Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 721: go or stay

Tomorrow, Guo Chengze and Meng Jiansheng will come to Donghua early in the morning, and Shen Huai will also attend the meeting organized by the municipal party committee.

After talking, Shen Huai sent Xiong Wenbin, Wu Haifeng, Zhou Yanbin and the others downstairs. Xiong Dailing jumped and chased from behind, fluttering her long black hair, and said to Xiong Wenbin, "Dad, why are you talking about it, it's so late. ? My sister and I decided to sleep here..."

"As you wish." Xiong Wenbin waved his hand and said.

The Yicheng Municipal Committee has already sent someone to contact them, and the accommodation after arriving in Yicheng has also been arranged. The house at the General Garden is a public house, and Xiong Wenbin does not want to rely on others to poke the spine and gossip in the back, so he plans to take the house directly. Move to Yicheng and vacate the house and return it to the city.

Now many things at home are packed and messy.

Shen Huai looked back, Dini stood on the second floor of the lobby and waved her hand here, saying goodbye to everyone, with a gentle smile on her beautiful face - Shen Huai had not had a chance to say a few words to her today, and she was also worried I can't meet in private today, and I don't know how long it will take to meet.

Zhao Dong and Xiao Mingxia moved their new home to Xinpu, and they will live with their parents when they go back to the city, but they forget the time when they talk about things. One night in a hotel - a lot of people stayed there.

When they were in the city steel mill, Xiao Mingxia, Xiong Dini and Xiong Dailing were also close. Later, there was a period of slack in their relationship. Later, Xiao Mingxia and Xiong Dini had children and needed to take care of the family. They didn't have much personal time to meet. The number of times is also limited.

After sending Xiong Wenbin, Wu Haifeng, Zhou Yanbin and others away, Yang Haipeng and his wife also drove away. Shen Huai, Zhou Zhibai, Zhao Dong, Sun Yalin and the others returned to their rooms, only to find out that Xiong Dini, Xiong Dailing, Xiao Mingxia, Song Tong and the others were chatting in the VIP room just now. They all played cards in Zhao Dong and Xiao Mingxia's suite.

When they saw Shen Huai and the others come in, Song Tong shouted that he wanted to play all night, and asked Zhao Dong to sleep with the children, so as not to hinder their poker career.

Zhao Dong smiled helplessly, opened the door to see the child sleeping soundly in the bedroom, and walked back to watch the game of cards.


Shen Huai stood leaning against the armrest of the sofa and asked Xiong Dini, "Is the job in Yicheng settled yet?"

Without waiting for Xiong Dini to answer, Xiao Mingxia said bluntly:

"Wenshan shopping malls are planning to go public. Before the listing, I heard that the shopping malls may buy back employee shares. It is a pity that you are transferred from Wenshan shopping malls now. Donghua and Yicheng are just over an hour's drive away. I Seeing that you usually stay in Donghua to work, and go back to Yicheng to watch Qiqi on weekends, there is nothing wrong with it..."

Wenshan Shopping Mall has benefited from the rapid economic growth of Donghua City in recent years and the renovation of the northern bank of Cuihu Lake by the municipal government. Currently, it is one of the few commercial enterprises in the city that has been profitable for several consecutive years. After the restructuring, the company has a good structure and a medium scale. It is Donghua's most promising company in the near future.

In the first two years of the restructuring of Wenshan Shopping Center, in addition to state-owned shares and management's capital contribution, a certain percentage of employee shares were also allocated.

Xiong Dini was a middle-level cadre in Wenshan shopping mall before, and her status was higher than that of ordinary employees, but she was not considered the core management of the company.

Although according to the previous shopping mall restructuring policy, Xiong Dini can spend more than ten thousand yuan to participate in the management's shareholding. In the end, because Xiong Wenbin just became the executive vice mayor, the cost of moving to a new house is also large, whether it is private loans or bank loans, all It was not suitable, and finally gave up participation in management shareholding and chose to join ordinary employees and only participate in employee shareholding.

According to the current policy, the China Securities Regulatory Commission does not advocate the entry of excessively dispersed employee shares into the securities market. Therefore, if Wenshan Market wants to go public, it must first solve the problem of employee shareholding.

Now the management of Wenshan shopping mall has put forward a plan, that is, they will pay for the shares in the hands of employees.

However, some employees are still very discerning and are unwilling to sell their employee shares at a low price before listing. The second plan is to set up a special organization to centrally hold employee shares and bypass the listing policy obstacles.

It’s a pity that the employees of the mall are not in the same mood. A considerable number of employees are greedy for small profits and only want to cash out the employee shares in their hands. Of course, there is also the reason why the management of Wenshan mall is behind the scenes.

No matter how the issue of employee shares in Wenshan shopping mall is resolved in the future, Xiong Dini's transfer from Wenshan shopping mall at this time is a great loss to her personally.

Now that Xiong Wenbin has transferred Donghua, Xiong Dini, as an adult child, can naturally be more free in Donghua.

Wenshan Shopping Center really wants to solve the problem of employee shares according to the first plan. As the deputy financial manager, Xiong Dini can participate in the repurchase of some employee shares by the management. This is her due interest, and it has nothing to do with the issue of principle.

