Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 713: I don't know

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The construction of the "Xinpu Town" project is coming to an end, and other projects in the east area of ​​Xincheng, including the new campus of the county middle and high school, will also be launched one after another.

Civic Plaza, located to the west of Yexin Avenue and south of Zhonggang Road, as the most important commercial and leisure cultural facilities in the eastern area, has also officially entered the implementation stage.

Said to be a citizen square, the public green space and artificial landscape lake open for citizens to enter will not be less than 40,000 square meters, but the ground and underground areas including mid-to-high-end clubs, discos, restaurants, cinemas, bookstores, and shopping malls will be included. The supporting commercial area will be as high as 50,000 to 60,000 square meters, and together with the Yexin Business District, it will form the commercial area of ​​the east area of ​​the new city, which will initially complete the urban form of the new city.

As far as the current resident population of Xincheng East Area is concerned, this project has a high investment risk, other companies are afraid to bid, and Zhujiang Construction is duty-bound to undertake it.

The City Planning and Design Institute, as the designer of the Civic Square project, rejected the two sets of plans this time, and Wang Mingda and Xu Zhi brought the third draft this time.

Shen Huai, Dai Quan, Zhu Li, Chu Yiliang and others rushed to the Zhujiang Building, and some other park officials who wanted to participate in the plan discussion were also waiting in the meeting room of the Zhujiang Building. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Zhou Qian, who entered the venue after everyone.

However, in front of Zhu Li, everyone was able to laugh and say a few jokes that matched the basics, but in front of Shen Huai, they didn't dare to be arrogant, and they just speculated in their hearts what this beautiful girl was.

Shen Huai asked Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin to sit next to him, and said to them: "The Civic Square is next to the Zhongxin Campus of the County, and the architectural style of the two should be consistent with the Yexin Business District to the east, and you should also actively give your opinions. If you hold back at this time and don't raise your opinion, and finally come up with a misunderstanding, I will scold you on your head when I scold people..."

Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin smiled accordingly, slyly saying that they believed in the vision of the people present, and they still had to learn from it.

Now there is a saying in the county that after the construction of the new city reaches a certain scale, Chengguan Town will be demolished in its entirety, except for some buildings with significant preservation.

At that time, not only the county party committee and the county government will work together with the two committees of the park, but also the county functional bureau will be merged with the park branch; it can also be foreseen that in the future, officials promoted from the park will constitute the power of Xiapu County. the core of the structure.

There is also a saying that Xinpu is applying for a national development zone. Even if Xinpu is still under the management of Xiapu County at that time, the officials in the park will undoubtedly become more confident.

Zhang Wenquan was worried that he could not be related to the affairs of the park. He was naturally happy to be able to participate now, but he didn't dare to grab the limelight too much, and he was eloquent in talking in front of Shen Huai.

Shen Huai ignored Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin's cautious approach to officialdom, and after taking a seat, watched the company's secretaries place the projector on the conference table, looked at Zhu Li, and asked, "Can we start now? ?" Seeing Zhu Li nodding, he smiled at Wang Mingda, director of the Municipal Design Institute, who was standing at the other end of the conference table sorting out information, "Director Wang, sit down and rest, and let the young people show more performance..." He asked with a smile. Xu Zhi, "Is there a problem with XCMG?"

Wang Weicheng knew that as long as Shen Huai recognized a person, he would pay enough attention, and would not particularly consider the rules generally accepted in official circles such as qualifications and connections.

Among the people who rose along with Shen Huai, Chen Tong and Chen Dan were sisters and younger brothers. It is better to say that they were taken care of. Zhao Dong, Yang Haipeng and others all came from the grassroots level. They all received enough attention when Shen Huai first arrived in Donghua. with trust. Even if Wang Weicheng himself was promoted and reused, the relationship between Huili and Xiong Dini as middle school classmates was completely unreasonable.

Even if it is unclear why Shen Huai took care of Xu Zhi and gave him a chance to perform on such an important occasion, Wang Weicheng also knew that now was a rare opportunity for Xu Zhi.

Wang Weicheng has struggled at the grassroots level, and knows that there is no help to climb up the grassroots level. Even a talented young man must first have ten or eight years of qualifications before he can be promoted to a relatively important middle-level position.

Now it is advocated that customer needs are the top priority, and the employees that customers like are the backbone for enterprises and institutions to promote and reuse.

If Xu Zhi's performance is good and can be affirmed by the main officials of the county and the park, even without considering the influence of the Meigang Department in the entire Donghua, the Municipal Planning and Design Institute will take care of the major customers who account for nearly half of its business. It will push Xu Zhi directly to a relatively important position and undertake some important tasks.

Thinking of this, Wang Weicheng gave Xu Zhi a positive look, hoping that he would take this opportunity well.

Zhou Qian sat at the end of the conference table and looked at Xu Zhi excitedly.

Zhou Qian also understands some official rules. Previously, Zhang Bin took her with her, intending to let her perform more when reporting to the county and education bureau leaders, but in front of Shen Huai, she never had the opportunity to report work in place of Zhang Bin. , in the final analysis, she is not qualified, she can only stand aside as an assistant and a vase.

Of course, from the bottom of my heart, Zhou Qian also hopes that Xu Zhi can be affirmed by everyone.

Hearing Shen Huai's words, Wang Mingda was also taken aback for a moment, but he would not refuse Shen Huai's request and arrangement. He smiled and motioned for Xu Zhi to come to the front, with encouragement and a bit of envy. Pat Xu Zhi on the shoulder and let him perform well.

