Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 731: library lovers

Cheng Yi didn't sleep much on the train at night. She yawned several times during breakfast. She couldn't hold it in the morning. With her big watery eyes, she looked at Shen Huai pitifully and left him alone. Slipped upstairs to catch up on sleep.

Cheng Wenguang has just arrived in Hebei Province to preside over the government work for two days. There are too many affairs and too many people to contact, and the whole person is too busy. Even Chen Yongjun couldn't find time to accompany Shen Huai in the morning.

Shen Huai doesn't care. When he has time to spare, he will take this opportunity to have a deeper understanding of the economic and industrial development of Hebei Province.

If you want to know the most comprehensive and accurate economic data in Hebei Province, the best place is the data room inside the provincial government office. Shen Huai is also a middle-level cadre in the party, and there are no restrictions on the confidentiality of general documents within the province.

Chen Yongjun rushed to accompany Cheng Wenguang to meet the guests, and went to the office to get a temporary pass, and asked the driver who picked him up at the train station at dawn to accompany Shen Huai to the reference room.

The door of the reference room was open, and I didn't know where the staff on duty went. The probe looked inside. There were several rows of long shelves in the room where the materials were stored, and all kinds of printed materials were densely stacked.

Entering through the inner door, there was only a long line of fluorescent lamps on the ceiling of one aisle, and it was impossible to see if anyone was inside.

Shen Huai saw that the management of the data room was quite loose. He had a temporary pass, and he was not afraid of being misunderstood, so he asked the driver to go to work first, and he went in and read the data first.

Outside the data room is the Research Office of the Hebei Provincial Government. The latest developments in domestic and foreign economic and industrial development, as well as detailed economic data of Hebei Province, can be found here.

The economy of Hebei Province as a whole is comparable to that of Huaihai, but its industrial development structure is more serious in the north than in the south.

The scale of Luancheng's iron and steel industry in northern Hebei is not weaker than that of Donghua. The annual production capacity of iron and steel of more than 7 million tons and other related mineral development and heavy industry industries have become its absolute economic pillars. In addition, hundreds of millions of tons of coal are produced every year. Northeast Hebei leaves the port.

In comparison, the industrial development in the central and southern regions of Hebei is much worse. Even Shimen, the provincial capital, does not have a pillar industry worth mentioning, and the chemical industry in Qinghe City is relatively large.

Shen Huai was able to see some financial reports from Ji Province before, but far from it? There is no first-hand material from the reference room - I have never seen any staff coming on duty, Shen Huai doesn't know what Cheng Yi's father is. At some point, I will clean up this kind of sloppy work style within the Ji Provincial Government, but I also feel that the collection and sorting of these materials are of a high level.

Shen Huai doesn't find it strange when he thinks about it. In the past few decades, the way out for high-level intellectuals in China was very limited, and the priority of politics was far higher than others. However, in recent years, local governments have advocated staying without pay and going to Shanghai to do business. Some high-level intellectuals have not developed particularly smoothly in their careers. There are many people who have gone out of the party and government organs to go to sea to do business successfully.

Local governments are promoting the restructuring of state-owned enterprises, and many government-appointed state-owned enterprise operators have turned to the sea and become private entrepreneurs.

Shen Huai just sat in the corner and looked at the information, and he didn't know how long it took. The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated, and when he was connected, he realized that Cheng Yi had been lying in bed for two hours and could no longer fall back asleep. He asked him where he was, and asked him where he was. What do you want to eat for lunch.

"Whatever I want to eat, you go to the street to buy it and make it. When did I get such good treatment?" Shen Huai asked Cheng Yi with a smile.

"You think beautifully, go to the provincial government cafeteria and get two servings of what you like..." Cheng Yi said.

Cheng Yi's parents had just arrived in Shimen for two days, and they were not familiar with the surrounding environment. It was too troublesome to prepare any meals at home. Except for the simple breakfast prepared by herself, lunch and dinner were all ordered from the government canteen. , the food is good and convenient.

