Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 780: sleep late

(Your holiday has begun, and tearfully say: Happy National Day)

When she woke up, Cheng Yi didn't turn around and listened to the subtle breathing sound in her ears. She leaned on her arms and stared at the bright morning light that filtered in through the gaps in the curtains.

At this time, Shen Huai's arm, which was pressed outside the quilt, came across, pressed on her shoulder, and his hand fell to her face.

The air conditioner was turned off before going to bed, and the temperature in the room was a little cold. Shen Huai's hand was on his cheek, the edge of his palm was ice-cold, but the palm was warm. I took my hand away, felt the palm of my hand on my cheek, and thought to myself: Will there be such a morning in the future that the sound of breathing in my ear makes life more real?

Then I felt something was wrong. Listening to the rustling voice behind me, there was a cold wind coming in from my back. Cheng Yi was still thinking about what Shen Huai was doing in the back, when her warm body came over from behind. Only then did she know Shen Huai reached out and touched her face just now, just to see if she was awake, but sneaked into her bed.

Cheng Yi was so annoyed that she wanted to turn around and kick the **** down, but she asked Shen Huai's broad and thick chest to come over from behind. The solid and gentle feeling made her intoxicated, and after a moment of hesitation, she decided not to expose the bastard. This **** wrapped her arms and legs around her and wrapped her in her arms. She closed her eyes and curled up and pretended to sleep, but Shen Huai stretched her hands into her pajamas, and her body froze. Only then did she know that this **** would definitely not hug her. When you get to your arms, you will close your hands.

With that in mind, Shen Huai's hand that came in started to move upwards, but Cheng Yi was in a dilemma. If he continued to pretend to be asleep, this guy would definitely make an inch. If he turned around and kicked this guy out of bed, once this guy knew about her Indulge him and hug him, maybe it will be even better...

Cheng Yi didn't wear anything under the cotton pajamas, her bare skin was smooth, tender, and full of elasticity. Shen Huai sniffed the seductive fragrance of the nose, and moved her hand slowly up, but her fingers just touched the white rabbit. He asked Cheng Yi to hold his arm and couldn't move. He looked at the roots of Cheng Yi's red ears, which were crystal clear and flawless like blood-stained ruby. He asked, "Aren't you asleep?"

Calling Shen Huai's hot breath to spit on his ears, there was an indescribable itching, Cheng Yi didn't turn around, she clamped her arms, and then grabbed Shen Huai's mischievous hands through her pajamas. Make him move around and say, "I said you're so boring, what's so good about this thing, do you hate others so much?"

Just as Shen Huai was about to open his mouth to talk nonsense, he pondered more, Cheng Yi's words were a trap, and he said everything was wrong, so he said, "Don't you think it's most comfortable for two people to sleep with their arms around this guy?" Moved, the lower abdomen closely adhered to Cheng Yi's soft and firm buttocks.

He asked the wooden pestle-like hard object to push it from behind without shame and shame. Cheng Yi could only pick up the leather on the back of Shen Huai's hand and pinched it hard, causing Shen Huai to grin behind him and call Rao: " lighter.".

Cheng Yi scolded lightly, "It deserves it!" It was just that the thing was pressed against the back, it was numb, and there was an indescribable, not so strong but real desire, which gradually came surging, and she caught Shen Shen. Huai's hands were not that strong, and his mind was a little dizzy. He didn't know why he let go of his hands, and asked Shen Huai to lay down on his back without bothering to struggle.

Cheng Yi woke up when she heard the phone ring.

At this time, her pajamas had been pushed to Shen Huai's neck, her skin was like jade, and the pair of extremely white rabbits were lively and lovely exposed in the morning light, while Shen Huai's hands trembled slightly.

Looking at Shen Huai's scorching eyes staring intently and attentively there, Cheng Yi's love in her heart was not so strong, but she inexplicably remembered the lonely appearance of Shen Huai who came over late at night a few days ago, with infinite tenderness. He couldn't help but want to reach out and grab his hair and hug him tightly.

When she saw Shen Huai bowing her head to eat there, Cheng Yi hurriedly pushed him away, sat up, put down her pajamas, and said with a hot pink face, "How old are you, why do you still want to eat there? Disgusting?" Picking up the phone, she saw that Wang Weicheng was looking for Shen Huai's call, handed it over, and she ran into the bathroom, locked the door and stood on the toilet in a panic.

After a long time, the feeling of urgency and panic in her heart did not completely disappear. She stood up and turned on the shower head, waiting for the hot steam to evaporate, took off her pajamas and walked into the hot water, letting the hot water hit her skin as clear as ice and snow. The warmth and tenderness that surged up from the body.

Hearing the sound of Shen Huai opening the door outside, Cheng Yi turned off the tap and asked, "What are you doing? I'm taking a shower inside."

"I know you're taking a shower inside, why did you lock the door? I'm in a hurry to urinate, so open the door." Shen Huai said.

"Do you think I'm so easy to deceive?" Cheng Yi giggled and said, "Just wait, I have to wash for at least another half an hour. I just touched the hands of a bastard. You are really waiting. No, there are public toilets in the reception room..."

"Do you know what time it is?" Shen Huai asked.

"what time is it?"

"It's almost nine o'clock, you don't have to rush to the office today?" Shen Huai asked.

"Ah!" Cheng Yi jumped up in shock and said, "How could it be nine o'clock? It's not very bright outside."

"It's cloudy outside." Shen Huai said.

