Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 432: New officer takes office

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"The dishes are all in the pot. If you say you don't want to eat them, you won't eat them. When we are grandsons, you just invite Lao Tzu, don't pay, and don't even think about leaving this store."

The shopkeeper with a face full of flesh almost sprayed saliva on Shen Huai's face.

"Talk to them, they are so arrogant, slap each other, see if they are honest or not." The four green-skinned hooligans scolded and gathered around, not telling Shen Huai and the others to leave, someone saw that Feng Yumei was slender The skin is tender and the meat is drooling.

Seeing the shopkeeper and the four green-skinned hooligans who were specially acting as thugs surrounded the road and blocked the road, Shen Huai didn't speak up, he sat down, took out his wallet, put two hundred dollars on the table, and said to the shopkeeper, "Since the vegetables It's all over the pot, it seems that we have to eat it even if we don't eat it; just, if you do this, you really don't expect to do our second business."

"What do we do with so much nonsense? We set up a store and clearly marked the price. Do you want to do your next business? I will sell it to you at a loss now, so I won't be rambling. I am not happy to do your next business, and my face looks like a chicken rake." Seeing that Shen Huai was honestly taking out the money, the shopkeeper took the two banknotes in his hand and twisted them. Seeing that they were not fake, he stuffed them into his trousers pocket, but his arrogant expression softened.

Cao Jun hadn't seen much of the world, so he was a little overwhelmed by being surrounded by a few men who were five big and three rough.

"Is there an invoice, let me go back and reimburse it?" The driver, Wang Wei, is a veteran. Even if he is willing to suffer, he can't make the newly appointed executive deputy magistrate suffer this grievance. To get back for the festival, vent for Shen Huai.

"Your mother has a lot of troubles, right?" The owner glared back and said cursingly, "You two have a meal, and I have to help you get the invoices to this street. Which industrial and commercial office that provides invoices goes out and turns left? You have something to report to Lao Tzu."

Wang Wei frowned and stood up angrily.

"Why, you really want to report it." The shop owner grabbed Wang Wei's collar and scolded, "Would you like me to find Zhang Youcai, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dongyu Town, to make you look up?"

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense, and you can quickly help us prepare the dishes and serve them up. If the grilled fish here is really worth the price, we'll come and eat it tomorrow, will it work?" Shen Huai asked Wang Wei to sit down. Let the owner collect the money and quickly help them cook the dishes.

"You're a good boy." The owner let go of Wang Wei's hand, let go of Wang Wei, and turned back into the kitchen scoldingly.

The four green-skinned hooligans sat down on the table by the door, looking at the smooth-skinned Feng Yumei unscrupulously, and talking about meaty jokes.

Shen Huai just smiled, asked Cao Jun to take the glass and scald it with boiling water, and smiled with Feng Yumei: "After I arrived in Donghua, I heard that Yushan grilled fish is famous. If it is really delicious, I will invite Secretary Liang, Magistrate Gao and the others come over and sit together."

Hearing Shen Huai's words of hiding a knife in a smile, Feng Yumei could only smile awkwardly. The dignified new member of the Standing Committee of the County Party Committee and the Executive Deputy County Mayor were slaughtered as a fat sheep in the county town, and only the face of Yushan County was lost when she said it.

Although Feng Yumei usually doesn't come to this street to eat, she also knows that this street, especially these grilled fish shops with signboards for Yushan specialty products, is a serious phenomenon of slaughtering foreign tourists.

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Rebirth Against the Sky [Cultivation]

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/>The county has often received complaints, and it has been dealt with several times, but the results are not satisfactory. When someone complained or made a public security case, they all caught some small fish and locked them up for a few days, or ordered the store owner to rectify the accident for a period of time, but after a period of time it resurfaced, and the prohibition continued.

Shen Huai just proposed to come here for dinner, but Shen Yumei didn't think much about it. Seeing Shen Huai's voice to stop Wang Wei from coming forward, she personally dealt with the store owner and a few green-skinned hooligans. Feng Yumei's head became numb, and she suspected that Shen Huai's new official would take the first place. The fire is going to burn here, but I don't know how he will burn it.

Wang Wei was so angry, but he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Shen Huai. When a pot of grilled fish and a few kinds of stir-fried vegetables were served, Shen Huai ate it with relish, and he could only drink a few glasses of boring wine.

Seeing that Shen Huai and the others are very honest, the shop owner and a few green-skinned gangsters are at peace with each other.

After eating the grilled fish, Shen Huai wiped his mouth and walked out. Feng Yumei followed with a lot of thought, and really didn't know how to burn his first fire.

After sending Shen Huai back, Feng Yumei said, "Some businesses are really outrageous now. Do you want me to inform the comrades of the Industrial and Commercial Office of Dongyu Town to take the right medicine and take a good rectification?"

Shen Huai glanced at Feng Yumei and the others and said, "Go back, no one should mention this to the public." He pushed open the courtyard door and walked out alone.

After watching Shen Huai go in, they closed the courtyard door. Wang Wei and Cao Jun both looked at Feng Yumei, took a few steps out of the alley, and asked Feng Yumei in a low voice, "Director Feng, what is the county magistrate Shen doing? Ah, I will call the Dongyu Town Industrial and Commercial Office and the police station to pull out those guys who eat dry rice. I'm afraid that a few turtles who run black shops have the ability to turn the world upside down.

