Steel Tycoon Reborn

Chapter 407: back to Beijing

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Although the city has not made any disciplinary decision for the time being, everyone's eyes are still fixed on this matter. Everyone knows that things cannot pass silently.

Before Shen Huai finally left the venue, the public questioning and provocation of Tan Qiping was still so loud that it was quietly spread in private.

Tan Qiping gave such a severe question, he really wanted to let things pass so quietly, and then the opposition he encountered in Donghua would definitely be higher and higher, and it might even make Donghua's situation completely out of the way. his control.

Shen Huai handled the matter at hand, and hurried back to Yanjing to hold an emergency board meeting, and decided to shut down the old iron smelting plant with outdated equipment and next to Xinmei Xincun; invest 20 million in the old iron smelting plant. On the old site of the company, a new group office and research institute building will be constructed.

At the same time, Shen Huai further adjusted the internal personnel structure of Meigang.

At the Meigang Group level, he firstly elected Sun Yalin, Hu Shuwei, and Zhao Dong as directors, Guo Quan as vice chairman, Zhao Dong as the general manager of the group, and Zhao Zhimin as the deputy general manager of the group. The first factory is a branch of the group, without the legal status of duli, and is directly controlled by the group, and Xu Wendao is appointed as the general manager.

The second factory is a subsidiary of the group, with the status of a duli legal person, and there are other institutions such as the general meeting of shareholders and the board of directors. In addition to the 20 shares held by Meigang Group, Sun Yalin, Song Hongjun, Zhou Jia, Hu Yiliang, Zhu Li, Yang Haipeng and others who are hidden behind the three investment and financing platforms of Zhongxin Investment, Hongji Investment and Zhujiang Investment are the second The real controller of the factory is Sun Yalin as the largest shareholder.

Shen Huai resigned as the chairman of the second factory, Sun Yalin took over, Zhao Dong and Pan Cheng served as general managers and deputy general managers.

This basically ensures that even if Shen Huai has a short-term turbulence in his career, it will not affect the normal operation of Meigang.

Donghua did not have a flight to Yanjing, and Shen Huai was not in a hurry to rush to Xucheng to take a plane, but directly chose to take the train north in Donghua.

In 1995, without going through Xucheng, Donghua also had a direct passenger line to Yanjing. It's just one green leather car every day. It takes about 20 hours to walk through Guanyun, go north from the gap in the middle of Yuling Mountain, and pass through Xinyi and other places.

Shen Huai explained some affairs, and there was no urgent matter to deal with in a short period of time, and nothing was taken lightly. Another place where he was not particularly worried about the outcome of this trip to Yanjing, he had the idea of ​​​​being at ease when he came, and Shao Zheng and Chen Tong accompanied him on the train to the north.

They set off from Donghua on the afternoon of the 7th, spent almost a day and a night on the train, and arrived at Yanjing South Railway Station at noon on the 8th; Chu Qiang and Song Hongjun rushed to the train station at the same time to pick them up.

In the past few days in Yanjing, the weather was hazy and cold. The square in front of the station was wide open. The cold wind was like a knife.

Although the heating in Yanjing has been supplied, the dry and cold climate is far less comfortable than in the south. Song Hongjun has been in Hong Kong all the time, but who knows that this time is no trivial matter, the old man has not been so serious for many years. The junior went back to Beijing to talk.

Song Hongjun couldn't guess what the consequences of this conversation would be. He couldn't bear to stay in Hong Kong to wait for news, and simply rushed back to Yanjing to see what happened.

After Chen Bing formally established the Beijing Investment Corporation in Yanjing, Chu Qiang was transferred from the municipal government to Yanjing to serve as the assistant to the general manager for Chen Bing, and came to Yanjing to accumulate his resume and experience.

"You are really capable of causing trouble." Seeing that Shen Huai had his hands in his coat pockets, and the luggage was held by Shao Zheng and Chen Tong, he came out of the station with a relaxed face, and Song Hongjun could not bear it. He couldn't help laughing bitterly and asked, "You have to make trouble with Tan Qiping to the point of being insoluble.

