Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 710: flashy mind

After attending the operation ceremony of Xinpu Passenger Station, I drove to Xinpu to inspect the construction site in the east area of ​​Lingang New City. Looking at the green paddy fields on both sides of the road, Shen Huai smiled and said to Dai Quan, "The construction of the passenger station is so biased, what's next? There should be a lot of complaints..."

Wang Weicheng sat in front of him and listened, turned his head and said, "I just heard someone complaining that birds don't **** in this place. After all, everyone is still parked in the county seat, which is only five or six square kilometers. I can't imagine the future Lingang New City will be built. What is the concept..."

Shen Huai smiled, and didn't ask who was complaining behind his back. He picked up the plan that Zhang Wenquan handed him, and while there was still some time before he got to the construction site, he went through it again roughly.

The Lingang New City he is planning will have a population of more than 500,000 people in the future, and the construction period may take more than ten years. When the layout is carried out according to this plan, the construction of some important public supporting facilities will be in the east and west, which looks very messy; the most typical one is the passenger terminal.

Although the passenger station is named after "Xinpu", it is actually located in Santang Township, the northern edge of the Lingang New City Planning Area. At this time, geographically, it does not take Chengguan Town in the east, nor the Petrochemical Industrial Park in the west, and is under construction in the south. The flaming east area of ​​Lingang New City is still four kilometers away, just like being submerged in the countryside.

While many people do not understand, this has also become an important "criminal evidence" for the Ministry of Agriculture to receive a report that Xiapu has been requisitioned indiscriminately.

Publicity work is to be done, but there is no way to explain it to everyone.

Shen Huai's current practice is to promote and appoint officials who can keep up with the officials he knows; officials who can keep the same work philosophy as the county party committee and county government are promoted and appointed; officials who can't keep up with the officials or who complain behind their backs are left to complain. Go full.

If you are just worried about some people's incomprehension, you should abandon the advanced planning concept and build a passenger station on the edge of the core area of ​​Lingang New City. It looks more compact now, but in the future, not only the railway line will cut the new city area into pieces. , restricting the development of Lingang New City to the northern area, and the future traffic in the core area will also be a disaster.

Shen Huai is now setting up a county education group, merging several county secondary vocational schools under the education group to establish a comprehensive vocational college, and at the same time promoting the construction of national key middle schools, in addition to integrating educational resources? It should be linked with the construction of Lingang New City.

The construction of Lingang New City can only be regarded as the early stage at present.

In addition to housing resettlement, the preliminary construction is mainly to meet the large-scale staff housing of enterprises in the park and the preliminary business office needs of the park. Driven by this strong demand, the East Area of ​​Lingang New City has built 6,000 houses in just over a year in the residential area; and nearly 4,000 houses, which mainly meet the needs of employees in the park, have also been built in the same period.

Such a large area of ​​residential development, plus supporting bazaars, community medical care, education, and commercial facilities, as well as the Yexin business district and youth apartments that have not yet been fully completed, are almost on the west side of the comprehensive industrial park. Between Yexin Avenue, a whole block covering an area of ​​about four square kilometers is formed.

This area is planned to be fully completed by the end of the year, which also represents the completion of the first phase of the Lingang New City "Xinpu Town" project. However, even so, only one-tenth of the construction task of the entire Lingang New City has been completed.

Next, how to build Lingang New City and how to form a scale as soon as possible is also one of Shen Huai's work priorities in Xiapu.

In Shen Huai's early plan, there was no idea of ​​setting up a local university in Xiapu. After all, Xiapu County has no foundation for higher education, and in terms of integrating the educational resources of the college entrance examination, the city came forward to promote Donghua Medical College and Teachers College. The merger of engineering colleges and the establishment of comprehensive universities is more conducive to local development.

Shen Huai's previous idea was relatively simple, and he planned to merge several secondary vocational schools in the county to establish a comprehensive vocational college. He has even planned a plot of about 300 mu in the west of Yexin Avenue for the construction of a new campus that can accommodate more than 3,000 students, and relocates the merged comprehensive vocational college.

After Xiong Wenbin and Wu Haifeng were transferred out, Yang Yuquan will step down from the second line next year. After the power structure of the Meigang Department at the city level is disbanded, the possibility of promoting the establishment of a comprehensive university in Donghua City will no longer exist in three or five years; Shen Huai had to adjust his thinking.

If the Comprehensive Vocational College takes local universities as its development goal, the previously planned 300-acre plot is far from enough. Shen Huai could only choose to build a comprehensive vocational college and give up the previous land to the new campus of Zhongjian County.

Looking at the intersection of Yexin Avenue and China-Hong Kong Highway, Shen Huai said to Wang Weicheng, "You can call Xu Sheng and ask him to come to the e3 plot..."


Seeing that the car in front stopped by the side of the road, the driver here also leaned over to the side of the road with the steering wheel. Zhang Wenquan, Zhang Bin, and Zhou Qian got out of the car, only to see Xu Sheng, the principal of the county vocational middle school, who had already parked in front of him. Went to chat with Shen Huai.

