Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 706: let go

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Back in the county, Shen Huai went to the office and put scalding cream on his legs. When Gu Jinzhang returned to the county, Tao Jixing called and asked him to chat with him, which was a meeting of secretaries.

Knowing that Tao Jixing and Shen Huaigang had made a decision to take an extra 80 million yuan every year to raise wages for the teachers and staff in the county, Gu Jinzhang said, "Secretary Tao has done a great deed for the people of the county." Bitter children, no matter how poor they are, they can't be poor in education', these slogans have been shouted for so many years, but they have never been realized in the hands of anyone before."

"It's easy for me to get credit," Tao Jixing laughed. "The real achievements are made by Magistrate Shen and Secretary Gu. If there is no extra money of 80 million every year, where would you have any confidence?"

"That's also because the county magistrate Shen has done a great job. I just do the logistics support." Gu Jinzhang didn't dare to take the credit and said.

"Let's not push each other anymore. Secretary Tao deserves the credit for this, but if other districts and counties are pointed at the back, Secretary Tao will also block more holes for me and Secretary Gu." Shen Huai said with a smile .

Tao Jixing shook his head and sighed: "If you don't do your job well, you can't see other people's goodness. This is too common in China - but I should step back next year. What I do is the most important thing, and I'm afraid of being criticized by others. poke?"

Gu Jinzhang also smiled.

The average salary of teachers in Xiapu County has doubled at one time, jumping from 400 to 1,200, which is even more than that of public teachers in the city. Teachers in the city and other districts and counties know that they are full of complaints. It is normal for officials in the mouth and finance mouth to hide behind their backs and scold their mothers.

However, these people scolded and scolded behind their backs, and they had no face to speak on the table.

As for the previous rumors about Xiapu County going bankrupt due to its debts, these people didn't let go of the rumors behind their backs, and they didn't poke at the spine here.

Gu Jinzhang sighed: In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are scum.

However, Gu Jinzhang was unfamiliar with the work of the finance and tax port, and was a little worried about whether the county finance would be able to sustain such a large amount of education funding.

Shen Huai didn't have these worries, but Tao Jixing and Gu Jinzhang were worried, and he had to tell them in more detail.

"After the implementation of the tax-sharing system, the comprehensive tax rate of about 3.5% of the construction industry will be included in the local income. In addition to the income tax paid by the construction enterprises in our county, the construction industry alone will earn almost 200 million yuan this year, which is the local tax revenue this year. One of the bright spots of the increase..." Although there are still nearly four months to complete this year, Shen Huai can predict a lot of fiscal and taxation work, and patiently explained to Tao and Gu.

"So high?" Tao Jixing was also surprised.

After Shen Huai presided over the government work, Tao and Gu no longer paid close attention to the fiscal and taxation work as before, and they were relieved to hand over all the work in this area to Shen Huai.

In the past, the county was able to collect seven or eight million in taxes every year from the construction industry. Thank goodness, Tao and Gu did not expect to grow twenty or thirty times this year.

But it's normal to think about it. From the second half of last year, in infrastructure, housing, and factory building, which one has not increased by a dozen or twenty times? Last year, the county's finances increased significantly, mainly due to the pull up of the construction industry.

Xinpu Development Group alone has invested more than 1 billion in infrastructure in the first half of this year, and will exceed 2 billion in the whole year; while Xinpu Iron and Steel and Xinpu Refining and Chemical are super-large industrial projects, the 3% business tax is levied directly according to the project payment. ——These three items add up to an astonishingly large base.

Although after the implementation of the tax-sharing system, the local share in the industrial value-added tax is not large, but the two industrial projects of Xinpu Iron and Steel and Xinpu Power Plant can directly contribute to the local finance during the official operation period of the next four months of this year. The contribution is still amazing.

At the same time, the construction and operation of large-scale industrial projects, the development of large-scale infrastructure projects, and the development of residential projects have initially formed a transit market in Xinpu Port. Catering, commodity retail and other industries are also growing rapidly, which has also caused the local taxation to continue to rise.

The Beishan Pengyue International Hotel took 80 million yuan to expand and build it according to the standards of the first four-star hotel in Donghua City, which shocked countless people. In the six months after the expansion, the turnover of Beishan Pengyue in accommodation and catering was nearly 200 million, which also shocked countless people.

It has only been two years since the collection work began, and the tax amount is expected to exceed 10 million in personal income tax this year, which is not even very eye-catching.

"In the next four months, we will work harder on industrial and commercial taxation. I predict that this year's local income will be about 700 million yuan..." Shen Huai introduced to Tao Jixing and Gu Jinzhang.

"It seems that we still need to develop large-scale industries," Tao Jixing said with emotion in the face of the fact that the county's finances have increased sevenfold in two years, "Not only does it directly contribute more tax revenue, it also stimulates the local economy very significantly..."

Shen Huai nodded. Under the normal operation of Xinpu Iron and Steel, it can provide nearly one billion tax revenue every year. Even if it can only be divided into 40% locally, it will be four times the local fiscal revenue of Xiapu in 1995.