Shen Huai looked at his watch and it was only ten o'clock. Hearing that Cheng Yi would wait for her mother to order food from the government canteen, she asked her to come to the reference room first.

The provincial party committee compound is just across the street from the provincial government building. In less than ten minutes, Cheng Yi peered in from the door, saw Shen Huai sitting on the ground in the corner, walked in and said, "You hide here alone, don't be afraid of people. caught you as a thief?"

"Then if you don't report it, you're not afraid of being caught together?" Shen Huai said with a smile.

"I'm not as unscrupulous as you think." Cheng Yi held the lunch box her mother gave her to make meals, and bent over to see what information Shen Huai was looking at - her long black hair was simply tied with a rubber band He put a ponytail on his shoulders, bent over, his long hair slipped to one side, and fell on Shen Huai's shoulders, like black satin, like a waterfall shining in the dark night.

Shen Huai looked sideways and saw Cheng Yi's face right in front of him, delicate and fair, like a freshly peeled boiled egg, her skin was crystal clear and moist, her eyes narrowed slightly, her nose was straight, and her rosy lips were slightly pouted. When he got up, Shen Huai couldn't help but want to lean over and take a bite.

Maybe it was near noon, and the weather was not so cold outside, so Cheng Yi came over and wore an open-lined jacket with seahorse hair, and inside it was a blouse with white buds on the front. The collar was buttoned tightly, maybe the shirt was too small Because of this, you can clearly see a pair of jade rabbits pressing down heavily, tightening the front of the shirt tightly.

Although the last time in Yanjing he accidentally pushed the door when Cheng Yi was changing clothes, it was just that moment of lightning and flint. Cheng Yi covered her hand, and felt a little regret in her heart - now the regret is even deeper.

Cheng Yi's eyes are a little short-sighted, and she is not used to wearing contact lenses. The light in the corner is not good. She can clearly see the content of the documents in Shen Huai's hand. When she saw that Shen Huai was looking at her sideways, she also stared into Shen Huai's eyes, not knowing what was wrong, and asked, "What are you looking at, what is wrong with my face?"

After three or five seconds, or not that long of stagnation, Cheng Yi suddenly realized that the two were too close together, their faces were less than ten centimeters apart, but she was stunned for a long time before realizing where they were Not right.

Cheng Yi also sat on the ground supporting Shen Huai's shoulders, picked up a document from the ground and flipped through it at will, and asked Shen Huai, "It's been a long time since I read it, are you all boring?"

"You won't be bored anymore." Shen Huai said.

"Little mouth talking will really trick the little girl into being happy," Cheng Yi said. Seeing that Shen Huai still had a notebook and pen on his lap, he reached out and wanted to take a look at it, but he felt it was inappropriate, so he put his hand on his lap, He asked, "You read the information and take notes, can I have a look?"

Shen Huai pushed the notebook forward and looked at Cheng Yi's beautiful and flawless face. At this moment, Shen Huai almost mistakenly thought that he was back when he was a student and hid in the corner of the library with his lover.

"What are you thinking?" Cheng Yi noticed Shen Huai's distraction and asked.

"I was thinking, if we could meet while reading, I would take you on a bicycle and go to the library to read together, we should be a good couple..." Shen Huai said with a smile.

Cheng Yi stretched out her hand and supported her chin, staring at the bookcase in front of her, as if imagining the two of them riding a bicycle in the sunset, she narrowed her eyes and smiled, and said, "Imagine it, it seems to be pretty good..."

"You study, is there such a boy?" Shen Huai asked.

"Not as coquettish as you," Cheng Yi glanced at Shen Huai, sat next to Shen Huai again, stretched her long legs, rested her head on Shen Huai's shoulders, recalled the time when she was studying, and said, "When I was in college, I I like to sit alone in the library and read a book. When I was a sophomore, there was a boy who showed up in the library on time all day long. I knew that he deliberately found a seat near me, and he looked good too. I'm thinking, if he were a little more daring, maybe I'd have a good time in college..."

