Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 456: please enter the urn

Xie Tang stayed in Xucheng alone, and might not be able to buy a plane ticket back to Beijing tomorrow. How could the birthday party for her not be boring? Seeing her sister-in-law Xie Jiahui sullenly ate two mouthfuls of dishes, she stopped using her chopsticks, and Xie Zhi regretted not kicking that **** on the plane.

After the banquet, Xie Zhi hesitated for a long time, but she pushed the door and walked into the study, telling her father and uncle Song Bingsheng what Shen Huai said to her on the plane.

"What is this idiot trying to mess with?" Song Bingsheng tapped the table hard with his finger, making no secret of his dissatisfaction with Shen Huai. Even if he didn't understand Shen Huai's intention to say this to Xie Zhi on the plane, he subconsciously It was decided that Shen Huai had ulterior motives and would not have any good intentions.

Xie Haicheng sat on the sofa with his chest folded and didn't say anything, but the doubts in his heart were equally huge:

In 1995, Meixi Town attracted nearly 200 million US dollars of foreign capital, and the new investment accounted for 70% of Donghua area. .

After Shen Huai was transferred from Meixi, one of the work that Tan Department is currently doing in Meixi is to remove the tempering of Meixi and weaken Shen Huai's influence in Meixi.

Because Shen Huai maintains absolute control over key projects such as Meishan Iron and Steel, Meixi Power Plant, and Meixi Port Terminal through investment and financing platforms such as Zhongxin Investment, Zhujiang Investment, Hongxin Investment, and Huaineng Group, even if Tan Qiping owns The authority of the local top leaders is also difficult to completely limit Shen Huai's influence on Meixi. It can only dilute Shen Huai's influence on Meixi by promoting the establishment of Meixi New District, introducing foreign capital, and expanding the scale of Meixi's industries. Influence.

In the Meixi industrial chain group, it is very important to control the upstream energy supply and the Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf. It can be said that once Shen Huai gave up control over Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf, his control over Meixi would be weakened rapidly.

This is definitely a situation Tan officials would like to see.

Xie Haicheng does not deny that he has long been interested in Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf. He also believes that Changqing Group, Provincial Steel Group and Fuji Steel all have the same idea, but he never thought it would be like this. It's easy to get involved.

Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf control the upstream of the industrial chain group.

On the other hand, electric furnace steel, as a high energy-consuming industry, has established a direct power supply model between several major steel mills in Meixi and Meixi Power Plant, which requires less investment in power transmission and backup facilities, and there is no local power grid to share profits from it.

This means that Meixi Power Plant sells electricity directly to enterprises, and the electricity price is stipulated in the agreement, which is usually higher than the conventional on-grid electricity price of thermal power. Millions of tons or more of coal resources are imported upstream, which means that the benefits of Meixi Power Plant will be much greater than that of ordinary thermal power plants.

Due to the direct power supply of Meixi Power Plant in a short distance, the price of electricity purchased by enterprises from the power plant is much lower than that of conventional industrial electricity, and the investment in transmission and distribution is less, which is conducive to the development of enterprises with a high proportion of energy costs.

Haifeng and Evergreen Group took over a 35% stake in the joint venture steel mill, which is a formal entry into the mainland's steel industry, but it will not stop there.

Especially when the domestic steel demand gap is so large, Xie Haicheng and Sun Qishan have also begun to plan to jointly invest in the construction of a large-scale electric furnace steel production base in Meixi.

The premise of their plan is to solve the problems of energy supply and port transportation first. In the final analysis, they still need to directly intervene in the construction of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf through various means, so as to avoid finally choking Shen Huai.

This is also the original intention of the two joint ventures to take over the reconstruction project of Xiamei Highway and invest in the construction of office buildings at the west end of Zhuxi Avenue.

Whether it is from direct investment income or future industrial development, direct involvement in the construction of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf is something Xie Haicheng and some people are extremely eager for.

It's just that the only doubt is also the biggest doubt. When did the rebellious Shen Huai give in without fighting?

Xie Haicheng felt like he was participating in a tug-of-war competition. He was trying his best to pull the rope over, but his opponent suddenly let go...

"Did you call and ask my aunt?" Song Hongqi said.

Xie Haicheng's eyes lit up: That's right, instead of guessing Shen Huai's intentions here, they might as well call Song Wenhui to ask what happened.

Although Song Wenhui favored Shen Huai in many things, and even reached the level of doting, she still took the overall situation into consideration.

In the construction of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf, the status of Huaineng Group, where Song Wenhui is also the general manager, is of crucial importance. Shen Huai wants to be open-minded about the construction of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf, and his decision must be discussed with Song Wenhui and must be supported by Song Wenhui.

Xie Haicheng looked at Song Bingsheng, this call can only be made by Song Bingsheng.

Song Bingsheng sat back at his desk, picked up the phone, and called Song Wenhui, his little sister who was in Jiangning for the Spring Festival.

After celebrating the New Year, Song Bingsheng went directly to the topic and asked if Huaineng Group was also open to the capital injection of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf.

Xie Haicheng, Xie Zhi, and Song Hongqi all looked at Song Bingsheng's phone call.

