Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 716: bloodbath

After the preparatory meeting of the Education Bureau was held, Ye Kuangming led his team to carry out an audit on the financial information of each school that was sealed up. The county vocational high school has a lot of problems. Just after the new school year started this year, there was a sum of 600,000 yuan that disappeared and could not be checked.

In 1997, the whereabouts of the 600,000 yuan was unknown, and even the misappropriation of public funds was a big problem.

Ye Kuangming reported to the county that night. Shen Huai, together with Tao Jixing and Gu Jinzhang, gave instructions overnight, and the county commission for discipline inspection took measures against Xu Sheng. Zhang Wenquan, director of the county education bureau, temporarily worked as a part-time middle school principal to settle the situation and was responsible for cooperating with the county commission for discipline inspection and the Finance Bureau. , thoroughly investigate Xu Sheng and the problems existing in his career.

The county decided to have the county finance bureau directly audit the assets and finances of each school, which was abrupt and made people panic. It's been a day now, and Xu Sheng has taken measures for the county commission for discipline inspection. The smell of a big storm is coming, and a bundle of TNT is placed under the eyes and nose. Many people are like ants on a hot pot.

Zhang Bin was also restless, and did not dare to go to Wang Weicheng. After suffering for two days, he stayed at the gate of the community at night, watching Du Jian come back, followed by knocking on the door and entering the house.

Du Jian took off his jacket, greeted Zhang Bin to sit in the study, took a kettle and poured him tea, and asked with a smile, "Now that an education group is being established, and a new campus is being built in the county, why do you still have time to run here? ?"

"The work can't be done," Zhang Bin said calmly. "No matter how busy the work is, you must find time to report to Director Du in time..."

"I have nothing to do with your education block. You have to report to work, and you can't report to me, right?" Du Jian handed the porcelain teacup to Zhang Bin, brewed a cup of strong tea for himself, and sat down.

Zhang Bin smiled and chatted for a while before turning to Xu Sheng: "Fatty Xu is planted in this time, can't he get it out?"

"Xu Sheng's problem is more serious. Now we have found out that the amount of embezzled public funds and loan sharks to private bosses on three occasions has exceeded one million. Although the money has been recovered, there is a total of one hundred thousand yuan in interest. Xu Sheng and the financial section chief in his career were privately divided. Now the County Commission for Discipline Inspection has also taken measures against the financial section chief in his career. In addition to this, the working group found nearly 600,000 cash in Xu Sheng’s hometown. Money, join Xu Sheng's private loan, Xu Sheng and his wife have cash in their name? Now they will find 900,000. Now the working group is investigating how the 900,000 came..." Du Jian squinted The eyes slowly revealed the progress of the case in the past two days to Zhang Bin.

"This Fatty Xu is reckless. He only pays as much tuition for a year of vocational school, and he dares to make so much money. It's not too hot. It's really embarrassing and embarrassing for our education community..." Zhang Bin filled with righteous indignation. Said, I can't wait to draw Xu Sheng's line immediately.

In addition to being daring, Zhang Bin also felt that Xu Sheng was too stupid:

In the past two years, the market of vocational schools has been so popular. In order for their children to enter vocational schools and majors that are in short supply in vocational schools, parents of students have given away thousands of dollars, plus the canteen is contracted to related households, and the entrance of the vocational high school Almost all of the more than ten illegally built shops are in the hands of Xu Jian, but he is so stupid and greedy that he misappropriates public funds to lend, and as a result, a big reason is found after an investigation. Arrogant, greedy...

"The **** for profit," Du Jian said slowly, "the city's economy has developed rapidly in recent years, and the demand for vocational school students is very strong. Ordinary vocational school students graduate, as long as they can enter Meixi, Xinpu or Xipi Gate Enterprises in Hong Kong can easily get thousands of wages, so that parents have squeezed their heads in recent years and want to send their children to vocational schools. In order to allow their children to enter vocational schools, private relationships, gifts and money are very important. Common. The fees of vocational schools are also higher year by year, and the performance is also higher year by year, some people will inevitably get carried away, thinking that this is the credit of their school management, and they do not take the county education bureau in their eyes. Said, he also said that the president of the vocational college is none other than him, and even if he doesn't fall down this time, it won't last long..."