Xiong Dini raised her head and glanced at Shen Huai, her big bright eyes fluttered, and replied, "I haven't settled down yet, I'm lazy, I'm too lazy to think about it, I'm used to working in one place, so I'm too lazy to move, Yicheng is temporarily over there. I don’t have a suitable job either, so it might take a while to see the situation…”

"By the way, your family handed over the house in the General Garden. Where do you live?" Song Tong asked.

Although Donghua and Yicheng were next to each other, it was just over an hour's drive on the highway, but Xiong Dini stayed in Donghua to work, and it was impossible to go back to Yicheng every day.

If Xiong Dini went to Yicheng with her, she wouldn't have to worry about housing. Even if he decides to stay in Donghua, as the deputy financial manager of the shopping mall, his annual salary is 60,000 to 70,000 yuan. If he can participate in the shareholding in the future, the income will be higher, and there is no problem in buying a house by himself.

The commercial housing in Donghua has increased at a relatively high rate in the past two years, but the villas in the downtown area are only 3,411 square meters, the elevator apartments in the downtown area are less than 2,000, and the house price in Meixi New District is only 1,300 square meters. Around four, Xiong Dini bought a house and lived there, and there was no problem.

Song Tong and the others are concerned that Xiong Dini is hesitant to stay between Donghua and Yicheng, and the temporary housing will be more troublesome.

"The company has a dormitory. It is convenient to live in the dormitory temporarily." Xiong Dini said.

Hearing this, Shen Huai yawned and said, "It's really boring to listen to you guys chatting, I'm going to bed..."

Xiong Dini looked at Shen Huai's about to increase and said, "By the way, our President Wen said we wanted to find a chance to have a meal with you."

"What is Wen Qitai looking for from me?" Shen Huai asked.

After Wenshan Shopping Mall was restructured to form Wenshan Commercial Group, Wen Qitai, a member of the party group of the Municipal Bureau of Commerce, left his official position and officially went to sea, and turned into the chairman and general manager of Wenshan Commercial Group.

Wen Qitai is a man of Gao Tianhe and has a business acumen. Gao Tianhe has lost power in the past two years, and he is also smart to turn around between many forces. In addition, he has real achievements in running Wenshan business, so he has become the largest in Wenshan shopping malls. beneficiaries.

"I heard that the assets of the People's Market in Xiapu County are going to be reorganized, so Mr. Wen should be looking for news from you..."

"That's right," Shen Huai took out a document from the briefcase and handed it to Xiong Dini, "I'm going to Ji Province for a business trip in the next two days. I'm not in the county, here is a document for the asset reorganization of People's Mall. , you hand it over to Wen Qitai, he is really interested, let him contact the county commercial bureau and Xinpu Development Group first, and let me talk about the rest when I come back..." After Xiong Dini reached out to pick up the materials, Shen Huai tightened his hand. Let go again.

Shen Huai was in Xiapu Town at this time, locking the development of Chengguan Town, and planning to demolish the old city as a whole after the new city was built to a certain scale in a year or two.

Shen Huai also started from the overall situation of urban construction, avoiding unnecessary duplication of construction, and avoiding the increase in the difficulty of demolition in the future.

However, the county people's shopping mall located on Jianshe Road in Chengguan Town cannot benefit from the current high-speed growth of the economy due to the restrictions of the county's policies, and its operating performance has not been well improved.

Regarding state-owned assets, Shen Huai has always insisted on the separation of ownership and management rights.

The more important question is, if we do not introduce a large capital partner, in the future, the People's Shopping Center will be relocated to the central area of ​​the new city, and a larger planned shopping mall will be built, and if the county does not inject capital, how will the hundreds of millions of relocation funds be solved?

Wenshan Commercial Group is planning to go public at this time. If it succeeds, it will not be a problem to raise 200 million to 300 million funds from the securities market - whether it is Wen Qitai or other capital parties, as long as the problem can be solved, who will take over the People's Market in Xiapu County, Shen Huai would not object.

Zhou Zhibai wanted to stay to watch Song Tong play cards, so Shen Huai and Sun Yalin went back to their rooms to rest, walked into the aisle, Shen Huai touched it, and asked suspiciously, "Did the waiter give me the room card?"

Sun Yalin was about to enter her room with the room card in her, when she heard what Shen Huai said, she glanced at Shen Huai from top to bottom and asked, "You just handed the materials to others. , are you sure you didn't put the room card inside?"

Shen Huai didn't understand where Sun Yalin saw the flaw. He thought to himself that there shouldn't be any traces of his actions when he clipped the room card into the materials.

"Why don't you have something pure in your mind, I really don't have a common language with you..." Shen Huai said, ignoring Sun Yalin, and went downstairs to the reception desk to get a room card.

Shen Huai didn't know how long Xiong Dini and the others would drag on playing cards, and Xiong Dini would definitely live in the same room with her sister. It was not easy to get out. When he got to the room, he took a shower and went to bed first. The hot and tender body got into the quilt and hugged him from behind. He turned around and hugged him without opening his eyes, and moved his mouth to kiss...

After a burst of hot kisses, Xiong Dini was hot and tender, and she couldn't breathe before pushing Shen Huai away, and said in a sullen voice, "Aren't you afraid of kissing the wrong person?"

Shen Huai reached out and turned on the night light, put Xiong Dini in his arms, and said with a smile, "I just lost a room card, and whoever finds me will kiss whoever..." l3l4


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