Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 782: The greatest advantage

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Chen Baoqi was devastated and could only wait in the office for the result.

Dongjiang Securities is involved in the case, and it does not seem to have a direct relationship with him, but during this period of time, he and Yu Chengzhen have vigorously promoted the adjustment of Yujin Expressway, Xinjin Port construction and development planning, thinking that they will promote the initiative to move north along the Huaihai Bay. Holding it in his hands, he thought that excluding Guo Chengze, Meng Jiansheng and others, as well as the Meigang Department, was simply on the additional financing of Zihua Industrial.

Only if Zihua Industrial succeeds in additional financing, as long as Zihua Industrial obtains 2 billion or more funds through additional financing, the subsequent construction of projects including Yujin Expressway, Xinjin Port and Xinjin Steel Plant can be rolled out.

TK Securities executives are involved in the case. Once Zihua Industrial is suspected of manipulating the stock price, it is difficult to say whether Dai Yi and Hu Lin will be dragged into the water and hit the board, but it is inevitable that the additional financing plan will abort.

Without a financing base of 2 billion, all the work that Chen Baoqi has promoted before is a joke.

Chen Baoqi was transferred to Donghua to serve as the secretary of the municipal party committee, but he did not gain an absolute advantage. He had made compromises and balances with the Meigang Department before, and finally waited for Wu Haifeng and Xiong Wenbin to transfer Donghua, and the Meigang Department had a power structure at the municipal level. It was dismantled, but before he could adjust his deployment to further reduce the influence of the Meigang Department, Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng came over with Xu Pei's will to be aggressive.

He managed to gain an advantage in the development of Xinjin Port. If all this becomes a joke, how will he stand in Donghua in the future?

Gao Yang and Han Shouchun went back and forth, knocked on the door and came in. Seeing that Qi Jingyao was also with them, Chen Baoqi asked suspiciously, "Didn't Jingyao go to Xucheng?"

Qi Jingyao will tell Chen Baoqi what happened to Shen Huai at the highway intersection.

Chen Baoqi's face became even more gloomy. He was still guessing just now, but now the facts are clear, Zihua Industrial's additional financing plan will definitely be aborted - there is no room for deal, and Xu Pei will not compromise, it will not cause major problems in the future. The additional financing endorsement.

Xu Pei was determined to stir up the additional financing of Zihua Industry, and Guo Chengze's intention to meet Shen Huai at this time was very clear. Han Shouchun said his speculation that he had a flash of inspiration in the aisle, and told Chen Baoqi: " Deputy Mayor Guo said a few years ago that the Jinghai Highway expansion plan should be listed as an alternative, and he should have foreseen what happened today..."

Some things can be seen through, and you can want to string them together.

Zihua Industrial's additional financing plan was determined to be aborted, and the construction of the Yujin Expressway was naturally out of the question. However, promoting the northward development of the Huaihai-Gulf Economic Belt is not a matter of stopping. The construction plan of the Yujin Expressway will not work. Then go back to the Jinghai Highway expansion plan.

The resolution that he just forcibly passed at the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee yesterday will be overturned before it is implemented. The whole matter must return to the plan led by Guo Chengze. This blow to Chen Baoqi's prestige in Donghua can only be taken tragically. to describe.

Thinking that Guo Chengze had been calculating all of this behind his back, Chen Baoqi's face was ashen with anger, and the veins in his hand grasping the teacup were exposed. If it wasn't for the whole group of people standing in his office, he doubted whether he could control it and not hold the cup in his hand. The teacup fell out.

"Shen Huai took the initiative to reveal that Deputy Mayor Guo asked him to meet, I'm afraid he also had intentions..." Gao Yang reminded Chen Baoqi a little out of rage when he saw Chen Baoqi's rage.

Chen Baoqi didn't know that Shen Huai was fighting for the idea of ​​"snipe and clam fighting, fisherman to gain", but just yesterday he scolded Shen Huai in public at the Municipal Standing Committee meeting, can he go over and negotiate the terms with a shy face?

