Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 749: family dinner (1)

In the evening, when I turned to Binjiang Avenue, my vision suddenly opened up. The surrounding sky was full of gorgeous twilight. Take a break by the roadside.

At this moment, the phone rang, Xie Zhi glanced at the screen of the phone, saw that it was her brother's phone, picked up the earphone and put it in her ear, and answered the phone and asked:

"Brother, why are you looking for me at this time?"

"Uncle's house, can't you come over at night?" Xie Chengjiang asked on the phone.

"You can just go with Dad, what am I going to do?" Xie Zhi asked lazily.

Everyone knows that when I went to my uncle's house for dinner today, on the surface, it was difficult for Song Hongjun to get Xu Cheng to come, but in fact it was Shen Huai who led Cheng Yi in today—Xie Zhi had no intention of joining in the fun, and even wanted to bring Xie Tang out.

She didn't know what Xie Tang was thinking, maybe she didn't want to embarrass Shen Huai in front of Cheng Yi, or maybe she insisted on staying at home in order to take care of the Song family's overall situation.

"Song Hongjun made an additional appointment with Lao Ye, are you really not here?" Xie Chengjiang asked again.

"Ah," Xie Zhi said just now that she didn't want to go to her uncle's house for dinner. He was a little confused when he heard the news. After a while, he asked, "What does Shen Huai want to talk to Brother Ye?"

Ye Xuanfeng came from an ordinary background, but his father-in-law had served as the deputy director of the Ministry of Electric Power. He and Dai Chengguo were comrades in arms in the early years, and later they had a relationship between superiors and subordinates for many years. The relationship between the two is very close. Goddaughter, everyone is more or less close to each other.

Dai Chengguo also appreciates Ye Xuanfeng's ability. Over the years, he has been trained in research institutes and enterprises under his subordinates. After he has achieved good results, he will be transferred to his side as a secretary, and then he will serve as vice president and deputy secretary of the party group of Huaihai Group, and then succeed Song Wenhui. He has fully presided over the work of the Huaineng Group, and his career has been smooth. At the age of 42 this year, he is already a director-level state-owned enterprise official, and he is considered the number one figure in the new generation.

Today is said to be a family banquet. Anyone who is close to Xucheng can rush to Xie Tang's house for dinner, but in fact, Shen Huai led Cheng Yi to the door, and Song Hongjun came forward to pull some people to join in the fun, so as not to embarrass the scene.

However, no matter who Song Hongjun pulls, he will not be able to pull Ye Xuanfeng on his head. </p??.

If Song Hongjun insisted on inviting Ye Xuanfeng to the banquet, it could only be that Shen Huai wanted to talk to Ye Xuanfeng about something.

When Xie Zhi asked the question, he knew that some questions were unnecessary. Shen Huai had just gone to Ji Province to meet Cheng Wenguang and Ji Chengxi. He returned from Ji Province and passed Xucheng without delay, so he wanted to take the opportunity of today's family dinner to meet Ye Xuanfeng. It was not difficult to guess what he was thinking.

Thinking of this, Xie Zhi wanted to see how Shen Huai and Ye Xuanfeng met tonight.

Xie Zhi asked uncertainly, "Brother Ye is sure to come over?"

"Why didn't you come?" Xie Chengjiang asked back on the other end of the phone.

"That's fine, I'll go there later." Xie Zhi said.

Shen Huai and Ye Xuanfeng will talk about what they will talk about when they meet. She is a little patient. She will naturally hear from others later. She is still worried about how Shen Huai's **** will react to Xie Tang when he enters the door.


Xie Zhi returned to the company halfway, and then drove to Xie Tang's house, the twilight was already dark.

In the late autumn season, the trees on both sides of the corridor are all sparse and sparse, and the concrete road, as well as the trees next to it and the gardens, occasionally have yellow leaves that are rolled up by the wind and fall on the windows of the car.

