Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 754: True and false news (3)

The wind blew through the north window, making the window leaves rattle. Xie Zhi, who was sitting on the floor chatting with Xie Tang, heard the wind and felt that the temperature in the morning would be much colder. His father, his brother, Hong Yi, and Ye Xuanfeng The waiters are still downstairs, not leaving, they are all waiting uncertainly, or hoping to hear some news from Yanjing.

Xie Zhi looked at the black sky outside the glass window, and didn't know if any definite news could come from Yanjing.

At this moment, the mobile phone lying on the corner of the bed rang. Seeing that it was Hong Qi's call, Xie Zhi answered and said, "I called you several times at night, but you didn't answer."

"I pulled the people out of the office to have a drink, and the mobile phone was dropped in the car. The drunk and dizzy people didn't even care to watch. I came to my dad's side." Song Hongqi said on the other end of the phone.

"If you drink alcohol in the future, don't drive," Xie Zhi reminded. "Also, drink as little as possible."

"I see, I really couldn't refuse today, so I drank some wine," Song Hongqi said on the phone, "Shen Huai hasn't left Xucheng at night, right?"

"I don't know either: Hongjun just arrived in Xucheng today, he should accompany Hongjun, but maybe the two of them will go back to Donghua together." Xie Zhi didn't know what news Hongqi heard from his father. , or negotiating a conclusion, but listening to him ask whether Shen Huai is still in Xucheng, he feels a little strange: Could it be that we need to contact Shen Huai again here?

"My aunt just had a phone call with Shen Huai. Speaking of the restructuring of central enterprises, retaining about 100 super-large central enterprises is probably just an initial goal set by Prime Minister Wang Yuan, not that only 100 will be retained in the end..."

"Ah!" Xie Zhi was also taken aback when Hong Qi said this on the phone, and said, "Shen Huai was at the fourth uncle's house just now, but that's not what he said."

Xie Zhi and Song Hongqi called Xie Tang and her father called "Fourth Uncle". If it is related to her Xie family, Xie Tang's father is her uncle, but this is not the point, the point is that Shen Huai's speech was in just one hour. The change made her suddenly feel angry.

Thinking that Shen Huai's remarks at the dinner table were clearly intended to deceive and intimidate them, no one would feel comfortable if they changed it.

Xie Zhi didn't know who Hongqi was with now, but from the phone? He heard from the phone that he shouldn't be alone, otherwise he wouldn't be so calm, and asked again, "Are you sure that's the case?"

"I'm not very sure. Shen Huai said on the phone that Tian Jiageng was very vague when he talked to him today, and he couldn't accurately grasp the meaning of Tian Jiageng's words, but just reminded him of the news he heard... "

Hearing what Hongqi said, Xie Zhi guessed that her aunt Song Wenhui should be by her side. She didn't know how good-tempered Hongqi was, and it was impossible for her to let go of her phone calls. She tangled her phone and tapped her forehead. Time also feels helpless.

"What, what makes you so miserable?" Xie Tang leaned barefoot against the wall and asked in confusion when she saw Xie Zhi frowning. In her opinion, Xie Zhi is so strong and smart, she has never When I saw Xie Zhi's frowning face.

"It's all because of Shen Huai's bastard!" Xie Zhi stuck out her tongue at Xie Tang and told her in a low voice.

"..." Xie Tang expressed her puzzlement. She was not used to contacting too many people. She hid upstairs after having dinner in a hurry. She didn't know what they talked about downstairs. She knew that because of her, Xie Zhi has always been rude to Shen Huai, sometimes gritted her teeth and hated Shen Huai, but when she didn't see her helpless against Shen Huai, she asked curiously, "What kind of evil did my brother do? "

Xie Zhi stared at Xie Tang for a few seconds. She didn't understand that after so many things happened over the years, Xie Tang didn't seem to have any hatred for that **** except for hiding away, and he even called him "Brother" ".

Xie Zhi was a little embarrassed to see it, stuck out his tongue, and asked, "Should I be the same as you, calling my brother a bastard?"


At this time, someone knocked on the door outside, Xie Tang got up from the floor, walked over to open the door and asked, "Who is it?" When he opened the door, he saw his cousin Xie Chengjiang, and asked strangely, "Why is Brother Chengjiang still at my house? "

Xie Tang didn't care if there was anyone downstairs just now, and simply thought that Xie Zhi was going to stay and talk with her today, but she didn't expect everyone to leave.

Xie Chengjiang said with a smile, "So you want to drive us away?" The probe said to Xie Zhi, "Come down."

Xie Zhi got up, followed her brother downstairs, and then went to the smoky study room, watching the whole room sitting and smoking, and knew that when Hong Qi called her, Hong Qi's father and uncle also had a relationship. On the phone, she asked, "What now?"

What Shen Huai had dug was a trap that put them in a dilemma. Shen Huai's words foretold the biggest crisis they were about to face. They couldn't find someone to verify it, nor could they just ignore it.

