Step Back! Master is Here!

Step Back! Master is Here! Chapter 123: Huluwa?

"You can do it or not," Yun Xiaohuan said inside.

His life was Ye Kai, who came from Gulong. Although Gulong's artistic conception and style are very high, he still belongs to the relatively serious martial arts category.

There is no such thing as a landslide.

"The limit is to break through." Li Qing said.

The original owner of the life form is not the upper limit of the life form holder. This is recognized by the life form holder circle.

Yun Xiaohuan didn't speak and didn't know if he heard it.

"Did you find anything here?" Tang Luo felt that everyone should skip this topic.

It wasn't what he wanted to beat my teammates. Who knew the position would happen so coincidentally.

In fact, the pits formed were not so large, and the ground where the house was located was destroyed.

This is not a large-scale aoe, at least not as much as Tang Luo's foot.

Master Xuanzang is best at Kaiguang!

Don't worry about small things like open roads, open roads, in fact everyone can. In the future, we still have to publicize this matter.

"I found ... well, those monsters don't seem to be born again?" Qin Menglan suddenly realized that the monsters that had been affected to death did not respawn the same time as before.

She briefly described what happened to them.

Tang Luo looked down and inspected the leftover debris, and he understood what was happening.

Those monsters, which look weird, are actually things similar to Earthbound Spirits.

They are actually one with the whole village. When they are trapped here, it is difficult to die because of the existence of the village.

Yes, it is difficult to die, not absolutely.

You can kill those monsters millions of times, even if the village is intact.

The stone pillars on Tangluo Road hurt the "village itself", and if they were severely damaged, even if the monsters reappeared, it would not be as fast as before, and it would take time to breathe back.

"We can demolish these wooden huts to really kill those ... the villagers turned into a land-binding spirit?" Qin Menglan asked.

"Well, that should be it," Tang Luo said.


"It's a big deal to completely overturn this land and it will definitely kill it," Tang Luo said.


"Did you find anything here? Except for the village's earth-binding spirit?" Tang Luo continued to ask.

"Noah, you are a little earlier, you are gone!" Li Qing crumpled the letter and passed it.

The letter looked extremely old, creased by Li Qing, and the handwriting had faded a lot.

Fortunately, the content can still be seen clearly.

Everyone stabilized their minds, opened them together and looked up: Sister Bai ...

"Sister Bai—"

"Who is Sister Bai?"

"Well ... don't ask those who are useless, look good."

Sister Bai, you go! Everyone is just like crazy, they say it's your fault, it's you that caused the disaster to the village.

An old monk also said that he could help us demons and demons, and it didn't look like a good person.

I secretly ...

A drop of ink dripped at this position, not because the key new idea was deliberately concealed, but when the writing stopped, causing the ink to drip.

Next is an address that is intact: stones fly southwest of the village.

I hid some money I usually saved at Feilaisi, you can go quickly.

The letter is over here, and the writing is scribbled, showing the uneasy mood of the owner when writing the letter.

"What do you mean? Sister Bai, or an old monk who is not a good person?" Zhao Gailun looked at Tang Luo involuntarily.

The monk is not a good person. The first thing he thought of was Xuan Zang in front of him.

"What you are looking at is not me." Tang Luo noticed Zhao Gailun's gaze and said that he was not cautious.

Zhao Galen smiled awkwardly, turned his head, and took a step back slightly.

"How it feels, it's like a white snake." Qin Menglan said.

A woman named Bai, an old monk who brought villagers to arrest people suddenly didn't look like a calabash baby, but became like a white snake.

"We were wrong. From the beginning, we shouldn't use calabash as a reference." Li Qing said.

"I think it's still useful," King Kong said, but he didn't think there was any problem with Huluwa.

Yun Xiaohuan, who has not always spoken, did not participate in the discussion, but frowned.

I don't know if I'm contemplating or superficially contemplating.

"Is this letter sent, or not?" Qin Menglan said, "What happened to the village has anything to do with Sister Bai?"

One discovery involved more mysteries.

And, what is the deep connection between these mysteries and their tasks?

If Sister Bai is the snake spirit that Tang Luo wants to suppress, who is the grandpa? Is a member of the villagers hidden in the Earthbound Spirit Monster?

"You guys, just think too much, there is an address here, and you won't know if you look at it," Tang Luo said.

"The master is right! A man should have just faced it!" King Kong said, the stone pillar just now doesn't count--you can just face it in the future, but not now.

"Okay." Zhao Galen nodded.

Qin Menglan did not speak, and suddenly a little envious of these three brainless guys.