This area is a residential area for the family members of the provincial government With brick-red face bricks, there are old traces of time precipitation and rain erosion. There is no luxury, but the forest is deep and the trees are quiet. It is a rare quiet place in Xucheng.

Going to the laneway outside Xie Tang's house, seeing several cars parked in front of him, Xie Zhi pulled over and stopped the car.

Xie Zhi just stopped the car, and Liu Jianguo also drove over afterwards - Xie Zhi thought that Liu Jianguo would not join in the fun today, but thinking that Shen Huai was going to talk with Ye Xuanfeng today, it was not surprising that Liu Jianguo came over, so he stood on the side of the road and waited for him. get off.

Xie Zhi recognized the cars used by Song Hongqi, her brother, and her father in Xucheng. In addition, there was a black Audi and a silver-gray Mercedes-Benz. Xie Zhi guessed that the Audi should be Ye Xuanfeng's new car. The silver-grey Audi should be Song Hongjun's car in Xucheng.

Xie Zhi took a look. She delayed returning to the company for a while. It was almost half past six. It wouldn't be surprising that Song Hongjun and Shen Huai rushed over first.

Xie Zhi thought to herself: After my uncle moved his family to Xucheng to take office, Shen Huai has never stepped into this house. How would he feel when he came in with Cheng Yi today?

Thinking of Shen Huai's handsome, but indescribably annoying face, and thinking of all the teasing Shen Huai had made to him in Donghua before, Xie Zhi didn't want to make this **** feel comfortable today, thinking about it in her heart. : What should you say in the first sentence of entering the door to stab the sore spot of the ball?

Before entering the yard, he heard laughter inside. Xie Zhi probed into it and saw a row of people talking in the front yard. Cheng Yi and Song Hongjun were all there, but Shen Huai was not seen.

Xie Zhi thought that Shen Huai was on the left and right, and raised her voice slightly to greet Cheng Yi: "The bride is coming, where is the groom hiding..."

Cheng Yi looked back and saw that Xie Zhi and Liu Jianguo entered the door together. She and Shen Huai entered the door because they wanted to meet their parents. She would also mention the engagement later. It was a little embarrassing to ask Xie Zhi to shout so loudly. He said, "Shen Huai had something to do temporarily, and he was called away in the middle of the road, and he will come over in a while."

"Shen Huai is indeed a busy person, and he is also involved in official business in Xucheng. However, who is so big, let a vice governor and a central enterprise boss wait for Shen Huai to have dinner, and he will intercept people halfway. Already?" Liu Jianguo, who was walking behind him, asked non-yin and not yang.

Cheng Yi knew that Shen Huai had a grudge with Liu Jianguo over the backdoor listing of Meigang. Liu Jianguo was very narrow-minded and would not have anything good to say when meeting him. Hearing his non-yin and yang questioning, he thought to himself that he would also It's really not a city, I just ignore it with a smile.

However, Liu Jianguo persisted and asked, "Who is it? It can't be Tian Jiageng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, right? Apart from Tian Jiageng, I can't imagine anyone else who can make us wait here."

Xie Zhi also wanted to echo Liu Jianguo and say a few words that hurt Shen Huai, but when they saw her brother, their faces were slightly gloomy. Geng Bandao stopped Shen Huai?

Song Hongjun glanced at Liu Jianguo's scornful face, which had no city at all, and only smiled in his heart, and said, "It's really unfortunate, we met Secretary Tian on the way back by car, and Secretary Tian called Shen Huai over to say a few words— If you can't wait to start dinner, turn left and walk out of the yard to the end of the alley, which is Secretary Tian's house, and you go over and shout."

Song Hongjun's words immediately caused Liu Jianguo's face to hang there and couldn't wipe it off. He froze there, and if he tapped it lightly, that unsightly smile would fall down like shards of ice.

Cheng Yi also glanced at Liu Jianguo at this time, thinking that there really was someone who put his face on it and came to beat him.