If they ignore Shen Huai's "kind reminder", but if they call Shen Huai a prophecy, it's just a trivial matter to make others laugh, and more importantly, they can't stand such a big loss, but they must pay attention to Shen Huai's words, How to pay attention is the biggest problem.

"Shen Huai should still be in Xucheng..." Xie Haicheng sat in the corner of the study, raised his head and said.

Xie Zhi suddenly remembered why Hongqi mentioned Shen Huai on the phone just now, and immediately said, "I'm not going to see that bastard!"

"I went with Chengjiang," Ye Xuanfeng said, "Now many people outside are thinking about watching our liveliness, we really don't need to engage in internal friction, if there is something, everyone can sit down and spread it out and talk about it, it's better than anything else. …”

Ye Xuanfeng's words called Xie Zhi was quite surprising, but thinking about Ye Xuanfeng, it seemed that Ye Xuanfeng didn't have any more choices:

Once the Huaineng Group is split, it will definitely be a serious blow to Ye Xuanfeng's personal career; and now is the most immediate crisis for the Huaineng Group. He didn't come forward to compromise with Shen Huai and just wanted to save his face, how could he be trusted?

However, Xie Zhi also wanted to understand that Ye Xuanfeng, her father, and her uncle wanted her to go with her: Ye Xuanfeng had very little contact with Shen Huai, and her brother didn't have much contact with Shen Huai, so he couldn't guess the ball. What were they thinking? They were already in power. If Ye Xuanfeng and her brother came to the door at this time, they might be humiliated. The more important thing was that it would be difficult to regain the initiative.

If she can't think about it, she will ask her father to come forward.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi said helplessly, "I'll go there too."


The car bypassed the main building of Donghua Hotel and drove into the garden at the back. Xie Zhi had been here before. The main building that was open to the outside world looked very inconspicuous, but the garden was used as an office in Xu for Donghua's subordinate districts and counties. The several annex buildings of the building are simple and elegant, the street lights cover the treetops darkly, and the creeping tiger on the east wall of the small building is also a dark shadow.

She couldn't figure out how Shen Huai would treat them. When the driver stopped the car, Xie Zhi looked back at her brother and Ye Xuanfeng unsteadily; Don't bite the bullet and take this trip.

Xie Zhi didn't have many contacts with Ye Xuanfeng, so he had limited knowledge about him. He only knew that he was only in his early 40s this year, and he was called a "little minister" in the Ministry of Electric Power. He was even stronger than the general director, but as Dai Chengguo Secretary, his power is more from the trust of Dai Chengguo.

The abolition of the Ministry of Electric Power and the restructuring of central enterprises are imminent. It is difficult to decide whether Dai Chengguo will stay or stay. No matter how strong Ye Xuanfeng is, he will definitely be worried about the development of his future career.

This is probably the fundamental reason why he held Shen Huai in front of him today, right?

Xie Zhi opened the car door and saw that there were two staff members waiting for them in front of the small building - she didn't know the staff in Xiapu's office in Xu, but they knew her and greeted them in: "Mr. Ye, the two thank you. Come here, the county magistrate Shen and Mr Song are waiting for you upstairs..."

Xie Zhi didn't expect Shen Huai to come downstairs to greet them at all, and just hoped that Shen Huai would be able to take some self-restraint later, and it was enough not to humiliate them.

On the second floor, turn the stairs and turn left. The first room is a small conference room. Xie Zhi was standing behind her brother, looking over her brother's shoulders. In addition to Shen Huai and Song Hongjun, Yang Haipeng and Shen Huai's secretary Wang Weicheng were also in the room. .

Xie Zhi recognized Yang Haipeng and Wang Weicheng, but didn't know they were also in Xucheng, but she didn't find it strange when she thought about it. Shen Huai could call Yang Haipeng and Wang Weicheng to Xucheng at any time, but she didn't mean to avoid them when she saw them, she just frowned. He frowned slightly, knowing that Shen Huai still wanted to talk about the coal terminal of Jihe Port.

Xie Zhi felt strange in his heart, what is the purpose of the Jihe Port Coal Transport Terminal to allow this scumbag to conspire to make him hesitate to use such unscrupulous means?

Shen Huai stood up, asked Ye Xuanfeng, Xie Chengjiang, and Xie Zhi to sit down and talk about things, looked at Ye Xuanfeng calmly, and said, "I originally planned to go back to Donghua, but I didn't expect that a casual sentence would cause you such a big worry. - Secretary Tian Jiageng asked me to talk, if there is anything you want to know, you can ask me."

Xie Zhi was so angry that he wanted to throw the hot tea handed over by the staff at the messy ball. He clearly dropped a depth bomb on purpose and left, but at this moment, he said that they were making a big fuss.

"The restructuring of central enterprises and deeper economic reforms are also imperative. In a large environment, as a ministries and commissions, Huaineng Group needs to develop in line with the deployment of the central government, and how to develop in line with national and local regulations. Interest is something we have been thinking about all the time,"

Ye Xuanfeng also completely pretended that the unpleasantness of the night did not happen, and threw out a few high hats when Shen Huai loved it or not.

