Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 443: no choice

(I just saw the two New Year's red envelopes from the Ximachimo brothers, haha, thank you)

Liu Weili saw that the old man standing with Yang Yuquan in the aisle had white hair and beard. He was tall and thin, but he was in good spirits. He did not know the identity of the old man in front of him, but after hearing Tan Qiping respectfully call him his uncle, he also knew that he was not only a comrade-in-arms of Tan Qiping's father before his death. It is also very likely that he has an extraordinary identity, so he hurriedly greeted Tan Qiping: "Cui Lao, Mayor Yang, you come in and sit, and I will help you make tea..."

Cui Xiangdong nodded to Tan Qiping and said, "My old bones are about to rust in Xucheng. This kid Shen Huai went to Yushan to be the deputy county magistrate, and he kept saying that he wanted to take me back to Yushan to see. I don't know how long I can live, I know that this little fox has no good intentions in asking me to go back to Yushan, but I can't bear his persuasion, so I came and walked..."

Tan Qiping calmly asked Cui Xiangdong and the others to sit down in the office, looked at Yang Yuquan and saw the young man beside him with a raw face, he didn't know who it was, but he couldn't ask anything.

"I didn't even think about coming to disturb your work. Those of us who have retired should not jump out and point fingers at your work. Yesterday I went to the old place of Yushan Lake Reservoir to restore You, seeing that some problems may be serious, and there is no channel for upward response below, I can only rely on the old and sell the old to come to you directly. I hope you don't think that immortals like us are annoying. "

Cui Xiangdong is open and aboveboard and wants to help Shen Huai solve the problem of the Yushan Lake Reservoir, but he doesn't want to drag Shen Huai into his personal grievance with Tan Qiping, so he will clarify the matter first.

In fact, there is no need to hide it. The Huaineng Group wants to take over the development of all the hydropower resources in Yushan. The ghosts can't guess that Shen Huai is planning this matter.

Cui Xiangdong agreed to intervene in this matter, mainly to solve practical problems at the local level, not to help Shen Huai suppress Tan Qiping.

"Uncle Cui, what are you talking about? You revolutionaries of the older generation have contributed a lifetime to our country's revolution and construction. They have rich experience and are a treasure of the country," Tan Qiping asked Cui Xiangdong and Yang Yuquan to sit down and speak, "Shen Huai He is a cadre with very personal ideas. He asked the older generation to come to the local area to give more suggestions for construction and development. This idea is very good. I went to work in Donghua? , I don't know much about the situation of the Yushan Lake Reservoir. It is inevitable that there will be omissions in my work. If there is any problem, Uncle Cui should not be merciful to me..."

Cui Xiangdong pointed at Luo Qing who was standing beside him and said, "Luo Qing is the deputy head of the Yushan Lake Hydropower Station. He is a little friend I met when I returned to Yushan in 1988. He worked in the Yushan Lake Hydropower Station for six years. I am very familiar with the situation of Yushan Lake Reservoir, I will be responsible for leading the way, and let him report to you about specific problems..."

Tan Qiping guessed that Cui Xiangdong might not tell him the whole truth, but he would not help Shen Huaimeng to deceive him. He looked at Luo Qing and saw that his face was black and thin, and he was about thirty-four or five years old. Very lenient.

Tan Qiping said to Liu Weili: "Mayor Yang is in charge of water conservancy work, he is the best here; you can call the person in charge of the water conservancy bureau and ask them to send someone over to listen..."

Liu Weili couldn't guess what medicine Shen Huai was selling. Meixi was silent, and there was no movement at all. When he ran to Yushan, he moved one after another without blinking. Could it be that Shen Huai really planned to live in Yushan? How many years have you been rooting in the mountain nest?

Liu Weili grabbed a secretary and asked him to contact someone from the Municipal Water Conservancy Bureau, and he slipped back to Tan Qiping's office.

Liu Weili saw that Luo Qing handed a thick stack of materials to Tan Qiping's desk, which did not seem to be the materials that were sorted out in a short period of time. He guessed that there might be some serious problems in the Yushan Lake Reservoir.

Tan Qiping flipped through the materials and listened to Luo Qing's outline of the key points. At the end, he said to Cui Xiangdong: "According to this material, the Yushan Lake Reservoir may indeed have some serious problems that the city has ignored. Immediately convene relevant departments to conduct in-depth investigations. Uncle Cui, it is rare for you to come to Donghua. Shujuan should have cooked dinner at home. Uncle Cui, you will go home with me for dinner and stay for dinner. Try to get rid of it in two days and give Uncle Cui an answer." He asked Yang Yuquan again, "Is Shen Huai in the city?"

"Shen Huai is in Yushan County." Yang Yuquan said.

"Forget it." Tan Qiping said, and Yang Yuquan didn't know what he said.

Cui Xiangdong came this time to solve the problem, not to pull the sidelines.

Tan Qiping invited him to his house for dinner, and he did not refuse, and said to Yang Yuquan, "Mayor Yang, please tell Shen Huai, Secretary Qiping has taken this matter seriously, and I don't need my bones in it. If you mix things up, I'll stay in Donghua for another night today, and I'll go back by car tomorrow without telling him."