Xie Zhi laughed dryly, but also felt it was boring. Thinking that there was a gift that Xie Tang brought from Hong Kong on a business trip this time, he hadn't taken it out of the car, so he turned and left the yard again. Just as he stepped out of the hospital door, he saw Shen Huai standing outside. Pulling out a lighter to light a cigarette.

Xie Zhi was also stunned when she saw Shen Huai. He must have heard Liu Jianguo's sarcastic words, but he was surprised that he did not go straight into the yard to embarrass Liu Jianguo in front of him, but instead stood outside the yard smoking a cigarette.

The twilight was already deep, but the streetlights hidden by the tree branches had not yet turned on. Only the light from the lighter was blown by the wind, reflecting Shen Huai's expressionless face.

Xie Zhi didn't know what Shen Huai was thinking at this moment. He thought that he used to be honest with Liu Jianguo, her brother or others. How could he change his temper today, because he didn't want to embarrass Liu Jianguo, and Stand outside the yard and smoke for a while?

Xie Zhi thought about it again, could it be that Shen Huai wanted to lower his stance today and didn't want to make the atmosphere stiff because of Liu Jianguo? However, the dog can't change from eating shit. Shen Huai, who has always been used to being domineering and giving no room to others, has a low profile today, I'm afraid he has no intentions. It's because Cheng Yi is here today and he wants to pretend to be a gentleman. What Ye Xuanfeng wanted to talk about at the meeting made him have to lower his profile?

Xie Zhi glanced at Shen Huai, and didn't intend to tell the people in the yard that Shen Huai heard Liu Jianguo's words outside the yard. Xie Tang's gift was taken out.

Shen Huai watched Xie Zhi bend over and remove the two well-made character models from the car. He knew that they were given to Xie Tang. When Xie Zhi came over, he asked, "Why does Xie Tang still like to collect these things?"

"She has always liked it." Xie Zhi glanced at Shen Huai and replied without saying anything.

Shen Huai pretended he didn't hear Liu Jianguo's words, and separated for half a minute, Liu Jianguo really thought that Shen Huai didn't hear it, and his face when he told Song Hongjun to hang up calmed down again, changed to a smiley face, and asked Shen Huai: " Secretary Tian came to you, do you have any supreme instructions to convey to us?"

Shen Huai glanced at Liu Jianguo, and said lukewarmly, "Secretary Tian is leaving Huaihai, but he still thinks about the future development of Huaihai. He happened to meet him in front of him, so he asked me for a few words."

Shen Huai saw that Cheng Yi, Song Hongjun, Ye Xuanfeng, Xie Chengjiang, and Liu Jianguo were standing in the courtyard talking, while his father and Xie Haicheng probably heard him coming at this and walked out of the study.

Xie Haicheng stood in the corridor and asked, "What did Secretary Tian talk to you about?"

Xie Haicheng leaned on the old to sell the old, but Shen Huai had no intention of telling him the content of his conversation with Tian Jiageng, and said perfunctorily: "I didn't say anything, just casually chatted a few words."

Shen Huai refused to leak any news, and Xie Haicheng had nothing to do. He knew that Tian Jiageng and Shen Huai met at the intersection, and it was impossible to say that the chattering family called Shen Huai over to talk for half an hour alone.

Tian Jiageng is about to leave Huaihai, but he has served in Huaihai Province for three years as the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, whether it is to make the many policies he implemented in Huaihai Province continue, or to do some paving work for the arrival of the new Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee It is also a practice to talk to the main officials in the province before leaving.

Even if it was a temporary conversation, Xie Haicheng didn't expect Shen Huai to be qualified to be among Tian Jiageng's conversation partner - Xie Haicheng glanced at Song Bingsheng, his brother-in-law, thinking that Song Bingsheng probably didn't ask Tian Jiageng to talk alone, right?

However, Xie Haicheng was more worried that this would create additional pressure on Ye Xuanfeng's next conversation with Shen Huai. l3l4


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