Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 285: Do you mean fighting?

In the end, apart from the harvest of the mission and the healing elixir that Tang Luo consumed.

Tangluo they got some exercises from Huanxi Temple, and there were some magic weapons that were not equipment.

It's a pity for Kong Ming. If it is equipped, the value will be completely different for them.

But just a magic weapon, the value is greatly reduced. Everyone can use it. The power exerted is only 80% of the monks.

After all, they are not monks of the Eight Classics, and they have no real power to cultivate in a real sense.

The procuring magic weapon consumes its own strength, physical strength, blood, internal force and so on.

As far as extra gains go, it's not a surprise.

However, in the final analysis, one of the major tasks, which should be considered a more important branch task, is one step closer to completing the entire task.

When Tang Luo received the task, Kong Ming also received the task.

But his task is not simply to weaken Huanxi Temple, supplement it with weakening, and maintain stability as the main task. It is a stability maintenance task linked to the Tang Luo task.

Now still on the verge of mad temptation.

Three days have passed since Huanxi Temple was destroyed.

Over the past three days, the apparent change was that Da You directly turned Huanxi Temple into a cult and showed no mercy.

In the past, the supporters of Huanxi Temple had investigations and dismissals, those who went to jail, and one or two who asked after the fall.

They are all corpse vegetarian meals, and even the fish people's generations-after all, such people can get together with Huanxi Temple.

A righteous imperial court official, can not look down on Huanxi Temple.

Huanxi Temple is not dead, and more than a hundred disciples inside and outside the gate have all become wanted prisoners of the Great You Dynasty.

Within the entire Dayou area, issuing sea-catch documents has become a street-crossing rat everyone yells at—for a period of time in the future, we need to know that transmission will take time.

In addition, Longya Daomen joined the hunting team from the bottom of his heart, and the remnants of Huanxi Temple have basically no possibility of setting off any storm.

The large amount of wealth collected by Huanxi Temple in recent years has not produced the situation of "happy fall and the emperor is full".

These money did not enter the internal treasury, but instead went to the national treasury, which was used for special funds for disaster relief (the disaster of demons and the like), repairing bridges and repairing roads, and other infrastructure to strengthen the entire city.

Under the supervision of several official tumblers in several courts.

These people are old and sly, one by one, not corrupt officials, but more "yin" than corrupt officials. I am too old, I am not seeking profit, I only pursue a name, I hope to leave a good reputation in history books.

Dare to stand up to the Emperor's wrath and yell at the sky: "Xian Emperor, the old minister is incompetent ..." Xiao will end up hitting the panlong pillar of the Taihe Hall (early dynasty).

The emperor wished that the old goods would be killed by one head, but he had to hold him back: "Why is X public here? Is it wrong?"

These people cannot guarantee that one point will never be used for other purposes, but at least it is a strong guarantee.

There will not be layer-by-layer stripping, and the top one thousand and two will be allocated, and only one hundred and two will be used in the end.

After the fall of Huanxi Temple, it was a feast to divide.

However, those who can "eat" are a bit nervous.

The reason is nothing else, just the man who caused the behemoth of Huanxi Temple to fall, Master Xuanzang.

"Noah, you need the elixir of healing." Kong Ming gave several bottles of elixir to Tangluo. "Longya Daomen had a blood this time."

According to Tang Luo, the magic weapon obtained from the Huanxi Temple, as well as some cheat books, were replaced with Longya Daomen by these elixir.

The value of Longya Daomen gives elixir more than half the value of Tangluo.

So Kong Ming said that there was a blood out of Longya Road.

"This bottle is for you." Tang Luo divided a bottle of Kong Ming.

Kong Ming was also not polite, and put away directly. Many of these elixir are "props", which can be brought into and out of the mission world freely.

"Today's Longya Daomen is testing again. In addition, the Right Minister is also asking if you would like to be the left division. What do you think?" Kong Ming said.

After destroying the temple with one hand, the Dayou dynasty court and Longya Daomen are waiting for Tang Luo's next move.

What's next for this unfathomable Master Xuanzang?

On the Dayou court, as Kong Ming said, he will never avenge Tangluo because of the collapse of Huanxi Temple, but will only win Tangluo.

They hoped that Tang Luo would become Dayou Zuo Guoshi.

The so-called Zuo Guoshi is a master who has a higher status than Yu Xuanzi, who is in charge of Longya Road.

Similar to the left and right phases, in Dayou, the left is higher than the right.

The original Chinese division naturally had no right and left. The meaning of the Dayou court is also obvious. It wants to continue to suppress the Longya Road and form a check and balance trend.

Be considered a relatively basic operation.

The demon ghost was born, and the Dayou court cooperated with Longya Daomen to prevent the spread of the demon disaster.

Later, he allowed Huanxi Temple to grow, trying to depress Longya Road.

When Huanxi Temple has a big trend, it wants to overpower Huanxi Temple.

Now that Huanxi Temple is overthrown, of course, the Dayou court is pinning its hopes on Tangluo.

In any case, the master Xuanzang is a real "foreign person", without any missionary mission, maybe one day he suddenly reborn and retired.

Definitely a good choice, not to mention, with the strength of the other party, even if Dayou is not willing, he wants to be, Dayou has to agree.