After Cui Xiangdong was dismissed, he stubbornly stopped enjoying any benefits, and there was no one to follow him on his daily trips. Tan Qiping took Cui Xiangdong home for dinner, and it was not easy for Yang Yuquan to send someone to follow him, but Tan Qiping would also arrange Cui Xiangdong's accommodation properly, so they didn't have to worry about anything.


Yang Yuquan took Luo Qing back to his office. Song Xiaojun was still waiting in the office. Seeing that Cui Xiangdong did not come back with them, he asked, "Mayor Yang, what about Mr. Cui?"

"I brought Secretary Tan home for dinner," Yang Yuquan said.

"How was the report, what did Secretary Tan say?" Song Xiaojun asked.

Song Xiaojun has been Yang Yuquan's secretary for nearly a year. He has a good relationship and will not be too circumspect when he has any words. Unlike Luo Qing, who can't understand Yang Yuquan's temper, after seeing Tan Qiping listen to his report, he did not say any clear opinions. It's hard to ask Yang Yuquan what to do with the drums in his heart.

Yang Yuquan said: "Since Secretary Tan knows the seriousness of this matter, he will not ignore it, but he will not deal with it just on our side. Qing may have to stay in the city for a few days, at least until the city decides on a solution before going back. You help Luo Qing to settle down and meet here tomorrow; I will go back first."

Luo Qing naturally did not dare to expect Yang Yuquan to arrange accommodation and travel for him personally, and was willing to be alone with Song Xiaojun without being so restrained.

Song Xiaojun sent Yang Yuquan to leave first. He took a taxi on the street and took Luo Qing directly to the Pengyue Hotel. Hu Shuwei, deputy general manager of Huaineng Group and general manager of Meixi Power Plant, was already there waiting for them.

Hu Shuwei and Luo Qing learned about the report, so they called Song Wenhui and Shen Huai respectively.

Hu Shuwei came back again and asked Luo Qing seriously: "I just communicated with the group's president Song and Shen county magistrate, the group plans to establish Yushan Hydropower Development Company, Shen magistrate said you are a big traitor in Yushan County, It is not suitable for you to go back to the party and government system of Yushan County, he recommended you to be the deputy general manager of Yushan Hydropower, what is your opinion?"

"Cui Lao will go back to Xucheng tomorrow. What's going on with Secretary Tan is still unclear. Is it too early to talk about this now?" Luo Qing is not particularly concerned about personal honor and disgrace. It's just that Hu Shuwei, Shen Huai and the others were thinking about the next step after seeing the eight characters, and they were a little puzzled.

Huaineng Group took over the problem of Yushan Lake Reservoir, and it needed someone who was familiar with the situation and proficient in business to join. For Luo Qing personally, the position of deputy general manager of a subsidiary of Huaineng Group is much more important than his current position as deputy head of Yushanhu Hydropower Station.

"It's not too early," Song Xiaojun said with a smile, "Cui is always here to fight, we can't ask Cui to help us to charge, right? After the explosion accident on 12.9, many jobs in the city were very passive, and now it's up and down. I am nervous about the hidden dangers that may lead to major accidents, and I dare not take it lightly. The dangers of the Yushan Lake Reservoir that you have responded to do exist, and Secretary Tan does not know about it. Yang Yuquan has to organize the water conservancy department to discuss and get a plan; unless someone can come up with a better and more thorough solution to the problem than us, or you are ready to be transferred to the Huaineng Group..."

Luo Qing didn't know about the dispute between Mei Gang and Tan Shen and the Song clan behind him, so he was puzzled; Song Xiaojun and Hu Shuwei knew that Tan Qiping had no other choice.


What choice does Tan Qiping have?

If he didn't know the problem of Yushan Lake Reservoir, it would be fine. Now he knows that the problem of Yushan Lake Reservoir is serious. If Yushan County continues to cover up, in the event of a major disaster, who can he put the responsibility on?

But Tan Qiping also understands that he wants to order a thorough investigation of the Yushan Lake Reservoir problem, and the initiative to deal with the problem will fall to Yang Yuquan, the deputy mayor in charge of water conservancy, and Shen Huai, who is hiding behind the scenes. go.

Seeing that Cui Xiangdong got into the car, Huang Xi was in charge of sending it to the Nanyuan Hotel, Tan Qiping was accompanied by Liu Weili back to the house, and asked Liu Weili: "What is Shen Huai asking for after doing this?"

"Maybe Shen Huai really intends to toss around Yushan for a few years..." Liu Weili said.

"If that's the case, I'll be relieved." Tan Qiping sighed.

Liu Weili also thinks about it. Yushan has a weak foundation and lacks available development resources. Even if Shen Huai kicks Gao Yang and punches Liang Zhenbao at the foot of Yushan, the waves he can set off are limited. Much smaller than Meixi New District.

Tan Qiping thought for a while and said, "Tomorrow, in the name of the Municipal Party Committee, you will send a letter to the Yushan County Party Committee, requesting the Yushan County Party Committee to pay attention to the investigation of the Yushan Lake Reservoir. In addition, you will transfer Luo Qing's materials to the city. The government, if the problem is verified, asks the city government to seriously deal with the danger of Yushan Lake Reservoir, and must not leave any future troubles. If the city government convenes a special water conservancy meeting, you should attend on behalf of the city party committee. You must remember one thing, we must solve it practically The urgent problems that the people are facing at the moment, even if some people profit from it by speculating, it will be left to them for the time being.” (83 Chinese website)

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