Could it be that this brainless style has made the three of them stronger ... No, or is it because of the strongness that this brainless recklessness did not really succeed in death, and has survived to the present?

"Then go and see." Qin Menglan said, "Yes, what did you encounter underground? How did you know that the earthquake came?"

Up to now, everyone has been able to accept Tang Luo's "breakthrough."

If you think about it, Tang Luo has a skill that can make a big pit on the ground.

Then it is not impossible to use skills to open a hole in the ground with a stone pillar. According to Tang Luo, there are passages everywhere.

The difficulty is greatly reduced, but it is actually achievable.

That's right, that's it, the main skill is fierce enough.

If you think of it this way, you will feel a lot better in your heart.

"Meet the calabash baby," Tang Luo said.

"Huluwa? That purple gourd?" Everyone was startled.

"Well, that's a wicked thing. The Liu Jian we saw was the body that was invaded by him, and it was dead in the end. You must be careful when you encounter it." Tang Luo said.

Everyone noticed that Tang Luo was carrying the wooden bow, which was indeed the bow and arrow of Liu Jian.

As for whether anyone murmured, it was Tang Luo or the evil gourd baby in his mouth that killed Liu Jian, and it was not known.

From the point of saying nothing, the act of directly saving people is not like someone who deliberately beats his teammates.

But Xuanzhang's actions always have a dangerous meaning, which makes people frightened and inevitably has many associations.

Tang Luo ignored the mixed thoughts of the crowd and continued: "In addition to the calabash baby, I also encountered a snake demon's lair with many snakes in it."

"Below?" Li Qing went to the pothole and looked down.

Naturally, you can't see any traces of snakes. The road that Tang Luo has opened must be temporary.

After a little time, all kinds of collapses, even now jumping down, it is impossible to jump back to those snake demon's lairs.

In fact, some changes have taken place in the terrain next to the potholes, affecting the houses next to them, making the wooden houses crooked.

"I can't see it." Li Qing shook her head and backed away. "Let's go, if those monsters reappear, they will actively converge, their strength will be greatly improved, and they will be trapped again ..."

The word "dangerous" was swallowed again by Li Qing.

With this "Tang Xuanzhang" in, no matter how bad it is, you can at least break out, and there is definitely no danger in healing the light.

"Wait, I almost forgot. Let's stay first and save all the land-binding spirits." Tang Luo said, "Let them be relieved."


"Well." Tang Luo said, "According to your statement, the villagers are fused with poultry, livestock, and even beasts, and the wooden house is well preserved. Apparently someone intentionally restrained them here."

"Retaliation, punishment? Is that white sister? Snake essence?"

Everyone seems to have found some context.

The old monk and the villagers should have lost to the snake white sister, and then were retaliated to form this weird village.

"The grandfather I'm trying to save, won't it be one of these earth-binding spirit monsters?" Li Qing worried.

"... It's not impossible, let's take it slowly," said Tang Luo.

It was originally possible to use the method of completely overturning the village to save the bound earth spirits, which was more efficient.

Li Qing's worry is not completely unreasonable.

It's not good to kill Grandpa himself.

"If you don't go to Feilai Stone first," said Qin Menglan, "the grandfather who rescued must not have killed him. Without any special means, we are afraid that we cannot complete the task."

"Okay." Everyone also thinks Qin Menglan is very reasonable.

At this point, the mission finally got a clue, it became clear, at least everyone had a clearer direction-southwest.


At this time, Xiaotian Dog suddenly screamed and jumped from Qin Menglan's shoulder to Tang Luo's shoulder.


The rest responded immediately, and they did not forget the kitten's warning before the villagers appeared.

"No, what's coming."

Tang Luo looked at the direction indicated by Xiaotian Dog. After a while, there was a sound from there.

The sound of some heavy objects falling to the ground is also mixed with the sound of breaking.

It is the trees that constantly break and fall, reminiscent of the scene of logging, and it is easy to think of things such as wild boars, ramming and destroying everything that is blocked on the road.

"What will it be?"

"Snake essence?" Tang Luo blinked his eyes ~ ~ so much trouble, finally out? Fighting the grass and scaring the snake is still effective. "

Compared with Tang Luo, others are not so excited, staring at the direction of the sound.

After a while, in that direction, trees shrouded like enchantments fell, thinking that an empty space had been created.

A figure stepped out and walked directly to Tang Luo and others.

Long and vigorous, momentum ... momentum is not falling.

Because the people who came out were short and firm, they seemed to be less than one meter and five meters, short legs and short hands.

There is still a clear plateau red on his face, and he is wearing a red suit and a high fat red fat man who can't see any momentum.

But this look is dressed up ...

"Hulu baby?"


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