Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 240: Then don't go

At the moment of the sword, Li Huan didn't even think.

I just vented my inner anger and despair, and instinctively chose the one I hated the most.

It wasn't Robert who killed him, but Tang Luo, who was dead.

Obviously, as long as he held hands, Li Huan could complete his task and leave smoothly, but he refused to help.

If Don Locken were to help, there would be nothing happening now-including Li Huan's death.

In Li Huan's mind, Tang Luo is the culprit of all.

Well, in general, there is nothing wrong with this idea.

Six camps, six demon walking, except for the prince next door, which is a little further away, other demon walking missions are already closely related.

Swept across the body.

The behavior and behavior of one demon walking will also affect other demon walking, even the mission will change.

Although it is not explicitly opposed, it is actually a bit more complicated than the task of clear opposition.

Tang Luo's move even made him on Charles's kill list and became part of Rob's mission.

This pot can be backed.

Li Huan's eyes widened, and that stab used up all his energy, but he was holding back and refused to die.

The black in sight has begun to spread and occupy.

Death has come.

But it doesn't matter. Just look at it for another 0.5 seconds, it's just a moment, you can see Tang Xuanzhang's death, Li Huan can close his eyes with satisfaction.

He didn't need to support it for too long, it was enough in a flash.

The sharp blade in Robert's hand appeared in front of him, and Li Huan's little Li Feidao crossed the perfect arc and came to Tang Luo's temple.

Sharp sword, mad sword!

There is still a large cylinder behind Tang Luo, there is no room for dodging.

Olianna held her breath, and looked strangely in her eyes.

Reaching out, Tang Luo was caught in Tang Luo's hand. This was a knife as cold as frost and as cold as frost. The knife was about three inches and seven minutes long.

A red finger-satin satin dangled from the tail.

At the moment when Tang Luo chose to grab the flying knife, Robert's blade also fell on his throat.

The sword swinging at high speed with the power of the majestic, under the impact, the blade was bent, and the next break apart.

Robert had a startled expression on his face.

His sword was broken.

But the people in front of him did not even dodge or defend, nor did they show what kind of lonely sword.

This Xuanzang just stood and took his own sword with his neck.

When the blade was broken, Robert saw a slight depression on Donlow's neck and quickly recovered, as if he saw an illusion.

His sword did not even leave any white marks!

"Thank you." Tang Luo, who had taken the flying knife, freezes his face on the face with a staggered expression, and when his head took the flying knife, Li Huan's body burst like watermelon.

Then he stunned Robert with a flying knife.

Robert tried his best to avoid it, but his sight was still completely occupied by the knife, the hand holding the knife.

The cold meaning came.

Robert stepped back, took a few steps, and covered his neck.

Blood was pouring from it, and he knelt on the ground, his hands dropped, and he lost his voice.

Did not care about Robert, Tang Luo just looked at the flying knife without even a trace of blood on his hands.

This is a piece of equipment.

Romantic Swordsman

A flying knife made with cold iron and thousands of hammers, cut iron like mud, and does not drip blood.

Incidental skills:

Recall: After the flying knife is released, it can be recalled at any time and instantly appears in the hand.

Cooling time: five minutes.

———— This is not a hidden weapon!

Tang Luo didn't care if it was a hidden weapon. It was an unexpected joy to be able to harvest a piece of equipment.

This little Li Fei Dao has no effect on Tang Luo. Similar stuff, he has a gold brick, which is much better than Xiao Li Fei Dao.

And more in line with Tang Luo's style.

This flying knife must be sold and sold, and there must be a market. In the martial art myth, there is also Yun Xiaohuan.

Selling to him is a good choice.

As for the relationship between Yun Xiaohuan and Li Huan, Tang Luo didn't care.

If you want to take revenge for him, despite the coming, any life and death situation, father and son situation can be, he Tang Luo will receive everything.

Taking a look at the flying knife, holding it in his hand, Tang Luo stepped to the headless body of Li Huan.

There was already a ball of light that only he could see.

Li Xunhuan's life piece!

Tang Luo grabbed his hand and put away the pieces of his life pattern. He was not anxious to eat it now for healing.

"How did this guy die?"

The direct cause of Li Huan's death is also difficult to determine. Whether it was the sword that died of Robert, or the contract backlash against Tang Luo's shot, is hard to say.

The only thing that is certain is that before seeing the scene where Tang Luo picked up the flying knife with his bare hands, Li Huan must be dead.

It's the basic situation.

In front of Master Tang, there are many undead monsters, enchantments, and even all kinds of evil people.

Li Huan is not the first, nor will it be the last.

"This ... is it that we won?" Tang Luo looked at Oriana.

"Oh yes."

Oliana woke up like a dream.

The same is true of the rest of the female warlocks. This series of events happened in real time.

It seems that the sword trick of an antelope with horns of some swordsman is hard to trace.