Xu Shengfang said that the president of the Vocational College of Vocational Education must be his. Zhang Bin thought it was only circulated in a small circle, but he didn't expect it to spread to the county long ago - but he didn't know who was behind and sold Xu Sheng. so clean.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin felt even more guilty, feeling that everyone around him felt suspicious.

"Xu Sheng is too arrogant. A few days ago, the county magistrate Shen named Director Zhang as the head of the preparatory team of the college. He probably saw that he was hopeless as the president of the college, and he felt resentful. Teacher Xiao Zhou, let out his anger, and co-authored Zhang Junqiang, the principal of the health school, to make a fuss and make Teacher Xiao Zhou almost out of trouble..." Zhang Bin knew that Xu Sheng was completely finished, but he still didn't know what the problem was. Talk to Du Jian about Zhou Qian's drinking to Xu Sheng.

"Mr. Xiao Zhou, which Teacher Xiao Zhou?" Du Jianzhuang asked confusedly.

"Last time, when the county magistrate Shen and Secretary Tao went to the county for research, they splashed tea with the magistrate Shen..." Zhang Bin reminded.

"Oh, it's her, I have some impressions," Du Jian nodded, but changed the subject and said, "The drinking style in the township is savage, and the drinking style in the county is not good. But now, you can eat and drink. It's not a big deal, even if the unit bought two good cars and drove with a sincere attitude, the county would not pursue it, at least not put the money in his own pocket. Xu Sheng misappropriated and embezzled public funds, and there were still large sums of money. The origin is unknown, and this problem is a big one. After Secretary Tao heard the report from the working group this afternoon, he was furious and instructed to dig the roots..."

Dig the roots to the bottom - Zhang Bin's back froze when he heard this.

Although he is not as bold as Xu Sheng, his **** is definitely not clean.

Not to mention that he usually receives gifts from students' parents. The school's small shop and canteen are also his related households. This makes him the most criticized at school - really want to dig to the bottom, Zhang Bin I don't think he can escape this disaster.

"In the future, each school will be engaged in construction. If you don't kill the arrogance, will it make it more messy?" Du Jian ignored Zhang Bin's fear, and continued, "A few secondary vocational schools, look at these two years. Although the performance is good, the management is very chaotic, and the county is also quite dissatisfied with it. Now that a vocational college is to be established, the county does not want to see this trend brought into the vocational college, but the county's management status is basically Satisfied with..."

Zhang Bin was frightened enough, and he could understand what Du Jian meant. This time, the county was mainly killing the junior post, but no matter how he understood Du Jian's meaning, he didn't give him a guarantee. How could he be relieved? Down?

Zhang Bin said: "The county is basically satisfied with the county, but I have been the principal of the county for many years, and I know that the school still has many problems, and it is not as perfect as it seems. Director Du, you say, do I want it? Find an opportunity to report to the county on your own initiative?"

Seeing that Zhang Bin was so frightened that even Zhang Wenquan wanted to betray him, Du Jian said with a smile, "If there is a big problem, of course, we must take the initiative to report it to the county, otherwise the main thing is to clean up and rectify ourselves - of course, this is also me. I can't make a number of random guesses." After looking at the time, he said to Zhang Bin, "It's not too early, I still have two documents for the county magistrate Shen to draw up at night, so I won't let you go on... "


Zhang Bin came out of Du Jian's house and walked into the quiet alley in the dead of night, called the cool breeze after autumn, only to find that his back was full of sweat and his clothes were soaked for two layers.

Zhang Bin parked the car at the entrance of the alley. He got into the car and thought about Du Jian's words, but he still couldn't guess many places.

Whether the killing of Xu Shengliwei in the county this time had something to do with Zhou Qian's drunkenness, he didn't understand.

Zhang Bin couldn't confirm whether Xu Sheng was drinking Zhou Qian's wine in Beishan Pengyue. Zhang Bin couldn't confirm it, but the possibility was not small - Xu Sheng didn't know that Zhou Qian was the one who pushed Shen Huai with Zhang Wenquan. Sheng probably thought that Zhou Qian had an affair with him and Zhang Wenquan in order to gain a place in the education group. And Shen Huai clearly named Zhang Wenquan as the head of the preparatory team of the vocational college. Xu Sheng believed that he and Zhang Wenquan were behind the scenes, and it was normal to spread grievances on Zhou Qian.