Feng Yumei just smiled bitterly, asking Cao Jun and Wang Wei not to leak today's incident in advance, thinking that if Shen Huai went to eat this meal on purpose today, it seemed impossible that his first fire was just a few green skins from a black shop. The hooligan cuts.

Feng Yumei didn't know what Shen Huai's intention was, so she could only wait and see for the time being, and go home separately with Wang Wei and Cao Jun.

Shen Huai has always emphasized that he came to Yushan, one is to exercise, and the other is to study. Liang Zhenbao, secretary of the county party committee, couldn't understand Shen Huai's mind, so he left the adjustment of the government in charge of work to the executive meeting of the county government for discussion.

If Shen Huai was not in charge of the work, the county government would not be able to carry out many things; Gao Yang saw that most of the deputy county magistrates and the directors of the government office were at home, so he decided to hold an executive meeting the next day to study the adjustment of the work in charge. .

Feng Yumei was afraid that Shen Huai was not familiar with the conference room, so she took the record book, went outside Shen Huai's executive deputy county magistrate's office first, knocked on the door, saw Shen Huai burying her head in reading the materials, and said, "There are five minutes left in the small conference room for a temporary meeting. Meeting, mayor Shen, do you want to go now?"

"Oh, okay, wait for me," Shen Huai pulled out a leather-covered notebook from his desk, then raised his head and asked Feng Yumei, "Do you know what the topic of today's meeting is?"

Feng Yumei was stunned for a moment, and said, "The county magistrate Gao temporarily notified me. I don't know what to discuss. I just informed the deputy county magistrate at home and the director of the government office to participate."

Shen Huai didn't ask any more questions, and followed Feng Yumei to the small conference room.

Gao Yang and several deputy magistrates were already in the conference room. Shen Huai walked over to Gao Yang and sat down, his eyes swept across the faces of several deputy magistrates and the director of the county government office, and then looked at Feng Yumei again.

After the meeting started, Gao Yang opened the door to meet you

-0--0--small--say--this is a gorgeous dividing line--

Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 Novel Recommended Reading: Rebirth Against the Sky [Cultivation]

--0--0---Small--says---this is gorgeous dividing line-

Shan’s went straight to the topic and said: “Mayor Shen was officially a member of our Yushan team yesterday. We hope that the county mayor Shen can play his talents in Yushan and help Yushan create a new development situation, but the county magistrate Shen is very Humble, I made up my mind not to share more of the stall for us. Today, I called everyone to gather for a meeting, mainly to discuss the adjustment of Shen County Mayor's work in charge."

Gao Yang grinned and said the main theme of the meeting, as if resenting and praising, in short, people would not feel uncomfortable listening to it.

The deputy county magistrates knew about this in advance, and their expressions were cold. Since they couldn't see what Shen Huai was thinking about, they held a "let's watch" mentality, and would not rush to show it. Grab work into your arms. But there were two other people who heard this at first glance and looked at Shen Huai in surprise.

Shen Huai had no way to see everyone's reactions in an instant, so he could only focus on the reactions of a few deputy magistrates and Feng Yumei. Except for the deputy magistrates Song Yunhua and Huang Jian, he also confirmed that Feng Yumei didn't know about it beforehand. , also confirmed that Feng Yumei did not tell the story of being slaughtered last night, and felt strange: Feng Yumei is not Liang Zhenbao and Gao Yang, who would be willing to spend this money to play beauty tricks on him or say that there is a secret behind it

"The county magistrate Gao is criticizing me, I heard it," Shen Huai smiled and took over Gao Yang's words and said, "I'm not really humble. I'm new here and I'm not familiar with the situation in Yushan, so I took over at once. With so much work, making jokes is a trivial matter, and the main reason is that I am afraid of missing work. Take yesterday, Feng Yuren, Xiao Wang from the driver class, and Xiao Cao from the secretary department helped me tidy up my room for a long time, and I thought Invite them to to get in touch with their feelings. I never thought about it, I was not familiar with the situation, so I took the three of them to a black shop for dinner. The four of us almost blocked a few green-skinned hooligans in the town. After a meal, I had no choice but to take the money and accept the slaughter. Tell me, I am so unfamiliar with the situation in Yushan, I can go to the black shop for a meal, how can I be responsible for so much work what"

Listening to Shen Huai's words, Gao Yang and several deputy magistrates looked at each other.

Gao Yang asked Feng Yumei: "Director Feng, what happened yesterday and how did you take care of the life of Magistrate Shen?"

Feng Yumei introduced what happened last night in detail, and Gao Yang's face turned pale.

No matter what Shen Huai meant when he brought this matter out at this time, as a county standing committee member and executive deputy county magistrate, he was slaughtered by a hack shop in the county seat on the first day of his appointment as a new official. How can there be light

Gao Yang tapped on the table and said, "I've heard some reactions to this situation before, but I haven't paid much attention to it, but I didn't expect it to be so rampant that we have to work together to rectify it."

"The county magistrate Gao," Shen Huai asked, "to jointly rectify this chaos, what departments do we need to do?"

Gao Yang glanced at Shen Huai and said, "The departments of industry and commerce, taxation, public security, and urban construction must work together and contact Dongyu Town to eradicate these black shops."

"I didn't know what work I could do in Yushan before. Since this happened to me, it would be inappropriate for me to stand by and watch. I took the initiative to ask you to fight with Magistrate Gao, and I will take charge of this matter, Gao County. Sir, what do you think?" Shen Huai asked.

Only then did Feng Yumei understand why Shen Huai had to endure until this time after being deliberately slaughtered yesterday. 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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