"Secretary Tian Jiageng is going to leave Huaihai for a new post, but I believe that Secretary Tian Jiageng will continue to pay attention to the development of Huaihai Province. In fact, I am not very sure. Do you want to ask Secretary Tian Jiageng to report to Huaineng Group and Huaihai in person? The implementation of the coal mine plan. I'm not very sure, so I came to ask you first. Do you think I want to report to Secretary Tian Jiageng in person?"

Ye Xuanfeng was still trying to regain the initiative at this time, Shen Huai just smiled and said: "Secretary Tian is really concerned about the implementation of the plan of Huaimei East Outbound, and asked me a lot of questions about this today, if you will report to Secretary Tian in person. This, of course, could not have been better.”

Xie Zhi sat on the side, pursed her lips slightly, and didn't say much, just silently observed the process of Shen Huai and Ye Xuanfeng's battle.

She knew that Ye Xuanfeng wanted to take back the initiative, and wanted to threaten Tian Jiageng to report his work directly. She hoped that Shen Huai would stop being so ignorant that they couldn't guess. She thought that Ye Xuanfeng's words were not without deterrence. Although it belongs to the Ministry of Electric Power as a ministry and commission enterprise, it takes root in the local area, develops local coal information, occupies the local energy market, and cooperates closely with Huaihai provincial state-owned enterprises on the Huaihai coal eastward exit plan such as the Xudong Railway double-track project. Ye Xuanfeng asked Tian Jiageng to report. It is a way to inquire about the news of the restructuring of central enterprises in the process of reporting work.

Xie Zhi thought that Ye Xuanfeng's words should be a shock to Shen Huai, but she didn't expect Shen Huai to take Ye Xuanfeng's words seriously at all, and pointed out that Tian Jiageng valued him Shen Huai more than Ye Xuanfeng on the issue of Huaimeidong. Ye Xuanfeng must seek his own humiliation, and he will not stop him.

Hearing what Shen Huai said, Ye Xuanfeng's face was stern, but he didn't show any special anger.

When he came here, he was prepared to be lightly humiliated, so he wanted to take the initiative back, so why would he be obsessed with the gains and losses of his words?

"You've talked to Secretary Tian about the problem that came out of Huaimeidong. What do you think I should pay attention to when I report to Secretary Tian?" Ye Xuanfeng seemed to be willing to lower his identity to ask Shen Huai for advice, said Still don't give up the initiative to fight back.

Shen Huai glanced at the time on the watch and saw that it was not too late. He didn't have so much time to go around in circles with Ye Xuanfeng, who was good at intrigue, and said:

"Huaimei's eastward export is of great significance to the development of Huaihai Province, the energy supply in East China, and the development and structural adjustment of the domestic energy industry. If Huaineng Group can make outstanding contributions and promote the work of Huaimei's eastward export, I will I think it is impossible for the central government to fail to see the meaning and role of the existence of the Huineng Group. Although Secretary Tian did not say it more clearly, I think this is what it means. In fact, this is also related to the current development strategy of the Huineng Group, and Mr. Ye, you The four positions of the Huaineng Group are closely related. I thought that Mr. Ye had already seen this clearly, but he didn't say it thoroughly at the dinner table just now. I am really sorry that you have such worries."

Xie Zhi looked at Ye Xuanfeng, and saw that his face could not be controlled and changed slightly: Shen Huai had already explained some of the meanings very clearly, in the end, they were blinded by their own, and asked Shen Huai to say something casually. , UU reading turned around and came back, only to find that Shen Huai was still walking by the nose.

Thinking about it, whether the Huaineng Group can stand alone in the tide of the restructuring of central enterprises is determined by its significance and role in the final analysis.

If it is said that Huaineng's eastward export can be regarded as a national energy strategy, and Huaineng Group can always be in a leading position in the work of Huaineng's eastward export, how can the central government have an excuse to split up Huaineng Group?

In the final analysis, Premier Wang Yuan's promotion of the reform of state-owned enterprises is to make the allocation of resources more reasonable and efficient, rather than blindly "removing small and large" as they understand.

When Shen Huai first mentioned the concept of Huai Coal coming out of the east, he clearly extracted the core of the development strategy along the Huai Gulf region and the East China energy market. Huaineng Group has been working on this route for a while, but Ye Xuanfeng kept saying that the development of the group The strategy is inseparable from the group's position, but in the end, it is more proficient in intrigue, and they did not really understand the meaning of this layer - it can be said that they did not really understand the meaning of this layer - that is why they gave Shen Huai a slap in the face so easily. The words of the two can be a mess.

Seeing the smile hanging from the corner of Shen Huai's mouth, which seemed to be contemptuous, Xie Zhi felt a tinge of shame in front of this bastard, avoiding the look in his eyes. l3l4


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