Steel Tycoon Reborn

: There is only one day left for the Double Monthly Pass event

The monthly ticket list is overtaken by others, and others ask me why I am so calm?

I'm actually very anxious, but the speed of coding is really limited, so I'm embarrassed and cheeky to ask everyone for a monthly pass.

No matter how embarrassed, the monthly pass still has to reach out to everyone.

After all, the monthly ticket list results can most truly reflect the popularity of a book, and it can best represent the results of a book.

I have been insisting on coding for several years. In addition to supporting my family, isn't it because the books I wrote are still popular with everyone, and are there still some achievements that support me?

Competing for the ranking of the monthly ticket list, for me, is more of a kind of spiritual strength, supporting myself to go all the way in the code word industry.

Therefore, I fervently hope that my brothers and sisters can support as always and cast their monthly votes.

There is only one day left for the Double Monthly Pass event, so don’t waste your monthly pass.

Reaching out to ask for a monthly pass, there is not enough updates, and I am ashamed to say it.

My personal coding speed has always been extremely slow, almost as slow as a professional writer.

Searching for materials, ideas, and code words, I often spend four or five hours to write chapters of 3,000 words. Usually, when I write a chapter, my back is sore, my spine can’t bear it, and my thinking becomes difficult. slow.

Under such circumstances, some brothers questioned, how could it be uploaded with such a small amount of code?

I was also very depressed when I saw it, and I wanted to tell everyone: In my current physical state, I have been working hard for three or four hours, four or five hours to write a chapter, and I have worked very hard.

And after writing a chapter, it takes a long time to take a break before I can continue to code the second chapter.

If one day you perform exceptionally well, and you code three or four chapters a day, then you will basically be slack for two or three days—many brothers seem to have discovered this rule.

This is probably also an occupational disease caused by the long-term code word life. This situation has become particularly obvious this year, and physical therapy has no effect. It can only be said that the workload is appropriately reduced.

At the beginning of this month, sometimes even one chapter in a row cannot be maintained, which leads to extremely low output at the beginning of the month, and only one chapter can be updated per day.

It's a little better after the rest until the middle of the It can also be said that it is for the monthly pass. From the 17th to today, on average, it can maintain the update volume of two chapters a day.

There is also the issue of writing content. Brothers are controversial, and I am also very entangled in this.

Everyone is used to the plots of novels about urban officialdom, and there is very limited room for me to innovate (I don’t want to write about urbanism in the next book).

Writing can't stick to reality, and it doesn't go beyond reality too much. It loses its sense of reality. At the same time, it doesn't involve sensitive areas, and it suffers from many restrictions.

Although I no longer often reply to anyone in the book review area, I will also read everyone's messages in a timely manner, and I will also make some adjustments to the plot based on everyone's messages, and try my best to ensure the smooth development of the whole story. collapse.


Well, having said that, it’s still to ask for a monthly ticket.

Brothers, hit me with a monthly pass. l3l4


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