Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 739: Return (3)

Xu Xian has also worked for many years and has some social experience. She doesn't know how she has been rubbing off with the conductor. The conductor didn't ask her to get more tickets in the end. She agreed to move in. On the train, they still have to give up the bed on their side - now the ticket information networking system is very poor, the conductor can't find the rest of the sleeper ticket on the train, and whether it has been sold at the halfway station.

"Where are you all working? Are you all working?" Xu Xian moved all her luggage to the carriage here, so she felt at ease. Only then did she remember that when they entered the platform just now, she kept introducing herself. , they don't even know the identities of Shen Huai and Cheng Yi.

"Cheng Yi works in a bank," Shen Huai said with a smile, "I work in a county government below Donghua City..."

Banks in big cities now have high income, good benefits, and stable jobs. Even for front-line teller positions, there are countless people competing for them—Xu Xian works in a securities company and has a lot of contacts with people working in the financial field. Suspected that Cheng Yi was working in a bank, but she always felt that Shen Huai did not look like an ordinary staff member in the government. Sitting on the opposite bed, she opened her watery eyes and asked, "You are also a cadre in the government, right? ?"

Shen Huai leaned over and asked Cheng Yi, "My face looks like a cadre?"

Cheng Yi pushed Shen Huai's face away and smiled at him: "In the county government, even if you are a cadre, what is there to show off?"

She saw Shen Huai's clean-shaven beard, thin and angular cheeks, fair skin, but a little tanned. As long as he didn't smile, his strong nose looked resolute, and he really had a different bearing from ordinary young people. , the saying of "living qi and raising body" is not completely unfounded, but if you tell others that he presides over the work of a county government, you will most likely suspect that he is a liar.

The domestic party-government system implements the system of chief executive responsibility under the leadership of the party committee, which determines the distribution characteristics of young cadres.

Provincial and ministerial-level party and government organs and the Central Youth League Committee, there are not a few young cadres at the department level, and even at the local level, there are a group of young officials at the sub-prefecture, city, and sub-district and county levels, but they can really take up local leadership positions and preside over the overall work. Yes, it is still subject to strict restrictions on age and resume.

Political lords with strong backgrounds, even if they hope that their children can be promoted quickly, most of them will accumulate experience and qualifications in deputy or unimportant idle positions.

No diamonds, no magnetic work - if children without practical work experience are placed in important positions in charge of overall work, don't say that this will arouse criticism from competitors, and once they are inexperienced, they can't help themselves. , it is not simply a matter of ruining a son's career.

When Shen Huai went to the township to preside over the work, Song Bingsheng strongly opposed it at the time, not simply out of prejudice.

Even Ji Chengxi, who had worked in the State Council for two or three years as a director-level secretary, was transferred to a local area at the age of 32. He started as the secretary of the Jihe County Party Committee. After gaining local approval, he embarked on a rapid upward path.

Chen Jianlin was born in a local powerhouse in Hebei Province, and his rank has long been promoted to the right, but under the ingenious operation of Shi Kejian, the executive vice governor, he was able to take up the important position of the director of the first secretary of the general office of the provincial government.

Because of the delicate situation of the struggle, even though Chen Jianlin was in charge of the division chief of the secretary department, Cheng Wenguang would not entrust him with the main important work. Although Chen Jianlin may be adjusted to the post of deputy department in a very short period of time, it is actually Cheng Wenguang who wants to transfer him from the important position of the secretary, and Chen Jianlin is 34 years old this year.

One was unnecessary, and secondly, it wouldn't be believed if he said it. Of course, Shen Huai wouldn't directly reveal his identity to Xu Xian, but only vaguely admitted that he was a cadre in the county government.

As for Xu Xian, she had a good impression of Shen Huai, and her curiosity remained undiminished. Second, she had a long night on the train, so she really needed some topics to pass the time.

The more vague Shen Huai said, the more vigorously she guessed. In the end, Shen Huai had no way to resist her enthusiasm, and could only end the topic by admitting her identity as a "leader secretary".

Cheng Yi hadn't slept well in the past two days. Yesterday, she chatted with her mother all night under the covers. She only saw Xu Xian's excitement, but she didn't intend to dissuade her. .

Among them, Shen Huai received a call from his sister-in-law, saying that he was engaged to Cheng Yi.

Liu Xuemei undoubtedly regarded his flower delivery as a signal that he and Cheng Yi agreed to get engaged first, so he directly opened up for them - Aunt Song Wenhui received a call from Liu Xuemei, and naturally followed the call to Shen Huai Come here, block Shen Huai's retreat, and know that Shen Huai and Cheng Yi are on the train, and immediately ask Cheng Yi personally, wanting to strike while the iron is hot to fix the engagement date.

Shen Huai handed the phone to Cheng Yi, but Cheng Yi didn't answer the phone, and said softly, "Just let my aunt and my mother arrange it, how do we know what the rules are?"

Shen Huai told her aunt what Cheng Yi said.

"I have nothing to do with Cheng Yi's mother's arrangement on this matter, but you still have to tell your father in advance." Aunt Song Wenhui instructed on the phone.