Unless you have the courage to come to a tragic war of "single-on-country", it would be better to simply ask Master Xuanzang to take the throne.

The "art" of checks and balances is at full play at this moment.

However, Tang Luo's lack of interest caused a little panic on the side of the Dayou court. Wouldn't Zuo Guoshi want it? what do you want?

Longya Daomen here is the same situation, want to understand Tang Luo's ideas.

Just like Yu Xuanzi's doubts, Tang Luo's great splash of power in Beiyuan can enter the center of Dayou, gain a high position, and gain mysterious energy to assist in cultivation.

If it was said at the beginning that it was secret, it was to attract snakes out of the hole and destroy Huanxi Temple.

It should now be acknowledged that the fruits have been harvested.

Why is it still "not moving"?

We're panicking like you, it's the enemy or the friend.

In fact, the special mysterious auxiliary is really useless to Tang Luo.

In his eyes, what Zuo Guoshi, how can merit be important?

Tang Luoke didn't stay in Zhongdu, he was fighting with others to suppress the meaning of Longya Road.

This matter is not suitable for him, he prefers and is good at recklessness.

In the past few days, he is trying to plan a good and fast degree course based on the relevant information collected by Kong Ming.

Once the planning is complete, you can start your journey through the middle and the middle. It is enough to have a Youyi Tiqi identity token that is cheap.

"No idea, I will start my journey in two days. By the way, is there any hard-to-solve monsters and monsters at Longya Damen? I will go there and help others." Facing Kong Ming's problem, Tang Luo Said, thinking of the "more role" that Longya Daomen can play, it is necessary to go to Chengtian Pavilion.

"What about Zuo Guoshi?" Kong Ming stopped Tang Luo.

"Why don't you come here?" Tang Luo said. He wasn't interested, but the position had a lot of benefits.

Kong Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and it seemed to be a good choice.

Just like the head of Longya Daomen, the National Division, the strength itself is not the strongest, the Longya Daomen behind is a powerful force.

Kong Ming can also be a representative of Tang Luo. He is in a high position and has a fair name, which will definitely help everyone in their future actions.

"It's a good choice." The two sides hit it off, Kong Ming nodded and agreed, "Come, follow me."

"Where?" Tang Luo asked.

"Go face holy," Kong Ming said.

The process of "Face Saint" went smoothly. His body was full of mysterious dragons, and his eyes were slightly sunken. The emperor who looked a little tired, and a number of his courtiers, all treated Tang Luo and Kong Ming courteously.

The two sides held important talks in the Royal Study Room.

Emperor Dayou pointed out that it is necessary to strengthen the friendly exchanges and cooperation between the two sides and enhance friendship.

Master Xuanzhang expressed high affirmation of Dayou's various new measures to strengthen the country's power, and recognized him as a bright king.

The two sides exchanged views and reached consensus on the current new situation of Dayou and Kong Ming's appointment as Zuo Guoshi.

Everyone agrees that upholding the spirit of friendship and cooperation, achieving long-term peace and stability, and healthy and sustainable development are the common responsibilities of each other.

After the talks, accompanied by a warm farewell applause, Master Xuanzang and his representatives left the palace and did not enter the restaurant for dinner.

Because only a two-member delegation will make a friendly visit to Longya Daomen.

"I can't think of you." On the road to Chengtian Pavilion, Kong Ming said beside Tang Luo.

"I used to be an acting master," Tang Luo said. "Did I not tell you?"

"No," Kong Ming said.

"Then you know now," Tang Luo said.

"I won't go there at Chengtian Pavilion." Kong Ming took the opportunity to take a load, and when he said this, there was a whole body of Shutai joy.

Feeling lazy, awesome!

"Well," Tang Luo said, "then help me plan the road map again. After I get the relevant information about the" difficulty demon ghost "from Longya Daomen, you can add more."

"it is good."

After Kong Ming nodded instinctively, he suddenly found something wrong!

What's going on? He obviously wanted to go back and touch the fish to take a rest. Why did he put a burden on himself again?

Is it really the influence of life?

However, although his life style was Zhuge Kongming, he was not the overworked lord in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, but was more inclined to and closer to Zhuge Liang in the Three Kingdoms Wartime arcade.

However, he forgot that the arcade could not be paused, and it had to be played from beginning to end.

Fate is destined to toil.

Chengtian Pavilion.

"It's you!" A rather young man looked at Tang Luo as if he had seen it before, his face was quite complex.

"It's the poor monk." Tang Luo acknowledged it before he asked Yu Xuanzi ~ ~ This is ... "

"You don't know me?" Yu Xuanzi was about to introduce, and the man sank, asking.

"The poor monk knows that Taoist is a disciple of the boundless school," Tang Luo said, "but it is not clear which one it is."

There is no doubt that this person must be a disciple of the former boundless school.

"Poor way to Haotian." Elder Haotian, who has already passed through the gate, said, this time it should be remembered.

The person who urged a few disciples to test your mind was me—of course, this cannot be said.

"Oh." Tang Luo nodded, recounting the old, and it was time to take serious business. "Guo Shi, Longya Daomen has been in Dayou for so many years. Have you ever encountered a powerful and difficult monster? "

"What do you mean?"

Hao Tian, ​​who was once again ignored, was out of anger. With such an unmanned attitude, this monk meant to fight?

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