Xu Zhi himself was also a little caught off guard, and stood in front of him in a panic.

Seeing Xu Zhi's nervousness, Shen Huai discussed other things with Dai Quan and Chu Yiliang first, giving Xu Zhi some time to prepare and adjust his mind.

Just like the stiffness of the palm when shaking hands, Xu Zhi's subsequent performance was also quite stiff.

However, everyone listened tolerantly to Xu Zhi's introduction to the revised draft, and with Wang Mingda's addition, the whole discussion went on quite smoothly.

Shen Huai was still quite satisfied with the plan of this draft. Everyone proposed some revisions and planned to let the design institute produce the design draft.

Shen Huai patted the table and told the others to go first. He still had something to talk about with Zhu Li and Chu Yiliang.

Xinpu Refinery has introduced two strategic partners, Offshore Oil Corporation and Provincial State Investment Corporation, and the previously constructed oil depot was fully acquired by CNOOC. The funds previously prepared for the Xinpu Refining and Chemical Project have nearly one billion remaining.

Before the completion of Xinpu Refinery, Meishan Iron and Steel will not immediately start the construction of large-scale industrial projects. The changes in the Asia-Pacific economic situation also require further observation. Nearly one billion funds are mainly deposited in Zhongxin's overseas accounts.

At present, the country's investment promotion policy is to encourage industrial investment. The land market, real estate development and financial securities all strictly restrict the entry of foreign capital. Now the construction of Lingang New City requires a lot of funds. It is impossible to directly invest in the construction.

The workaround is to take the remaining funds of Zhongxin by way of corporate bonds of Zhujiang Investment - which can also promote the development of Zhujiang Investment on a larger scale.

Shen Huai had a preliminary exchange of opinions with Zhu Li and Chu Yiliang, but it had to be based on the capital needs of Zhujiang Investment, otherwise such a large-scale debt financing would not be easy to undertake.

Eight office buildings in Yexin Business District have been built one after another, and the investment and construction focus of various companies in the Meishan Iron and Steel Group will gradually shift from Meixi to Xinpu. Both Zhujiang Investment and Zhujiang Construction have moved their headquarters here.

After talking about the establishment of a comprehensive vocational college, Shen Huai and Wang Weicheng left.

After getting out of the elevator and walking from the aisle to the lobby, Wang Weicheng was about to take out his mobile phone to contact the driver to drive the car to the front of the building, when he heard Zhou Qian and Xu Zhi arguing at the front lobby:

"The county magistrate Shen kindly gave you a chance to perform just now. It will be good for you to develop in the design institute in the future. I will let you stay and thank them. Where do you want to go?"

"We all do design based on our ability to eat. What kind of kindness do I need from him? You are no longer a little girl. What other men think about you, you don't understand at all? What does Zhang Bin think of you, you I don't understand. The county magistrate Shen on the left, the county magistrate on the right, and others are just looking for a chance to get close to you. You don't stay far away. clear……"

Wang Weicheng's heart skipped a beat. He didn't expect that Xu Zhizhengfeng would be jealous and say such nonsense at this time. He gave Shen Huai a worried look.

Shen Huai sighed inwardly, not wanting to go out to embarrass Zhou Qian and Xu Zhi, save some face for them, and folded his body and walked inside.

Wang Weicheng followed and walked in, fearing that Shen Huai would feel bad about Xu Zhi, and he knew that Shen Huai would be annoyed that he was able to step on a small character like Xu Zhi to the point where he didn't even leave any scum, so he pretended to be relaxed and said, "Young people today have high hearts. Very arrogant, I was like that back then, I didn't touch my head a few times, I really couldn't see through the cruelty of society..."

Shen Huai smiled, and said to Wang Weicheng indifferently: "There is a poem about how to say, I would have my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon illuminates the ditch. In the current lover relationship, either two people grow up together, or the man grows up. Faster than women, otherwise the relationship will be difficult to stabilize - equality between men and women has been mentioned for many years, but society is so cruel, right?"

Wang Weicheng nodded with a smile, secretly felt sorry for Xu Zhi, and his mentality was unbalanced, but he regarded Shen Huai's good intentions as malicious, secretly feeling that Shen Huai really wanted to covet Zhou Qian's beauty, where do these small means are needed to directly trample Xu Zhi. With no **** left, can Zhou Qian continue to stay by Xu Zhi's side?

In the final analysis is that some young people hold the illusion of three virtuous women and treat them as vassals, but they don't know that today's girls have long had their own ideas and personalities.

Shen Huai walked to the corner of the aisle, opened the window, and took out a cigarette to share with Wang Weicheng.

The two of them smoked, and then went out, they saw Zhou Qian standing alone in the sofa area of ​​the lobby lounge area, Xu Zhi disappeared, it was estimated that he had left with anger - Shen Huai pretended to be ignorant and asked: "Mr. Xiao Zhou Waiting for someone here?"

Wang Weicheng's eyes were a little red when he saw Zhou Qian. He must have been arguing with Xu Zhi just now, but he was crying.

Seeing that Shen Huai and Wang Weicheng came out at this time, Zhou Qian's emotions had not stabilized, and she was a little caught off guard. She didn't know how to find an excuse to explain that she was sitting alone on the sofa in the lobby.

"Are you going back to the county?" Shen Huai asked, "Go back in my car..." Looking at the slightly red and swollen eyes on Zhou Qian's beautiful face, he also sighed, but he had no excuse or position. It can give more comfort to the little girl who dragged his hand and walked on the street that year.

Those are the past and memories that have passed, been blown away by the wind, and no longer exist. l3l4


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