Song Bingsheng put on the microphone and said: "Wen Hui said that the financing of Huaineng is not smooth, and it is difficult to take into account the construction of the second phase of the Meixi Power Plant in order to develop the Yushan hydropower resources. Once the construction of the second phase of the Meixi Power Plant is delayed. , Donghua City will put pressure on Huaineng, so they consider accepting external capital injection in the next project construction, and even consider directly transferring 50% of the shares of Meixi Power Plant. Of course, the other party must agree to accept their premium. …”

The answer obtained from Song Wenhui can be said to be a positive answer, but Xie Haicheng's doubts cannot be completely relieved.

Meixi Power Plant is the first phase of the project that was completed and officially put into commercial operation in October. It is currently jointly owned by Huaineng and Meigang. Its operation mode is very clear. Heavy enterprises such as Huailian Heavy Industry, which are under construction and are expected to be completed in mid-1996, directly supply power, and the excess power is supplied to the local power grid in Meixi New Area. Recovery of investment costs.

Meigang and Huaineng are even willing to transfer half of the equity of Meixi Power Plant, which makes it hard for others to doubt their open attitude in the follow-up construction projects of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf.

But this is precisely the case, and it is even more confusing, who would spit out the fat in their mouths for others to eat.

Xie Zhi asked, "Little uncle, did Aunt Song say how high the premium they offered?"

"50% of the equity is worth 200 million yuan. However, due to policy restrictions, Huaineng requires the other party to have state-owned shares." Song Bingsheng said.

The construction period of Meixi Power Plant lasted for one and a half years. It has been successfully commercialized for three months. The total investment is about 170 million. Now half of the equity is sold for 200 million, which means that Huaineng and Meigang will have to make a one-time investment in the early stage. All investment is recovered.

However, this price is not too expensive; if Huineng and Meigang are willing to transfer this part of the equity to Fuji Steel, Xie Zhi believes that Fuji Steel will not hesitate.

Meishan Iron and Steel and Huaineng proposed that the takeover party should have state-owned shares. Do they hope that Provincial Iron and Steel will also participate?

"Can Meigang Wharf operate like this?" Xie Haicheng asked.

"I didn't ask about it in detail. It should be like this," Song Bingsheng said. "How about I call Wen Hui and ask again."

"Don't bother Wen Hui anymore." Xie Haicheng didn't want to appear too eager.

Xie Zhi looked at his father, if Shen Huai was willing to directly give up half of the shares of Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Terminal, he would not have to worry about him setting up traps for them in the subsequent construction, even if the premium was doubled. , is not unacceptable.

The only doubt, and the biggest doubt, is that Shen Huai suddenly became so easy to talk, is it really tame, do you really want to set up funds to run Yushan?


"You said the bait was thrown, would they swallow it?"

Song Hongjun was on stilts on two feet, with a cigar in his hand, and Shen Huai and Chen Bing in the room of the Donghua Hotel, guessing Xie Haicheng's attitude after knowing that the Meixi Power Plant and Meixi Port Wharf construction will be opened to the public .

"How can you say it's bait?" Shen Huai didn't want the room where he slept at night to be smoky, stood up and opened the window a crack to let in the cold outside air, and said, "I'm just shutting down what they've been looking for. Give it to them, save them the trouble of tossing, they may have doubts at first, but what is the reason to refuse?"

"The annual net profit of Meixi Power Plant will not be less than 50 million yuan, and 50% of the shares are valued at 200 million yuan, which is not too high. Even if the electricity price is lowered, it will benefit the downstream power users. As long as Provincial Steel, Haifeng and Evergreen Group If they are willing to expand their physical investment in Meixi, I can't imagine why they would refuse," Chen Bing said, "unless they didn't take over the equity of the joint venture steel plant from the They should never, No way, you shouldn't take over the equity of the joint venture steel mill, you shouldn't go into the murky waters of Meixi," Song Hongjun said with a smile, "Look at me now, it's impossible to get out."

"If you want to get out, that's fine," Shen Huai said, "You have invested 30,000 to 100,000 yuan in Meigang, and it's still in Hong Kong dollars. I'll discuss with Sun Yalin, she won't be difficult to take over; I believe it's not difficult to find another buyer... …”

"I'm just talking, you have to poke me." Song Hongjun took a cigar and smashed it at Shen Huai.

Shen Huai took the cigar, and was very unaccustomed to use his fingernails to clip his head directly to light a match. He said, "Changqing Group's business in the Asia-Pacific region is longer than capital operation, shorter than construction and operation, and it cooperates with relatively powerful domestic enterprises. , taking over the new project is their best investment choice. Even if Sun Qishan has doubts, we can directly put pressure on him through the headquarters of the Evergreen Group. After all, this is a cost-effective transaction for them. No traps were set for them, no matter how doubtful they were in their hearts, they couldn't tell others that they were afraid of me, right?"

"That's right, they can enter this urn even if they don't," Song Hongjun laughed and said, "They are really going to back down this time, we can use this to laugh at them for the rest of our lives." (83中文网)

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