Zhou Qian noticed that Zhang Bin's face was a little gloomy, and thought it was no wonder.

When Director Zhang Wenquan notified Xu Sheng on the phone just now, he just said that the new city will meet, but did not say the specific location. They also followed the car in front of them and stopped by the roadside. Xu Sheng arrived first, indicating that someone next to the county magistrate called Xu Sheng first. .

Although the county is the highest institution in Xiapu County, there has been a strong demand for local vocational education in recent years, and Xusheng Management School is quite bold. The public school that Wan surplus turned over to the finance also established Xu Sheng's reputation in the county education system.

Capable people are always competitive.

This makes Xu Sheng the most direct and powerful competitor of Zhang Bin, whether it is competing for the position of the director of education or the soon-to-be-established county education group. Zhou Qian can also understand why Zhang Bin saw Xu Shenghui at this time. His face darkened.

Shen Huai didn't care about the competition between Xu Sheng and Zhang Bin. If they wanted to give their lives, he told them to bite each other, took the cigarette, watched Xu Sheng eagerly took out the lighter and stretched it out to help light it, and turned his head slightly. .

"Bureau Zhang, Principal Zhang, Teacher Xiao Zhou is here too..." Xu Sheng lit cigarettes for Shen Huai, Dai Quan, and Wang Weicheng, as if seeing Zhang Wenquan, Zhang Bin, Zhou Qian at first glance, and shouted enthusiastically Greetings, pass cigarettes and share cigarettes.

Zhou Qian only thought that a group of old cigarette sticks had to get out of the car to smoke to satisfy their cravings, so she stood a little far away and looked around.

Although this side is only five or six kilometers away from Chengguan Town, no one will run here if it is okay.

If it wasn't for the preparatory work for the education group and the school's new campus construction in the past month, Zhou Qian would not even believe that this area, which she thought was a backward rural area, has been built into such a large new city.

Not to mention Xiapu, even in the city, Zhou Qian did not see any high-rise buildings on either side of the street.

Zhou Qian was standing at the intersection of Yexin Avenue and China-Hong Kong Highway. Some people said that this is the center of Lingang New City, but Zhou Qian asked Wang Weicheng and knew that this is the northeast corner of Lingang New City. From Yexin Avenue to the west, China and Hong Kong As the road goes south, the area that has not yet started construction will be the real core area of ​​Lingang New City in the future.

Zhou Qian still can't imagine what the core area of ​​Lingang New City will look like, but in the south, on the east side of Yexin Avenue, between the Yexin Business District and Jingsi Road, it is headed by Yexin Building, with eight buildings from the second. Office buildings ranging from ten to thirty floors are distributed in three blocks with different styles, setting the most basic tone for the prosperity of Lingang New Town East Area.

The youth apartment home next to the east of Yexin Business District is still under construction. It is a building complex consisting of twelve high-rise buildings ranging from twelve to sixteen floors...

The high-rise building complex formed by Yexin Business District and Youth Apartment Homes in the east area of ​​Lingang New City is certainly nothing in a big city. The so-called landmark construction of Yexin Building is only 100 meters high and the investment is not more than 100 million yuan.

It's just that most people, even Zhou Qian a month ago, their perception of Xiapu is still stuck in the impression of a small county town where it takes less than half an hour to cycle around by bicycle and only three or five dilapidated buses operate in the city. Suddenly they saw a high-rise building complex in the east of Chengguan Town, and they rose up from the ground before they knew it. The shock in their hearts was naturally conceivable; it even felt fantastic and unimaginable.

And this high-rise building is only the edge of the core area of ​​Lingang New City in the future. What will Lingang New City look like in the future?

Zhou Qian is ashamed for her lack of imagination - she is different from her sister, although her sister often writes to her about the prosperity of foreign cities, but she graduated from the Teachers College, and she has not even had the opportunity to leave Donghua. How can we recognize the glitz of the metropolis in the descriptions of photos, TV and even novels?

I don't know from which Maybe when she saw this high-rise building, it was pulled up abruptly beyond her imagination, which made her feel unwilling in her heart, it was so strong! Make it difficult for her to be as quiet as before.

Zhou Qian pursed her rosy lips slightly, lost her mind for a while, and then cast her gaze to the group of people who were smoking by the side of the road. Only then did she notice that Xu Sheng, the principal of the vocational middle school, was chatting and laughing not far away, while the face of the principal Zhang Bin She didn't understand what was going on, and when she got closer, she heard Xu Sheng poking their sore spots in front of the new magistrate:

"... For a junior high school designed with ten tracks and thirty classes, the county will spend 16 million, which is unimaginable before. The third one broke our imagination. I became honest later, thinking about what instructions the county had, I followed it and followed it. Even if there is something you don’t understand, please ask for instructions and report in time. I met Principal Zhang last month. , just tell him that the county's expansion plan is too conservative, and the county will definitely criticize it - look, I said it right, Principal Zhang just didn't understand the county's emphasis on education..."

Except for those who are particularly hard at the backstage, most of the middle-level cadres in the county all rolled over from the oil pan. He smiled and didn't care. l3l4


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