Xiapu is a large county with a financial support population of nearly 12,000 or 3,000 people, of which more than 60% are teachers.

Now we can't just raise teachers' salaries, and if we want to raise the average annual income of these staff to more than 15,000 yuan, then we need local fiscal revenue to reach a fairly large base.

It is normal for Tao Jixing and Gu Jinzhang to have doubts.

Shen Huai didn't worry about this, and said with a smile: "Last year, the local revenue was 300 million yuan. At the end of last year, the budget was 500 million yuan. I thought it was enough. The actual growth rate this year is still faster, so there are more county governments. There is a budget surplus of 200 million. In addition to taking 80 million to raise wages for teachers, there is almost 120 million that can be spent within the budget. Secretary Tao, how do you plan to spend it? "

Gu Jinzhang also looked at Tao Jixing, knowing that this was a gift from Shen Huai before Tao Jixing retired.

As an official who always wants to have a good reputation, he will double the salary of nearly 8,000 teachers in the county at one time. I am afraid that these teachers will still remember Tao Jixing's goodness when they are alive - not greedy for anything else, being an official is this. up, that's enough.

Tao Jixing asked Shen Huai: "Xinpu Development Group, the debt pressure is not small, and there is a surplus of funds in the finances, do you want to supplement the capital?"

Shen Huai said: "The province has criticized the Xiapu land acquisition work. The land acquisition and demolition work will naturally be slowed down, and the subsequent capital consumption will also be relatively slow. If the finances can be balanced, there is no need for additional capital injection from the financial side for the time being... …”

"The county has to strive for the selection of national key middle schools. It is also a great honor for Xiapu County to be selected. The teaching infrastructure in the county is backward and needs to be strengthened urgently," Tao Jixing said. The money is over..."

"I think the expansion plan in the county is too conservative. Even if they change the plan now, when the construction is started, it will be a matter of next year and can be included in the financial plan for next year." Shen Huai said.

Tao Jixing laughed and said, "I don't know how to spend it if I have money, and it's a headache."

Gu Jinzhang also shook his head and smiled, looking at Tao Jixing patiently.

"..." Tao Jixing pondered for a moment, and said, "We have no right to reduce or exempt agricultural taxes, but the county can decide to reduce or exempt land contract fees. The farmers have lived very hard these years. Secretary Gu and I are both from farmers' families and have the conditions to improve farmers. I think it is necessary to do it first; if there is any excess, the government reserves the right to maneuver..."

Shen Huai nodded and said, "Okay, just listen to Secretary Tao..."

Xiapu is a large agricultural county. In addition to agricultural tax, land contract fees are the main source of township fiscal revenue. Now that we have decided to reduce or exempt these, the township has lost the largest source of income. If the grassroots party and government institutions can function normally, the county will Additional subsidies will be given to each township.

There are more than 700,000 agricultural populations in the 30 townships and county-owned farms in the county, and some allowances are given to the townships, and an additional subsidy of 700,000 to 80 million is enough.

"How much can the county's per capita income be raised this year, are you sure it's 4,000?" Tao Jixing asked.

Shen Huai nodded and said, "Two 80 million is spent, and the grasp is higher.

"There are 900,000 people in the county, and the two 80 million people are actually used. If you count each person's head, the per capita income will increase by 200," Gu Jinzhang laughed, "Of course, this is still far away. It’s not as good as this period of time for large-scale construction…”

"It's more intuitive to talk about money, but it's actually a huge material base that modern civilization needs, and only a large industrial system can provide it," Shen Huai said with a smile, "so the state promotes local construction, industrial development, and economic development. Nothing can be shaken..."

"Even among our cadres, not many people understand these principles..." Tao Jixing said with emotion.


Shen Huai's left leg was indeed The scalding cream was applied, and the skin was still burning. He didn't work in the office at night. After having dinner in the cafeteria, he took the car home and asked the driver to buy it. I took anti-inflammatories and read documents at home.

At eleven o'clock, Shen Huai almost wanted to sleep, and Wang Weicheng called to ask for instructions, and he wanted to show him the newly revised teacher salary reform plan.

Shen Huai thought that it would be best if the plan could be reviewed at one time, so he asked Wang Weicheng and Zhang Wenquan to bring over the newly revised plan.

He went home with his left leg and changed the medicine again. Hearing the knock on the door, Shen Huai went to open the door wearing a pair of big trousers. Seeing that Zhou Qian and Zhang Bin were following behind to enter the door, he didn't say anything, and ordered Wang Wei to become a Taoist. : "Pour tea for Zhang Wenquan and Zhang Bin..."

"I'll do it..." Zhou Qian said proactively, feeling that she had the lowest status on the scene, so she should be the one to attack.

"Let Wang Weicheng go; if he wants to burn me, I can scold him." Shen Huai said.

Looking at the part of Shen Huai's thigh exposed on the knee of her left leg, smeared with yellow scalding ointment, it was heart-wrenching to look at. Although Shen Huai's joking tone did not mean to blame her, Zhou Qian's blushing face was also at a loss. . l3l4


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