Cheng Yi didn't expect to sleep so comfortably at night with this bastard. She thought that she might have forgotten the time. Thinking that she was so late for work on the first day after the holiday, she didn't know how to talk to others behind her back. Woolen cloth. She hurriedly fetched water to flush out the foam on her body, then stood in the hot water to rinse her mouth, wrapped her body with a large bath towel, opened the bathroom door and let Shen Huai in, and asked, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Guess what?" Shen Huai asked.

At this time, Cheng Yi saw the watch that Shen Huai had picked and put on the vanity table before going to bed. When she picked it up, it was not even eight o'clock. She picked it up and made a gesture to smash it at Shen Huai.

Shen Huai grabbed the watch and put it on his wrist, and was about to kiss Cheng Yi again.

Cheng Yi smiled and avoided: "You didn't brush your teeth, your mouth stinks."

Even if it wasn't eight o'clock, the time was very tight. The two of them huddled together in front of the small vanity table to wash up. Shen Huai brushed his teeth and saw that Cheng Yi's lips were lightly smeared with lipstick.

Cheng Yi stretched out her hand to cover Shen Huai's mouth full of foam, blocked the foam in her hand, and wiped Shen Huai's face, "giggled" and escaped with a smile, simply tidied up the bed, and put the car key on the bedside table , told Shen Huai: "You can take the car and drive it first. I'll go back to Donghua next weekend to get the license plate..."

When she saw the toothpaste foam left on Shen Huai's face running out to ask for a kiss, Cheng Yi couldn't hold him back and kissed behind the door for a while, her tongue spit out in a panic, when she heard a colleague outside the door calling her for a moment. After going to the office building, he pushed Shen Huai away in a panic and left the dormitory.

The last incident in the cafeteria came over. People in the province also knew that Cheng Yi had such a fiancé. When they saw that he stayed here last night, everyone was not surprised. They all smiled and said hello. foam.

Cheng Yi blushed and glared at Shen Huai, ran into the room and wiped her face before pulling her colleague away.

Cheng Yi went to work, and Shen Huai didn't delay in the dormitory for long. After washing up, Shao Zheng drove over to pick him up and take him back to Donghua.

It's just that Shen Huai hadn't entered Donghua City, and the wind and waves caused by Zhou Chenxi's escape case had already hit Donghua.

On the surface, it seems that it was just a case of fleeing with money and was reported before the incident, but those who know a little about the insider know that the background is far from being as simple as it seems.

Zhou Chenxi is the deputy general manager of TK Securities and the manager of the proprietary investment department. It can be said that he is one of the core executives of TK Securities.

Before the announcement of the additional financing plan of Zihua Industrial, the stock price continued to soar. It is not that no one questioned the joint manipulation of the stock price by Zihua Industrial and the securities company, and it was not that no one questioned the insider trading behind it.

However, the stock price of Zihua Industrial has skyrocketed, and the shareholders have benefited temporarily. In the current securities market full of insider trading, even if there are various complaints and doubts, it is difficult to receive much attention.

This time, the Economic Investigation Department of the Xucheng Public Security Bureau arrested the core executives of TK Securities so neatly and brought them to justice, and then froze the public accounts of the TK Securities Investment Department for investigation.

Not long after Shen Huai got off the highway intersection in Shao Zheng's car, he saw Qi Jingyao parked across the road. She was wearing an orange trench coat standing beside the car and talking on the phone.

Looking at the direction where Qi Jingyao's car was parked, she must be rushing to Xucheng. Shen Huai asked Shao Zheng to stop the car, rolled down the window, and asked enthusiastically, "Minister Qi, is the car broken?"

Seeing Shen Huai coming from the direction of the expressway intersection, Qi Jingyao guessed that he should have spent the night in Xucheng last night, and couldn't help but wonder, does the arrest of Zhou Chenxi, the vice president of TK Securities, have anything to do with this guy?

But in the next second, she drove this thought out of her mind again. Now it is clear that the news is a case that Xu Pei, deputy secretary of the provincial Party committee and secretary of the Xucheng Municipal Party Committee, personally instructed the Xucheng Public Security Bureau to investigate. It is still possible for Xu Pei and Shen Huai to maintain a tacit understanding on a certain matter, but it is impossible to join forces with this guy to do something with great fanfare?

However, seeing Shen Huai's gloating look on his face, Qi Jingyao also guessed that he was well-informed. At this time, he should also know the news of the Dongjiang Securities case.

Qi Jingyao ignored Shen Huai and turned around to continue talking on the phone.

In the morning, they learned that the Economic Investigation Department of Xucheng City Bureau had arrested Zhou Chenxi. They were just worried that things would get out of control. Dai Yi first rushed back to Xucheng to watch the situation and make some arrangements. By noon, they knew that Xu Pei personally deployed the whole thing. Not to mention Qi Jingyao and Chen Baoqi, even Zhao Qiuhua couldn't sit still in the province.

Zhou Chenxi was under the control of the Economic Investigation Department of the Xucheng City Bureau. It was difficult for their people to spread the news. The account of the investment department of Dongjiang Securities was frozen at the same time, and they had lost all the initiative in the whole matter.

Hu Lin’s people are still in Hong Kong, and they will not have a flight to Xucheng until the afternoon; Chen Baoqi and Yu Chengzhen can’t leave. Qi Jingyao hurriedly drove back to Xucheng at this time, wanting to meet Hu Lin at night. The flute was thrown on the side of the road, and it happened that he encountered Shen Huai, a muddy ball, when he came back from Xucheng. l3l4


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