Looking at Cheng Yi's lazy and beautiful appearance, Shen Huai's heart pounded, thinking that ordinary boys are rarely able to bear the pressure in front of Cheng Yi's appearance and family background. Thinking of his past with Jin Xin, he reached out and grabbed it. Tuan's long hair, which was as bright as a waterfall, hung down and played with his fingers.

Cheng Yi's heart swayed, she didn't mind Shen Huai playing with her hair, she just said softly, "Don't hurt me..." She even wanted to lie down on Shen Huai's lap even more recklessly, as if this was the only way to truly appreciate college lovers What it's like to hide in a corner of a library.

At this moment, there were voices coming from the door, and when he heard the movement, Cheng Yi hurriedly sat up straight, paying attention to whether people outside could come in.

Shen Huai piled up the documents, saw Cheng Yi's nervous look, and said with a small smile, "Why, we're just here to read the documents, how can you act like you're catching a traitor?"

Cheng Yi glared at Shen Huai, reached out and pinched him, her beautiful face turning red.

There were footsteps coming in at this moment, Shen Huai didn't want to hide and scare others, and didn't want to hide and listen to other people talking about secrets, so he coughed lightly to remind the people that they were in the corner.

The two young people came over, probably not expecting someone sitting in the corner, and looked at Shen Huai vigilantly.

Shen Huai thought they were the staff of the reference room, stood up from the ground with his hands up, took out the temporary certificate that Chen Yongjun gave him, and said, "I came here in the morning, and I haven't seen anyone on duty, so I just came in to find the information... "

Two young people, one wearing a dark blue suit, with small eyes and a very shallow scar on the corner of the left eyebrow, looking gentle, about thirty-three or four years old, like to frown when looking at people, listening to Shen Huai's explanation , replied casually: "Oh, you said it was Xiao Shi, she was still calling her boyfriend."

The other person was also of the same age, with a slender face and hanging eyes. He probably took off his jacket in the office and was wearing a brown sweater. He was looking at a pile of documents in the corner, frowned, and said, "Look at things, how do you do it? It's all messed up? Store it well, or let the leaders see it, what will it look like?" He thought that Shen Huai was a newly transferred person from the provincial government, and his words were not so polite.

Cheng Yi sat on the outside of Shen Huai and was blocked by the bookcase. The two didn't see Cheng Yi at first. When Cheng Yi bent over and helped Shen Huai clean up the documents on the ground, they saw a woman in the corner. Yes, when I first saw Cheng Yi's face, my eyes dazzled, and I felt that this girl was so beautiful.

Cheng Yi's face was stained with a faint glow, and she was in a hurry to help Shen Huai pack up the information, even more guilty.

The young man with a scar on his left eyebrow gave Shen Huai an ambiguous smile, just pretending that the boy in front of him wasn't looking at the information, but he was taking the girl to an unoccupied corner to take advantage of it under the pretext of reading It's just that Curious why he hadn't heard of this beautiful girl among the newly transferred people from the provincial government building?

The young man in the sweater was not so accommodating and asked, "Which department do you belong to, do you think it's appropriate to hide here during working hours to do this kind of thing? Do you know any rules? Anyone can enter the reference room casually. ?"

"What is this kind of thing, and what have we done?" Cheng Yi's temper was not that soft. Hearing the man's yin and yang's strange words, he asked angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," It was embarrassing to give this person a scolding, but Shen Huai didn't intend to use Cheng Wenguang's name to deceive others, otherwise it was rumored that the governor's daughter and the prospective son-in-law were cheating in the data room , and he had no face, and repeatedly said hello, "We are not from the provincial government. There are friends who work here. After saying hello, I came over to check some information."

"Who is your friend? Which unit are you, you think this is a public library, don't you know that all these materials are classified? You are from a foreign unit, and you broke in without saying hello, you know this is What kind of behavior?" The sweater youth said perseveringly, the youth with scars on his eyebrows pulled him secretly and ignored him, instead he said to the youth with scars, "Go and call Xiao Shi and the people from the security office, check it out. What are the identities of these two people? Now the reference room, cats and dogs can come in casually..." l3l4


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