Shen Huai also knew that he really wanted to get engaged to Cheng Yi. If his father Song Bingsheng didn't know it and didn't show up, the Cheng family would be disgraced. This is the case with most families now, with higher status and more emphasis on tradition.

However, he felt a great headache about this matter, so he had to accept it vaguely first. It would be a few days if it could be delayed.

"Ah, are you two really a couple who want to get engaged?" Xu Xian asked strangely when she heard Shen Huai talking about the engagement on the phone.

"What, don't we look alike?" Cheng Yi was very sleepy, and her mind was a little dull. She was a little confused when she heard Xu Xian ask: Xu Xian was afraid of causing her own misunderstanding when she changed the carriage just now. Why does she think she and Shen Huai are not like a couple anymore?

Xu Xian thought she was wrong, so naturally she wouldn't say anything flattering or disliked, she smiled and waved her hand in front of her face, and said, "I'm talking nonsense, I'm always talking nonsense, you two look so real. It's a good match. However, a long-distance relationship is also quite hard, right?"

Shen Huai leaned into Cheng Yi's ear, smiled softly and said, "How can a couple ride the train together, sitting on the same bed, you sit by the end of the bed and I sit by the head of the bed? They're not blind."

Cheng Yi suddenly realized that she and Shen Huai were on the train at the same time. At first glance, others thought they were lovers, but after chatting on the train for so long, she and Shen Huai didn't have the kind of intimacy or even kinship between normal lovers. Xu Xian Such a thoughtful woman naturally thinks elsewhere—this is why she was afraid of falling into the trap of intimacy yesterday, and she wanted to keep a certain distance from Shen Huai, but she asked Xu Xian to take it easy. A flaw is coming.

Back then, other people misunderstood that there was substantial progress in her relationship with Shen Huai, and they only misunderstood the intimate situation when Shen Huai was riding a bicycle and she sat on the front crossbar.

There is no reason to say, even though Xu Xian is a stranger who might get out of the car and stop contacting, Cheng Yi didn't want her to see the "false" relationship between her and Shen Huai, she stretched out her foot bent under her hip and kicked her. After patting Shen Huai, he said to Xu Xian, "Yeah, I don't usually see this guy, and when I meet him, he still makes me angry..." It seemed that she was angry with Shen Huai, and the two of them weren't so much on the train. Intimacy, and then put his foot on Shen Huai's knee and didn't take it back.

Cheng Yi said this, but Xu Xian could understand it, and she enthusiastically said that she wanted to attend Shen Huai and Cheng Yi's engagement banquet.

Cheng Yi had washed up and was about to go to bed when the train stopped at a county station on the south side of the Yellow River. A middle-aged woman in a fancy dress pushed in the door with her luggage, causing Cheng Yi to be a little dumbfounded:

There was no extra bed in the carriage, and she couldn't say that Xu Xian would be driven out at this time, and she and Shen Huai were nominally a couple who were about to get engaged. A passing friend who met by chance to squeeze a shop, right?

Xu Xian didn't even think that there would actually be passengers on the bus, so even if she had just made up the ticket, it would be useless, and said, "Why don't you all sleep, I'll just sit here for the night."

"It's okay, it's okay," Cheng Yi said, "I'll just squeeze with Shen Huai, you sleep in that bunk."

Thinking of dying to save face is really killing people, seeing Shen Huai's face with a wicked smile, Cheng Yi angrily stretched out her hand and pinched him, took off her coat and hung it up, lay down on Shen Huai's thigh, and said to Xu Xian, " Let’s continue talking, I’m going to bed, I’ll be in Xucheng early tomorrow, and I’ll go straight to the unit to work…”

"I can't sit and chat with others all night?" Shen Huai leaned over and whispered in Cheng Yi's ear.

Cheng Yi glanced at Shen Huai, ignored him, and fell asleep with her eyes closed.

Cheng Yi stopped chatting when she fell asleep, and Xu Xian couldn't really pester her "fiancé" to continue chatting. She also took off her pulled the quilt to sleep - Shen Huai couldn't just sit alone all night. , said in Cheng Yi's ear, "I'm sleeping too?"

Cheng Yi was silent and moved to the side of the bed.

The sleeper berth on the train was just that wide. Shen Huai took off his coat and sweater, and also lay down. It was impossible to keep a distance from Cheng Yi.

The two could only sleep on their sides, and Shen Huai began to put his hands between the two bodies, but in a narrow space, it would not be comfortable to sleep like this; Cheng Yi slept on his side without sharing a pillow with Shen Huai, Also very uncomfortable.

After a while, Cheng Yi took the initiative to pull up Shen Huai's hand between the two bodies as a pillow, and she snuggled into Shen Huai's arms.

Shen Huai stretched out her hand to straighten Cheng Yi's long hair, revealing her crystal clear ears and plump white cheeks under the night light - Cheng Yi was afraid that Shen Huai's hands would touch her body, except for the one whose head rested on his. Outside of one hand, he grabbed his other hand and placed it in front of him, so he was completely asleep in Shen Huai's arms, feeling the heat from Shen Huai's exhalation, which rushed to his ears and cheeks. Confused, heart pounding.

Shen Huai hugged Cheng Yi tightly into his arms, and said softly, "Go to sleep..." l3l4


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