The appearance of the Grey Swordmaster and death is okay, other female warlocks may just be surprised, after all, the situation is still under control.

The outbreak of Charles was also within the expected range.

However, Robert's powerful strength finally showed up beyond everyone's imagination.

Never thought this swordsman would be such a strong one.

And listen to him, if this person-without hard work, even if it is step-by-step practice, I am afraid that he can achieve the name of "sword god".

Those who are so amazing are so dying, they just die of being lazy.

It's also a sigh of regret.

Oh, the scorners are definitely not the female warlocks, but the few swordsman masters who are desperately struggling while they are dead.

The warlocks looked at Tang Luo's eyes one by one.

I have known that the master is strong, I did not expect that the master is so strong! More than just a sacred hand!

His eyes were bright and colorful, like the banshees on the journey westward-in fact there were some after the westward journey.

"Yes, that's it. I'll go now," Tang Luo said. "By the way, I have arranged the maids in one place. After the palace is not in danger, you can let them out."

"Okay." Oliana nodded, but the expression on her face showed that she was absent-minded and had no big picture of joy.

Don Luo took a deep look at Oriana and turned to leave.

At this point, the seven deadly sins and five sins were "completely annihilated", and they would all "wake up" on Oriana.

What happened when the seven sins gathered?

Don Luo is looking forward to it.

The royalist party was overthrown, and Oliana was no longer in front of her eyes, and she successfully ascended the throne, becoming the queen of Taoist.

But this does not mean that the Tang Luo mission is over.

It is estimated that it will take a while before Oliana finishes all the tasks after finishing all the aftercare work.

The completion of this task is quite strict.

Rather, it meets Tang Luo's requirements. Even if the task is completed as soon as he takes office, Oliana becomes blind.

Got a little turbulence and waves.

Queen Oriana has basically stabilized her regime, and seven days have passed since the **** "ceremony".

Tang Luo felt that it was almost the same, and then procrastinated, maybe a white light suddenly fell.

"God, go." Tang Luo beckoned to Xiaotian Dog.

Goutian stands up from the soft cushion, stretches himself, jumps to Tang Luo's shoulder, and meows twice.

Holding Tang Luo's face with his head, he licked the cat.

One cat and one cat, walking towards the palace.

When entering the door, there must be no one blocking it. The guards knew that the white-haired mirror master was a great contributor to the success of the Queen.

It is bound to fly Huang Tengda, the one above 10,000 people.

Coupled with the ambiguous relationship with the Queen, who is unclear about the road, he can finally turn over at night to achieve the achievement of more than one person and more than 10,000 people.

Before Oriana took office, Tang Luo was in and out of the palace freely, and no one would stop him now.

First I went to Oriana's white tower and was told that the queen is not here, but in the palace.

So Tang Luo went to the palace again.

This magnificent and magnificent palace, which looks a little deep without a light in it, is also a disaster, and there are countless dead people.

From Rudolph to the last royal party.

The blood was enough to stain the inch of the palace ground.

Some ministers have actually suggested that the palace be overthrown and rebuilt. During this time, they stood inside, even in the daytime, and felt a little sullen.

I don't know when it will be on the agenda.

The gate of the palace was tightly closed, and the outside guards did not stop Tang Luo, pushing the heavy door open and letting him in.

"It's darker than before, and the black light is sitting like this?" Tang Luo walked into the palace and closed the door behind him.

The red carpet under her feet led directly to Oriana's throne.

Oriana was sitting there, the light from the window behind her, but there was no way to dispel the darkness around her.

"Don't you go? Master." Oliana didn't answer Tang Luo's words, but asked back.

The sound was strangely accented, some like echoes, and some like many people talking at the same time.

"Go? Where are you going?" Tang Luo was a little confused.

"Master, don't you really understand?" Oliana slowly got up, stepped off the throne, and looked at Tang Luo.

As she approached, the heavy shadows on her body were scattered.

You can see the majestic and gorgeous clothes, the crown that is worn, and a pair of eye-catching eyes.

"You should go. You're gone, Taoxant really belongs to me." Oriana said quietly.


Tang Luo clapped his hands and realized, "That's it!"

He's a reckless husband, but he's not really stupid, Olianna knows it all.

Tang Luo's strength is too strong. One day when he was in Towent, Oliana was not really in control of this country ~ ~ Even if Tang Lo didn't mean anything to Towant, he was powerful Exists as an objective condition.

For Oriana, only Tang Luo disappeared and left to count her as completely in control of the country.

And this task is closely related to the task goal itself. After the objective conditions are reached, the subjective consciousness of the task goal is the only step to complete the task.

Olianna didn't "promise", and naturally the task could not be completed.

"I just came to see, after reading ... should go." Tang Luo said.

"Now here," Oliana said sharply, "then don't leave."

"Okay." Tang Luo agreed with a smile.

The moment his words came out, his mission information emerged, and then changed—

Stay away from the source of sin and return immediately after you leave.

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