Does he want the dignity and prestige of being the secretary of the municipal party committee?

Han Shouchun gave Gao Yang a wink, and there was no need to clarify some words at this time.

Gao Yang also knew that Chen Baoqi was more concerned about his face at this time. He looked at Qi Jingyao. Sometimes Qi Jingyao's position was more important—he, Han Shouchun, and Ge Yongqiu, who was transferred to Xinjin as the county party secretary, could not go against Chen Baoqi's position as the secretary of the municipal party committee. Will, but Chen Baoqi himself is not a **** on the chessboard?

There is also a more important question, that is, after this attack, will Tianyi Group and Jinshi Rongxin controlled by Hu Lin hide behind, will they continue to participate in the construction of Xinjin Port, and whether the Xinjin Iron and Steel project of Shandong Iron and Steel will die prematurely. ?

For them, this is simply an unbearable defeat, and it is likely that it is not just that Chen Baoqi's prestige is affected.

Zhong Limin, secretary of the new provincial party committee, looks like a balancer, but anyone who regards a provincial party secretary as a decoration would be very wrong.

Xu Pei caught the handle on Dongjiang Securities, and he did not intend to directly attack Zhao Qiuhua in the province, but put the competition for interests on Donghua.

If Zhong Limin, Secretary of the New Provincial Party Committee, also thought of Donghua to intervene, Chen Baoqi's throne of the Municipal Party Committee Secretary is really in jeopardy.

Gao Yang is also a little afraid to continue to think about it. Maybe for Hu Lin and Tianyi Group, giving up Donghua just doesn't care about the gains and losses of one city and one place, but they are rooted in Donghua and have no way to struggle out of Donghua's officialdom. The official, once abandoned, the end will be doomed to be bleak.

Even though Han Shouchun made a wink and signaled not to persuade Chen Baoqi about anything in his anger, Gao Yang was afraid that some words would not be explained at this time, and he would not say it thoroughly.

At this moment, the phone in Gao Yang's pocket rang.

Everyone was as sensitive as a frightened bird. When there was a slight disturbance in the grass, the wind was trembling, and when they heard the phone ringing, they turned to look at Gao Yang.

Gao Yang took out his mobile phone and said, "It's Secretary Yu, he may have returned from Xinjin..."

Ge Yongqiu just replaced Wang Yiping and was transferred to Xinjin as the secretary of the county party committee. Chen Baoqi and Yu Chengzhen went to Xinjin for investigation and investigation every three years. They were also supporting Ge Yongqiu so that he could grasp the situation in Xinjin as quickly as possible, but they did not expect it to happen. things today.

He had to participate in the scheduled activities, so Yu Chengzhen hurriedly hurried, and only then did he return to the city with Ge Yongqiu.

Went to Chen Baoqi's office and listened to Gao Yang's review of the current situation. Yu Chengzhen frowned and said to Chen Baoqi earnestly: "Yesterday, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee passed a resolution to adjust the planning plan. After hearing the news, the cadres and masses of Xinjin County were very high morale. , this heart can't be scattered."

Chen Baoqi was sitting behind his desk, his tense face could not be eased.

The hearts of the people cannot be dispersed, which means that even if the planning plan is adjusted again, the pace of the construction of Xinjin Port and the development of the port industry cannot be slowed down.

This means that even if Zihua Industrial's additional financing plan fails, Tianyi Group and Jinshi Rongxin will still provide a lot of funds for the construction of Xinjin Port and the development of Lingang Industry through other channels, either directly or indirectly. Tianyi Group cannot withdraw, and Jinshi Rongxin's northward momentum cannot be dissipated.

At the same time, it also means that they have to compromise with Guo Chengze and Shen Huai and start the Jinghai Highway expansion project plan to replace the Yujin Expressway to open up the land traffic bottleneck between Xinjin Port, Xudong Expressway and Xudong Railway.

