuhara Goku analyzed carefully.

In the Journey to the West, after the Buddha had chosen Tang Seng as a scholar, he set him on the path of learning.

So, they are the same here!

Several people looked at each other, nodded each other, then climbed into the car and galloped again.

become free!

It is uncomfortable to have a companion like a tiger. They should be as free as the wind, and men should not be restrained!

The high-altitude pig Bajie watched the few middle-second disease patients leave, smiled, and returned to Tangluo.

There, a mouse the size of a cow has appeared.

He is struggling under his feet, constantly struggling.

The surrounding rats were restless, and some of them had re-entered into the ground.

Rat King's limbs were scribbled, and a hole was dug in the ground shortly after.

But in terms of flexibility, it is far inferior to other "small mice".

"The brain is big and the IQ is slightly higher, but that's all." Ao Yulie said, "There are no signs of sperm, is it a mutant?"

"Um." Tang Luo nodded.

Stepping down on the paw of the dog, the rat king was killed directly.

The restful rat group immediately flew away, and within a few breaths, everything was calm again, just as when Tang Luo had first entered.

The difference is that there are a lot of rat holes on the ground.

Even if there is no rat king, this is still the rat's lair, and it is estimated that a new rat king will be born soon.

"Master, they are gone." Zhu Bajie flew over and said.

"Follow them," Tang Luo said, "tell us anything you find."

"OK." Pig Bajie nodded and turned to leave.

As the selected Bible learner, you must learn the Bible yourself (to complete the task), and the care of the big brother behind you is also a basic operation.

When we separate, we can better explore the truth of the world.

"Let's break up," Tang Luo said.

Ao Yulie nodded: "Master, let's open a light."

This is steady, not persuasive.


A group of people separated, and Tang Luo did not leave immediately with Xiaotian dog. After thinking about it, he reached down and shot down.

The entire building complex collapsed, the ground was sunken, and looking down from a high altitude, you can see a huge deep palm pit.

All the rat nests in the ground were destroyed, and the rats completely "melted in" and became part of the earth.

After countless years, it could turn into oil.

They randomly chose a different direction from Ao Yulie and Tang Luo flew away.

At night, the surroundings were completely dim, and the thick clouds seemed to cover the entire sky. After the darkness came, there was no light.

The temperature dropped from just over forty degrees to about zero in just half an hour.

And it continues to decline.

This night, it is possible to fall to minus twenty degrees.

From the original stove into a refrigerator.

It is sighing that the vitality of those mice is strong enough.

One night passed, and at noon the next day, Tang Luo really left this desert.

Despite the surrounding environment still looks desolate.

However, it can be clearly felt that the environment is much better, at least some bushes and other plants have appeared.

Occasionally, you can see a few beaches of backwaters, and there are some corpses of strange animals around.

More importantly, more abandoned buildings and civilization residues appear in the eyes.

Roads and abandoned cars.

It means that Tangluo is close to this wasteland world, where some people may gather.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

There was a harsh noise, and the engine sound, which was even worse than the tractor, was far and near.

Tang Luo looked in the direction of the sound, there was a lot of yellow sand, and a convoy was approaching.

Squinting his eyes, Tang Luo saw eight cars coming by.

The rusty shell, without glass, rough, full of spikes and protection, some cracks were repaired by iron rivets, primitive and wild.

The car was shaking when running, and even unknown parts cracked from somewhere.

One suspects that these cars will fall apart in the next second.

But these cars not only did not fall apart, but they could run, and they even went fast.

The most prominent one is the big truck at the end of the team, like the same black monster.

When Tang Luo saw the cars, the only clean place was the signs near the front of the car and the cover.

It was a black bird with wings spread out and looked like a tadpole.

A dazzling light flashed.

Someone in the team,, saw Tang Luo with a telescope or something.

The original direction of the team gradually adjusted, and came towards Tangluo.

The harsh noises became louder.


As if the iron rods were directly inserted into the brakes of the running engine, the team stopped about 15 meters away from Tangluo.

No one got out of the car, and the black muzzle protruded from the gap in the car.


Loud gunfire echoed in the wilderness.

In case of indecision, a bullet comes first.

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