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: Xianxia World Network

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, this time things may not be in your favor. "

"The old man has this attitude too" Shen Huai asked.

"What kind of attitude do you want the old man to have?" Song Hongjun asked, "I have dinner with Hong Qi and Hong Yi at noon, and the old man can't wait to stab us with chopsticks, as if we broke out of this disaster, you just wait. Let's go to the training. At the dinner table today, my aunt and my father had already had a quarrel. No one would let anyone else. The old man was so anxious that he threw his chopsticks. "

"Look, Hongmen Banquet, you have to force me to come over," Shen Huai said to Shao Zheng and Chen Tong, "You and Chu Qiang go to Chen Bing, have fun in Yanjing these two days, it's best not to do anything. This time, I am also a mud bodhisattva crossing the river, and I can't protect myself, if anything happens to you, I can't help you get down."

Seeing that Shen Huai didn't take the old man's possible reprimands seriously, Song Hongjun had nothing to do with him, and said: "You are a dead pig and you are not afraid of boiling water, I will obey you. You should go back with me first, there is waiting there. What about three tribunals?"

"No matter how bad the situation is, it will still be worse than when I was alone in Donghua three years ago. If the old man dislikes me, he will still dislike me three years ago." Shen Huai asked Song Hongjun with a smile.

Song Hongjun thought about it too, even if the Song family wanted to give Tan Qiping an explanation, it might hurt Shen Huai to show that he was fair and selfless to his own children, but it was impossible to hurt him and maim him.

Shen Huai started from scratch, and if he can toss the world out today, he will also be afraid of a little setback.

One more, back one, back two, but not three, this time Shen Huai will make more concessions, and next time he will grab Tan Qiping's handle and fight back fiercely, in order to hold the truth.

Shao Zheng, Chen Tong and Chu Qiang went to the Donghua Hotel, and Shen Huai took Song Hongjun's car directly to the old house.

In the car, Shen Huai knew from Song Hongjun's mouth that his aunt and his father had been arguing the most about him, but the others were mostly silent, but the silence of the others just showed that they made a scene at the venue and slapped Tan Qiping in the face. His views are divided, and he is no longer the same as in the past, who single-mindedly believes that he is wrong.

This is a good sign and a sign that he needs it.

Others still have things in their hands, so they won't stay in the mansion and wait for Shen Huai to come over, but Song Wenhui and Song Bingsheng made a special trip back to Yanjing for Shen Huai's affairs. At this time, there was no other place to go, so they stayed in the mansion and accompanied The old man was waiting for Shen Huai to come over.

Around noon, after arguing at the dinner table once, and seeing Shen Huai walking into the yard after Song Hongjun, Song Bingsheng couldn't say a lesson for a while. Song Bingsheng also thought about the matter of hanging up the phone with Shen Huai three times in a row the day before yesterday, for fear that this wicked man would lose his temper and would not be able to control him.

Seeing his father standing in the yard, Shen Huai also turned his head away.

Song Wenhui listened to the movement in the yard, walked out of the back room, looked at Shen Huai's simple rucksack, and asked, "Why did you come back by train? You said that you went back to Yanjing yesterday, and you thought you would take a plane. I'll be wrong too, and I'll be back yesterday."

"I plan to rest for a while before working again. I have plenty of time, so I didn't want to rush to Xucheng to take a plane back," Shen Huai said, "I forgot to tell you that I came back by train."

Song Wenhui looked at Shen Huai suspiciously, knowing that he had many tricks and couldn't completely believe what he said, and said, "The old man is taking a nap, you must be tired after a day and a night on the train, go take a shower and then talk about it. ."

Although it was not a weekend, there was no direct flight from Donghua to Yanjing, but Shen Huai first went to Xucheng by car, and then flew back to Yanjing from Xucheng. In this way, he spends only six or seven hours on the road before and after, which is much faster than taking the train one day and one night.

However, Shen Huai knew that my sister-in-law and his father would rush back to participate in the quarrel this time. He came back early, just in time to hit the muzzle, and he might give Doutou an aggressive lesson when he arrived in Yanjing.