However, neither of these two matters can be decided by him as the secretary of the municipal party committee.

Hu Lin told Xu Pei about TK Securities. He might have nothing to do with Xu Pei, but how could he have no temper, how could he easily lower his profile and seek affairs with Guo Chengze and Shen Huai?

Guo Chengze's attitude was unclear, but Shen Huai put on a "fisherman's profit" attitude, and wanted to tell him what conditions would be enough?

Ge Yongqiu looked at Qi Jingyao, Chen Baoqi and Yu Chengzhen couldn't help themselves, he could go to contact Shen Huai, but the most fundamental thing was Hu Lin's attitude - Zihua Industrial's additional financing plan was aborted. If Hu Lin resolutely planned to withdraw from Donghua, they would What can we do?

Qi Jingyao looked at her watch and said, "Hu Lin probably hasn't boarded the plane in Hong Kong yet, I'll contact him first..."

There is no need to go to Zhou Yiwen or Dai Yi to discuss this matter, but to do Hu Lin's work first.


Guo Chengze was in high spirits. He went to Tangzha District to investigate the development of Meixi New District, and he and Shen Huai had a working meal in the canteen of the Tangzha District Government to discuss things.

Tangzha District is the old base of the Meigang Department. Even if the Secretary of the District Party Committee Meng Jiansheng and the District Chief Zhou Qiming are not members of the Meigang Department, no one can question the influence of Meigang in the Tangzha District.

Guo Chengze asked Shen Huai to meet in the canteen of the district government. His intention was also to let officials from Meigang Department in the party and government system of Tangzha District see this scene. Of course, he didn't mind that Chen Baoqi and Yu Chengzhen knew about it.

Even without Li Gu's reminder, Xu Pei and others could be sure that TK Securities participated in the manipulation of Zihua's stock price before the announcement of the additional financing plan, but until there is no direct evidence to support it, this can only exist as a doubt. There's not even a way to file a case.

Xu Pei had been hidden before, and the most fundamental reason was here. He couldn't hold Zhao Qiuhua's handle when he penetrated this incident. He couldn't let Zhao Qiuhua and the others capture him without his hands. Instead, it might cause Zhao Qiuhua and Hu Lin's crazy counterattack.

This is not the ending Xu Pei hoped for, at least until Guo Chengze replaces Gao Tianhe as mayor, Xu Pei does not want things to change too much.

Now the situation is completely different, UU reading www. The evidence that Zhou Chenxi was suspected of embezzling public funds, privately operating a mouse warehouse, and intending to flee is conclusive.

It is logical to arrest and control Zhou Chenxi and freeze the account of Dongjiang Securities Investment Department on suspicion of fleeing. Moreover, Zhou Chenxi is a scumbag. After learning that it was her lover Xu Xian who reported it, her will was destroyed, and all he knew. Everything is explained.

Although Hu Lin, Zhao Qiuhua and others have not been directly involved in the case, Dongjiang Securities is suspected of participating in the manipulation of Zihua Industrial's stock price, and the evidence is conclusive - all the initiative will naturally come to them.

At this point, Xu Pei has no intention of taking advantage of the topic to play on, and he has no intention of inducing higher-level struggles—except for Xu Chengcheng's competition for more interests, Donghua's side is eager for Chen Baoqi, Yu Chengzhen and others to accept more compromise conditions. is the current best choice.

It seems that this matter has nothing to do with Shen Huai and Mei Steel, but everyone understands that as long as it is Donghua's business, it is hard to say that it has nothing to do with Shen Huai and Mei Steel.

Shen Huai asked Li Gu to bring Xu Xian to see Xu Pei. He was hidden behind the scenes, which seemed to have no direct benefits, but he also knew in his heart that Zhao Qiuhua and Xu Pei were in the province, and Chen Baoqi and Guo Chengze were fighting equally in Donghua. That is his greatest benefit. l3l4


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