Since Xu Sheng believes that Zhou Qian is not a woman of three virtuous and fierce, and gets drunk and gets a hotel room to open a room, he probably also believes that Zhou Qian will not make a statement after the incident...

Zhang Bin wondered that Xu Sheng might be planted on this.

It's just that Xu Sheng dragged the drunk Zhou Qian into the hotel, and Zhao Tianming happened to stop him. Thinking of this, Zhang Bin got stuck again.

Furthermore, only Zhou Qian could be sure of what was going on in her heart. If Shen Huai acted so aggressively for Zhou Qian, Zhou Qian would have been in Shen Huai's bed long ago - but she couldn't see it at all. Traces!

Zhang Bin's mind went back and forth, but he couldn't turn it around. No matter how thoughtful he was, no one would raise any questions, and many problems could not be seen through. This was the limitation of being at the grassroots level.

I can't understand many things. Zhang Wenquan has to leave at home, and Zhang Bin slowly starts the car.


These days, the county's education system has not entertained at night, and eating and drinking has also restrained. Zhang Wenquan tutored his son in junior high school at home, and opened the door to let Zhang Bin come in.

Zhang Bin naturally wouldn't say that he had already gone to Du Jian's house to inquire about things, but also said to Zhang Wenquan, "Fatty Xu was planted this time..."

Zhang Wenquan said indifferently, "It's normal. The county is determined to be a big and good vocational college, and to develop and build a local university in the future. I think this should happen. If you think about the development history of Meigang, you should know Several secondary vocational schools are merged, and it is impossible for all fish and shrimp to join in. Besides, Xu Sheng has a big problem, who can he blame if he gets involved? You still have to stabilize the work in the county. Don't let anything go wrong..."

Zhang Bin didn't know whether Zhang Wenquan realized it himself, or someone else reminded Zhang Wenquan like Du Jian reminded him tonight, but when he heard Zhang Wenquan's words, his mind suddenly became clear:

Maybe I really thought too much, the original intention of the county may be to "bloodbath" the vocational school.

People like Xu Sheng may be qualified to be the principals of secondary vocational schools in small county towns, but the future vocational colleges will develop towards high-level colleges, not to mention Xu Sheng and others as deans, but let them be vice deans, The dean of the department is a serious drag.

Conventional means, there is no way to wash these people away, then they can only swept away with a big stick - thinking about the development history of Meigang at the beginning, it is not after Shen Huai's "blood wash" that the foundation for its rise was really laid.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bin was also frightened in a cold sweat. Thanks to the county's stable results over the years, the county is basically satisfied. Otherwise, he might have to fall in this time, and thought: Maybe Zhang Wenquan will be named in Shen Huai's part-time college. At the moment of the preparatory team leader, Xu Sheng's ending was doomed.

Zhang Wenquan saw Zhang Bin's stern face, wondering if he understood, and asked again, "By the way, are you familiar with Sun Xun?"

" Zhang Bin nodded," Teacher Xiao Zhou's brother-in-law, Sun Xun is still his lover Zhou Yu, and he is a middle school classmate with Director Wang of the county government. Sun Xun seems to be working as an associate professor at a university in the United States. He is thirty-three or four years old. He is considered a rare young man and a celebrity in the county alumni record. Bureau Zhang, why did you suddenly mention him? "

No matter how young Sun Xun and Zhou Yu were abroad, Zhang Bin didn't think it had anything to do with him.

As a century-old famous school in the county, there are many celebrities who have achieved academic achievements, and there are several academicians, but they may not bring direct benefits to the county or Zhang Bin.

"The county needs to introduce various high-level talents, but at present the county's foundation and conditions are still limited, so the job of attracting talents must start from those who have gone out from Xiapu," Zhang Wenquan said, "Sun Xun is in education. There are quite a lot of books on academic development. The Education Bureau and the county center are striving to do the work of Sun Xun and his wife. If this can be done, it will also be the result of the education bureau and the county center in the introduction of talents. Besides, the county is right The starting point of the vocational college is very high, and we can only go out to introduce talents, limited to the county, the field of vision is too narrow, and it is impossible for the county to be satisfied with the work..."

Zhang Bin confirmed that there was someone behind Zhang Wenquan's guidance, and of course he wouldn't be foolish to ask clearly, he didn't have the qualifications yet, thinking that he would continue to follow Zhang Wenquan in the future, it was always right. l3l4


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