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Rebirth of the Steel Tycoon 00 Novel, please remind netizens: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. 00 novel recommended reading: Xianxia World Network

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He didn't want to be trapped in Yanjing as soon as he returned, so he deliberately blurred the time when he returned to Yanjing, tricked his sister-in-law and his father to come back first, let them argue and quarrel first, and consume their energy first. Now his father looks at him. The appearance of being too lazy to talk to him is exactly what Shen Huai wants to see, save trouble

After hearing this, Shen Huai went to the kitchen to find something to eat. Although no one usually accompanies the old man to live in the mansion, there are still several guest rooms in the mansion that are always prepared.

Shen Huai used the excuse of being too tired to take the train, so he went to the room to turn on the hot water and took a comfortable hot bath.

After taking a bath, I heard voices in the living room and looked over. I don't know when his second uncle, Song Qiao, was born, and Song Hongqi followed him and sat in the living room to talk with his father and sister-in-law.

"Shen Huai is back." Song Qiaosheng greeted Shen Huai when he saw Shen Huai sticking out his head, but couldn't see any obvious attitude; Song Hongqi just stared at him twice and said nothing.

"Well, I just got off the train. After sitting on the train for about 20 hours, my bones were hard. I took a bath first. Did he wake up from his nap?" Shen Huai asked.

"I woke up a long time ago," the old man walked over from the Westinghouse in his overcoat, holding a tea cup made from a glass canned bottle in which strong tea was brewed. He walked to the sofa, sat down, and watched Looking at Shen Huai, he asked, "Have you ever thought about how to clean up this mess when you poke the hole out now?"

"Why am I going to clean up the mess, shouldn't it be Tan Qiping who is in a hurry to clean up the mess at this time?" Shen Huai asked rhetorically.

"What's your attitude? How did you talk to grandpa?" Song Bingsheng saw that Shen Huai was still standing in front of the old man with a stubborn and unconcerned appearance, so he became angry and endured for a long time. Still can't help but teach a lesson.

Shen Huai simply sat there without speaking.

Song Bingsheng opened the chatterbox and couldn't keep his mouth shut, but seeing that Shen Huai's attitude at this time was still honest, he continued to teach him a lesson:

"When will you be able to mature, when will you be able to have some brains before poking the When will you be able to take a long-term view and consider the overall situation first in everything you are making such a fuss, you have lost your temper, you are trying You've lost your prestige, but you thought you didn't need to clean up the mess you left behind. You're comfortable, prestige, and happy, but this mess still needs us to clean up for you and wipe your ass. You don't have to work for a year or a half. , I hope you can understand some basic rules and regulations. You think that you can rely on your status as a son of the Song family, you can really do things, you can do things, you don't need to know how much you have. When can you let me Just like Hong Qi, tell everyone to be less mindful. Do you know that there are countless people staring at our Song family, wishing that something went wrong in our Song family, so that they would laugh at you. If you don’t plan to develop well in your career, then don’t do it at all. If you don't, you will obey me honestly. If you are so rambunctious, you will commit crimes at any time. Do you still expect anyone to promote you and use you in the future?"

Facing the powerful questioning from his father, Shen Huai calmly retorted:

"If sophistication means maturity, if tact means having brains, if timidity means taking a long-term view, and if everything works according to the so-called rules, it means thinking about the big picture, I really am not good enough. Before the so-called rules, we must first have principles, perseverance, responsibility, and even more temper.”

The **** opened his mouth to debate, where there was any gesture of admitting his mistake, Song Bing was so angry that his face was flushed, and he was so angry that he would scold him when he rolled up his sleeves.

"Clap", the old man patted the table beside him, stared at his fourth son Song Bingsheng, and said a lesson, "I called Shen Huai back, you have to teach him a lesson, if you have the ability, take him to Xu Cheng to teach him a lesson. It’s not over, why don’t you sit down and have a good conversation?” 00 Novel Network collects and organizes, and the copyright belongs to the author or publisher.

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